Birds of a Feather: Chapter 8
By Theodoric of York and Wardell Clark.
Warning: NO PORTION of this work may be REPRODUCED FOR SALE for any purpose. DC Comics retains full copyright to Superman, Wonder woman and the other characters mentioned here and John Norman retains full copyright to the planet and society of Gor. Birds of a Feather contains explicit sex and violence, including scenes of rape and torture. This story is not for anyone under the age of consent in their jurisdiction to read such sexually explicit material.
Authors Notes: This is the conclusion of an ongoing series melding John Normans World of Gor with DC Comics heroes and heroines. At the end of Chapter Seven is a thorough glossary of terms, places and recurring characters. If you find yourself completely baffled by Gorean customs, terms, or politics you should try reading the series in order: (1) A Cat and a Fiddle [by Theodoric of York], (1a) The Cat and the Shackles. (1b) Under the Shadow of the Bat (2) Diana and the Ubar (3) The Princess and the Mercenary [all by Wardell Clark.] In these earlier works Catwoman, Batgirl, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Wonder Girl fall prey to Kurri interplanetary slavers. Selina Kyle escaped to become a legendary Gorean outlaw until Batman came to Gor to re-enslave her. Barbara Gordon wound up as Scully, the abject slave of Mulkar, an agent of the Priest Kings. Kara Zor-El endured years of traumatizing captivity before Batman and Selina freed her. Princess Diana escaped from degrading slavery to a power-mad Ubar only to be recaptured and brought to the Sardar where her memories were altered in a failed effort to make her a docile slave. She escaped by killing her lover/jailor and was at large when Birds of a Feather began. Troia wound up in the hands of the Ubar from whom Diana escaped and was tortured for her sisters crimes.
Lois Lane and photographer Morgan Croft fell into a trap and were raped, and kidnapped by Gorean interplanetary slavers along with a runaway nicknamed Pikachu. Supergirl was admitted to Arkham Asylum for treatment. When Batman and Superman visit Supergirl to arrange for her release, they quarrel about the practice of slavery and Lois prospects of resisting being broken into a submissive as Supergirl was. Meanwhile, Diana took up with a Gorean warrior from Tyros in hopes of rescuing her sister from the clutches of Gors most sadistic ruler, Lurius of Jad, the Ubar of the Empire of Cos. Supergirl submitted herself as a slave to Superman who is brought to Gor by the Priest Kings agent Mulkar to rescue Lois and Wonder Woman.
Clark cannot read the local language, so Kara entraps a free woman scribe into slavery, then entraps a slaver as well. However Clark frees Lady Monica only to have her persuade him to accept her as a Free Companion and Guide. Diana escapes from the warrior with the intention of learning to become a pony slave. She then murders that owner and briefly returns to the Northern Forests where she lets herself be captured and sold yet again, this time to a peasant. Meanwhile, Lois becomes engaged in a battle of wits and Wills with Arbus, a master slave trainer. Morgan, now renamed Cricket, displays great potential as a Pony slave racer and is sold. Pikachu becomes beloved as a story-telling kettle girl, but makes a dangerous enemy in the ex-Nazi Martin. Martin reveals to Lois and Arbus that there is a conspiracy to use Superman to help kill Wonder Woman.
Lady Monica pressed her body against Clarks as he lay by the fire watching Kara and Justina doing their chores. They, at least, were completely contented. It had been a long day of pressing forward to the Northern Forests. Soon they would be in the territory of the Larl Woman, as Wonder Woman was now being called on Gor.
They were headed Northward after six frustrating weeks visiting every town and city on or north of the Vosk and Olni Rivers. Monica had been invaluable in this hunt, using her contacts to search for some evidence of Lois. They had met with fellow slavers who dealt with freshly caught barbarians but none so far had been able to give any useful information. All they were able to provide were some very beautiful look-alikes of Lois and the opportunity for him to buy them at a fair price. What was worse, Clark found that he was a little bit tempted.
He also found it irksome that he was so thoroughly enjoying both owning and using Kara and Justina. That practice would have to stop when he got back to Earth. So would his recent practice of musing about what Lois and Diana would look like as collared slaves; especially Diana.
Superman had never seen the Princess of the Amazons nude, and he wondered what she might look like kneeling at his feet with the same contented look on her face that Karas now possessed. He pondered what it would be like for Diana to do simple chores like Kara. When he and Supergirl made love, he would sometimes allow himself to wonder what it would be like to have Wonder Woman squirming underneath him.
