Disclaimers: I don't say they're mine. Let's not say 'lawsuit' while
we're at it.
AN: The title means "Blind Love."
Mousse rolled over in his sleep, throwing off the towel and facing the sunlight streaming in through the window. Squinting, he yawned and stretched- then noticed something was wrong about his body.* Looking down at himself in shock, his eyes rolled back into his head and he flopped onto his back with a strangled sound.
Ranma arched his eyebrow, setting down his tea. "You hear something fall upstairs, Ryoga?"
Ryoga looked up from his tea, listening. "What sound?"
"The one upstairs? It sounded like something fell... You hear it?"
Ryoga gave Ranma a 'duh' look before standing up. "No, I didn't. Moron. Let's go and check. Mousse is probably awake."
Ranma followed Ryoga up the stairs, punching him in the butt on the way. "I'm not a moron..."
Reaching the door, Ryoga pulled it open, only to jump back with a bloody nose, slamming the door behind him. Ranma, shocked and curious, pushed Ryoga out of the way, sliding the door open an inch, eyes going wide.
Mousse, spread eagle, naked.
His reaction was a bit different from Ryoga's, all of his blood rushing to a different organ. Composing himself, he entered the room and covered Mousse up, albeit a little sadly. Ryoga, certain the coast was clear, entered as well. Both boys kneeled beside Mousse's unconscious form, looking down worriedly at the pale boy.
"Mousse, you alright?" Ranma gently shook his shoulder, but got no response. He shook a little bit harder. "MOUSSE!"
"DAMMIT!" Ryoga fell back, clutching his chest. "Will ya warn me before you do that!?"
Ranma blushed, rubbing the back of his head, when Mousse bolted upright, staring in front of him, looking a little dazed. Turning his gaze from first Ranma then to Ryoga, Mousse went back into hysterics, flailing his arms and crying.
Sighing in irritation, Ryoga grabbed Mousse's shoulders and held him still, forcing Mousse to meet his eyes. "Mousse, will you please calm down!? What's the matter with you!?"
Mousse only sniffled, making a sound resembling a quack. In an act that set Ryoga's nose off again, Mousse lunged forward, bowling him over, the full length of his naked body pinning Ryoga. Ranma, tearing himself away from the yummy image, finally leapt to Ryoga's 'aid' and helped Mousse off, holding him tightly to his chest.
"Th-this isn't right! Something is definitely wrong, here!"
Ranma nodded, turning an unsure gaze to Mousse, who shivered in his arms, crying softly. Ranma patted his head reassuringly, murmuring softly to Mousse, pressing his lips to the top of his head.
"Shampoo's definitely done something..." Ranma said, still comforting Mousse.
"And I don't think she'll be any help, either." Ryoga added, picking himself off the floor. Walking over to the closet, he took out some clothes and returned to Ranma's side.
About an hour later, Mousse was dressed and seated at the dining room table between a very disheveled Ranma and Ryoga. Since Mousse appeared to be uninterested in tea, he was given bread to keep him quiet and still.
"Mousse, please use your hands..." Ryoga asked lamely, sipping his tea.
"Ah, leave him alone. He's happy, I'm happy, we're all happy..." Ranma returned, swishing his tea absently.
"Quack!" Mousse yelled happily, munching on chunks of bread. 'This is soooo good! Who knew it would taste so much better when it's dry?'
Ranma and Ryoga traded guarded glances with each other.
"I don't think he's fooling with us, Ranma."
"Me neither..." Ranma leaned on his hand, thinking. 'If he's lost his marbles, we're going to have to help him get back to sane. Er, what approximates sane, for him...'
"I guess we had better start getting him to remember who he is." Ryoga mumbled, watching Mousse contentedly eating bread. Almost out and afraid it would cause a scene, Ryoga produced another piece and laid it before him.
"You know he won't eat it unless it's torn into pieces..." Ranma scolded, tearing the bread up.
"Ranma, you're not helping!" Ryoga sighed, crossing his arms. "Where to even begin..."