The frequency of those musings made him wonder if sexual desire was the true reason his party was now heading to the territory of the Larl Woman. He kept telling himself that the Northern Forests and its bordering towns and cities were the only places with firm reports of one of the two objects of his mission on Gor. He reminded himself that Dianas safety was a greater priority than Loiss freedom.
As the Larl Woman of Gor, she had left a bloody trail from Cos to the forests and powerful forces were massing against her; she was very much in danger. That was good reason for his trek into the north, but he could not but help but worry that his decision was not at least partially because he yearned to have Diana's perfect body, with its firm yet soft breasts, pressed intimately against his.
Clark felt Lady Monicas own breasts press against him as his free companion she slid her thighs over his hips. As she mounted herself on him she murmured, "Kara is right. You are the man of steel. Is there no wearing you out?!"
He answered, "Lois could, sometimes!"
She responded, "Then I will redouble my efforts." She started to thrust herself up and down his pole at a faster rate. He did not stop her or help her. He had learned from painful experience that if he was much more than passive when making love to human women he could do grave damage to their bodies. That was one reason that he missed Lois. They knew each other's bodies so well that he could be a little more active in their love making.
That was what he found so fantastic about fucking Supergirl. With Kara he could actually fuck the way a man was supposed to fuck a woman. He could pump and thrust and Kara would revel in it. He loved it, too. It was not that he did not also enjoy what Lady Monica was doing to him, but it was refreshing to use a woman the way normal men would. He figured that he could use Diana that way, too. She was tough enough to take it.
For all the years he had known Wonder Woman, he had been attracted to the Amazon in much the way he had been attracted to any attractive woman. At times, he had felt lust for her unattainable body. Yet she had always been just that, unattainable. Here on Gor he was beginning to picture her in a whole new way. The idea of the gorgeous Diana walking with the uninhibited grace that Kara and her sister kajiri found so natural on this planet was intriguing, to say the least.
Even more intriguing were the rumors that the Larl Woman had undergone the training of a pleasure slave. They made him wonder whether or not Diana could ever go back to being Wonder Woman when she returned to Earth. Nor was Superman absolutely certain he would be able to give up Kara when they returned. He even found himself toying with the idea of keeping Kara tucked away as his private slave in the Fortress of Solitude.
He felt terribly guilty about those thoughts, but he was the only one who felt that way. After short observation, Lady Monique assured him that Kara had a natural slaves personality. She could only be happy as a slave girl and it was a crime against nature to treat her as anything else. Kara and Justina certainly seemed to be blossoming in their slavery under Lady Monicas strict tutelage. They actually relished being under the discipline of one who understood how slaves should be treated.
The only one who seemed unsure about that arrangement was the Lady Monica herself. She confessed that there seemed something wrong to her about a free woman being too wanton with her body. From time to time, she even confessed that she wished to Clark would again place the collar around her so that she could be more at ease in their lovemaking. Other times, she expressed the desire that their free companionship might continue after the one-year time period that they agreed to.
Monica truly believed that, if and when they found her, Lois would be truly ruined for freedom. Clarks former earth wife would just become another of Clark's harem and the free companionship of Lady Monica of Thentis and Clark of Kent would continue indefinitely. She certainly wanted to continue this experiment of just how much sex a free woman could enjoy. The results thus far were very encouraging.
Suddenly Monicas eyes grew wide and her body started jerking as his sperm shot into her womb. She felt her body lifting by the force of the fluid as it pumped into her womb. Even though she experienced this sensation more than once a day, she had yet to get used to it. It was if she were riding a fountain inside her womb. The sharp discomfort never failed to give her the most satisfying orgasm. She had never felt anything like it, with men or women.
She pulled herself off his still hard cock, admitting defeat; she was too exhausted to continue to please her man any more. Fortunately, she was not without resources to do so. She looked up and uttered the word, "Justina."
That was all it took. The new slave was immediately seductively slithering out of her short tunic, without even looking behind her to see what her mistress wanted. She knew that in a very short time she too would be impaled on her Master's magnificent cock.
On all fours, Justina crawled backwards so that her Master might get a good look at her ass. She was beginning to understand what turned Clark on. He also liked how she wiggled her ass and jiggled her mammaries as she did so. Justina looked over her shoulder, smiling joyfully.
As Justina neared her master, Lady Monica got up to position her. Monica knelt in front of her and gently grabbed her shoulders so that she could guide her. Monica lifted up Justinas hands and pressed herself breast-to-breast with her current slave and former friend. She guided Justina back onto Clark's pole.
As Justina's vagina expanded to accommodate her Master's cock, Monique could feel the pressure and heat of the slave. Monique pressed her own clit against Clarks love pole and joined Justina's downward motion. The two girls became as one as they coordinated their movements together. As Justina started to thrust herself up and down, Monica could feel Justina's breasts and body pressing and rubbing against her own. They locked their mouths together and their tongues invaded each other's orifices. Clark reached around to guide the pairs movements as their undulating bodies moved up and down the length of his steel-hard erection. As he filled Justina' to her womb he thought, "Forgive me Lois!"
Justina climaxed, but the friction of her love tunnel generated was not enough to bring off Clark, after she came a second time he lifted the two women from his cock and then grabbed for Kara. He rolled the delighted girl onto her back. She cried happily, "Master!" as he entered her. Most men would not have thought the missionary position that special, but for Clark it was erotic forbidden fruit. He loved to feel Kara's breasts flattened against him and her thighs stretched wide around his hips as he thrust himself in and out of her.
His thoughts again drifted to Diana and the rumors that she had been trained as a pleasure slave. He could not help but consider what it would be like to have that Amazon underneath him, her considerably talented mind working on ways to bring him off. Lost in the fantasy and the ecstasy of Supergirls talented trained pussy milking his now hypersensitive staff, he found himself crying, "Diana!" as they reached orgasm together.
Kara snuggled against her master happily. Things were working out better than she planned. Clearly, her master was seeing her more as a happy slave than as a poor girl victimized by brutish men. He was already beginning to think about Diana as a slave also. With some good luck, Diana would be joining his coffle soon. The only thing that worried her was that her master still stubbornly saw Lois as nothing but his wife.
* * * *
Silvia frowned with disgust as she slipped to feeding tube down Pikachu's mouth. There was nothing Pikachu could do about it. Her hands, head, and ankles were shackled to posts in such a way that she was stretched and unable to move. It was a fairly simple task to insert the feeding tube between her resisting jaws. Sylvia said, "I don't know why you bother. These futile antics are giving you nothing but pain."
Pikachu tried to avert her eyes. What this senior slave was saying was obviously true and she certainly did not enjoy being fed by a feeding tube; it was painful and humiliating. Besides, up until that night with Martin she had been quite happy being a slave. She had been content to work hard scrubbing pots and pans for the rest of her life. She was even fond of Arbus and Rollo and so she had tried very hard to serve them well. She had certainly been contemptuous of the silly earth girls earlier hunger strike. Yet now she experienced having slave gruel forced down her throat once again.
As Sylvia removed the feeding tube from Pikachu's mouth, she commented, "If you are waiting for an apology you are wasting your time! They would allow you to starve to death before they would do so!"'
Pikachu asked, "So why don't they?"
"So why don't they what?" asked Sylvia.
"Why don't they let me starve? I cannot be worth that much. All I will ever be is a damaged kettle girl."
Suddenly Pikachu's cheek stung from a forceful slap. Sylvia hissed, "You know why! If they allowed you to starve you would have won! The only acceptable outcome to this impasse is your complete and abject surrender! This will go on until you do!"
Pikachu answered meekly, "I know, but why? I am just a worthless slut."
"Worthless!" exclaimed Sylvia, "Rollo almost threw away his life because of you!"
Pikachu looked at her for a moment and then moaned, "No! Why?"
"Martin wishes to own you so that he can break your will and body. And then things will get worse for you. I can see it in his eyes. The way you have been acting, Arbus might decide that you are not worth the trouble and sell you to him. Rollo will object and he will be killed."
Pikachu wept, "Please tell him not to do such a foolish thing. I am not worth it! I beg you!"
Sylvia answered, "On Gor there are consequences to your actions. Rollo has been very kind to you. If you have any pity in your heart you will stop this hunger strike!"
Suddenly a voice roared from the doorway. "Sylvia, I have been quite tolerant of you. I am still young and you know better how to run this establishment than even Arbus, but I will not allow you to intercede on my behalf. Pikachu will end her hunger strike when she wants to. She will not end it to save me. I will not be beholden to a slave, nor do I need a slave to protect me. Honor does not allow it!" Rollo strode into the room. With one gesture he stripped the tunic from Sylvia. She quivered in fear until she received two powerful blows from a five-stranded whip. Afterwards, she simply whimpered her pleas for forgiveness and promise of repentance.