Ranma blinked, thinking. Getting an idea, he turned to Mousse. "Mousse, say my name." Mousse blinked at him a few times before returning his attention to his bread. "No, Mousse." Ranma took the bread away, waving it in front of Mousse's face. Looking more irritated than weepy, Ranma took it as a good sign. "Mousse, say my name. Say, 'Ranma.'"
"Fer chrissakes, Ranma, he's not a parrot."
"Parrot. Duck. Whatever. Say 'Ranma,' Mousse."
Ranma continued the command, keeping the bread out of an angering Mousse. Just when Ryoga was about to beat Ranma over the head, Mousse lunged for the bread. "RANMA, GIVE!" Snatching the bread and retreating to a corner, Mousse watched with suspicious eyes as he quickly ate the bread before it could be stolen again. 'Moron.'
Ranma, for his part, looked very proud of himself. "See, I knew it would work!" He beamed at Ryoga, who only shook his head.
"He obviously can think, so if we can just get him to realize that-"
"Ryoga, more." Mousse crawled over, holding out his hand.
Blinking, Ryoga handed him another piece. "Will you be nice?"
Mousse nodded. "Mousse, good."
Ranma groaned. 'This is going to take forever...'
A few days later, Ranma and Ryoga looked haggard, laying in exhausted bundles on the floor as Mousse fluttered around the room, saying the name of everything he touched.
"Window!" Mousse beamed, then ran to another wall. "Door!"
"I'm so sick of this... how long until he's not psycho anymore?" Ranma whined, squeezing his palms against his head, trying to block out the happy tittering.
After naming everything in the room and feeling very proud of himself, Mousse plopped down next to his comatose friends. After he was certain they were only odd looking and not harmful, he relaxed around them, doing the silly things they asked of him, just to be agreeable.
Smiling happily, he poked Ryoga in the forehead. "Bandanna!"
"Good boy." Ranma ground out, clapping slowly. "Give him a prize."
Ryoga elbowed Ranma roughly and sat up, drawing Mousse's eyes to his own. 'Oh Mousse... why don't you just snap out of it? I can't stand seeing you like this...' Sighing sadly, Ryoga dropped his head into his hands. He was utterly exhausted; days of re-teaching Mousse how to talk, how to eat, how to dress, how to bathe himself. The last two had been the sources of very much bleeding, and very much laughter as Mousse proudly announced himself ready, underwear on his head, pants around his shoulders, shirt barely covering his privates.
It wasn't all fun and games, though, as yesterday Ranma did a Peter Pan off the roof to save Mousse from breaking his neck. It was a lot easier to remind Mousse of his humanity than it was to break him of his bird-like tendencies.
"Why are you sad, Ryoga?" Mousse inquired, patting Ryoga's shoulder comfortingly.
'Oh, if only you knew what you're doing... Ranma was right about you being pretty. Unfortunately, now you're criminally stupid. Hm. Reminds me of Shampoo...' Realizing Mousse was expecting an answer, Ryoga shook his head. "It's nothing. I'm taking a bath..."
Interest perked, Ranma sat up. "Me too!" Ryoga looked over his shoulder, saying nothing, but smiling slightly. In all this time, he and Ryoga had had no time to play, and Ranma couldn't take it anymore. Ryoga turned him on, Mousse turned him on, even as air-headed as he was, lately, and he had no qualms about begging Ryoga for some relief.
Ryoga obviously was thinking along the same line as he angled his head toward the bathroom door. "See ya there, Ranma."
'Oh, I love it when he sounds seductive...'
Mousse stood up, beaming. "Me too!"
Ryoga tripped and fell on his face, while Ranma rushed to Mousse's side, turning him away from the bedroom door. "No, Mousse, I have a better idea. Why don't you go into the kitchen, and name things. Sound like fun?" Ranma groaned internally as Mousse nodded emphatically. 'Well, he's easy to please.'
Mousse ran down the hall, yelling "Picture! Door! Window! Stairs!" along the way. Once he was out of hearing range, Ranma helped Ryoga to his feet, and they made their way to the bathroom.
Ryoga sighed as he slipped into the hot water, his eyes sliding shut as he sank up to his nose.
"You know," Ranma commented as he disrobed. "We could still get Mousse in here. Don't you think it would be fun?" He winked.
Ryoga spluttered. After coughing out the water he had inhaled, he glared at Ranma, who feigned innocence. "Ranma, that's not funny."
"I know." Ranma smiled and slid into the bath, still smirking in a way that said he didn't. "What's the matter, not up to taking advantage of tall, dark, and dumb?"
"Ranma, be nice!" Ryoga pouted as Ranma dipped his head underwater. "It's not his fault." 'And it would be taking advantage of him... He's not in his right mind.' The niggling urge to humor the idea of Mousse joining them banished completely, Ryoga relaxed back into the heat.
Ranma resurfaced, flinging water droplets from his hair. "Besides, can you imagine it?" Imitating the blank look that never managed to leave Mousse's face, Ranma pointed to Ryoga's crotch. "Dick!"
Ryoga blushed, growled, and pushed Ranma's head underwater. After the thrashing had calmed a bit, Ryoga let Ranma up, keeping his face close to gain the optimum effect of his glare.
Ranma sweat dropped, laughing nervously before leaning forward to kiss Ryoga lightly on the nose. Finding the effect on Ryoga pleasurable, Ranma continued kissing along his cheekbones and down his neck, sucking on the dip between his collarbones. Ryoga groaned appreciatively and carded his fingers through Ranma's hair.
Ranma continued lower, sucking on a nipple, while his hands below the surface of the water grew more industrious. Soon, Ryoga's moans reverberated off the walls, amplified as he gasped and cried out at Ranma's skilled ministrations.
With his other hand, Ranma reached between his thighs and spread himself, slipping fingers inside and stretching his muscles. Adequately stretched and unable to wait any longer, Ranma held himself above Ryoga's thick shaft, and lowered himself slowly. Ryoga bared his teeth, fangs peeking over his bottom lip as he grasped Ranma's hips and eased him down. Ranma's head back, he massaged Ryoga's upper arms, gasping his lover's name as his rear his Ryoga's thighs.
Sitting still for a few moments to adjust, Ranma shifted his hips forward, sliding Ryoga's member deeper into himself, striking his prostate and tearing a moan from him. Ryoga gasped encouragement as he squeezed Ranma's rear, pumping deeper and deeper into the tight heat, picking up the pace.
After so long of being apart, then being unable to do anything, Ranma felt orgasm swiftly approaching and clenched down on Ryoga's cock. Ryoga choked on a cry and arched his back. Ranma leaned down and bit down onto his bared throat. Using the leverage, Ranma slammed himself down, rubbing his own weeping cock furiously. Cries reaching a peak, Ryoga came, spilling his seed deep inside Ranma's quivering body, as it clamped down and Ranma's own orgasm tore through him, spattering his seed all over Ryoga's chest.
Kneeling over Ryoga, his softening cock still buried deep inside, Ranma rocked with the aftershocks, laving Ryoga's neck with his tongue as he recovered.
He heard a gasp and nibbled on the mouthful of flesh he held between his teeth. Ryoga's body tensed beneath him.
"Ready for another round?" Ranma asked between gulps of air and mouthfuls of flesh.
Ryoga shook his head, eyes wide and trained on the door. Ranma turned his head and saw Mousse sitting in the doorway, looking dazed.
"Mousse?" Ranma's voice wavered as he reached a hand out towards his shocked friend.
Ryoga plugged up his bleeding nose, his head falling back onto the edge
of the tub. 'Oh no.'
* Call me crazy, but birds have brains the size of a beer nut- I don't think they have a very good memory...
Mousse- You're calling me stupid, aren't you...
Ryoga- With a head as big as yours, there's no way your brain is that
::Mousse glares and Ryoga sweats::