Ignoring the weeping girl, Rollo next began to unlock the shackles holding Pikachu. She begged, "I will eat!"
He picked her up and gently cradled her small body against his massive chest. He answered, "Of course you will, but not now."
Pikachu cried, "What are you planning to do with me?"
He answered, "I am taking you to the Paga tavern. I want to see you smile again. Then I will allow you to eat."
* * * *
Cricket cursed the fact that her current owner, Lady Viveena of Port Cos was a slut in private but a complete prude in public. Every one of her silk slaves was well built in every possible way. Her Mistresss male slaves combined strength, size and stamina with certified expertise in the sensual arts. Yet to Crickets perpetual torment they and every other man in Viveenas household was prohibited from so much as touching Cricket. Much of the fun of being a pony girl was gone, and that was making Cricket increasingly unhappy.
Cricket's previous owner had been very different from Lady Viveena, but his ownership had also been frustrating for a woman whose natural instinct was to try to use her beauty and passion as levers to control those around her. Because he was short, fat and remarkably ugly, the slave who had once been Morgan Croft had assumed that the wealthy man who purchased her would be easily manipulated by beauty. But Mintar hadnt coveted Arbuss Cricket as a woman. When he assessed her he was thinking only of the profit she would bring him as an animal he could breed for the next generation of ponygirls.
To Crickets dismay, Mintar turned out to be a man so surrounded by female beauty he hardly noticed it any more. The flame-haired passion slave, who was their masters usual choice for sex, oozed more sexuality out of every pore of her body than Earths finest porno queens. The half-oriental Geisha with the very western-sized hips and breasts was so supremely feminine that the pony slave felt like a boy with boobs when in her presence. Each of the other stunningly lovely slave girls serving as Mintars body slaves was also superior to Cricket/Morgan in appearance, expertise, and demeanor. Except to assure himself that his orders were being carried out, Mintar never looked a second time at the barbarian kajira called Cricket.
Cricket wasnt purchased to run races; her master had purchased her for the sale value of her future daughters. Mintar traveled between his various enterprises, and his new pony came with him, racing and winning in every town and city between Ar and the southern city of Kasra. Some of the races were close, but that was because Morgan had noticed that the sex was better if she appeared to have exerted herself fully in order to win. Then one day after a victory in a major derby in Kasra the racing came to a stop. Mintar had decided it was time to reap the rewards of his slaves fame and prowess.
Cricket had been having such a good time when the men of the entourage wanted to use her body that even had the plans been explained to her she would not have objected. Instead, the blazingly fast Pony slave was strapped into a rape wrack and to be impregnated by the winners of the races staged to determine the best potential fathers among Mintars enormous entourage. The beautiful racer was given a fertility drug to induce multiple ovulations then fucked again and again until the pregnancy test indicated she had conceived.
Cricket had loved every bit of the sex. Being bound and gagged and ruthlessly used triggered slave orgasm after slave orgasm. One night during her last week in the House of Arbus, Rollos use had turned out to be an unexpected delight. Her body had gotten used to rough sex by then and she discovered that there was something wildly exciting about being completely physically controlled by your lover and master. That night she had an orgasm so powerful it nearly deprived her of consciousness. The physical pleasure had an emotional dimension she had never before associated with sex. It wasnt love but rather a celebration being a female and owned and powerless.
When she had looked at Rollo with frightened eyes afterwards he had simply chuckled and instructed her to try to keep thinking "I am a girl who is owned" while he leisurely proceeded to lay complete claim to every inch of her body. He was irresistibly possessive and she responded to his Masters Taking by reaching the pinnacle quickly and staying there longer than she thought possible before he pushed her still higher to the same storm of emotions and physical sensations she experienced before.
The following night she found that trying the same trick when in Martins power produced an even deeper and longer lasting state of emotional and physical ecstasy. What had seemed like abuse was now a masters privilege and the tension between pleasure and pain in which he kept her suspended made her wildly aroused. She ended the night shrieking her total submission to his will. She did not understand the Gorean words for slave orgasm, yet by the time they auctioned her, the body that had once been Morgan Croft was animated by the mind and soul of an abject kajira. She was a woman who knew that Gorean men were fully her masters.
On the day she tested positive for pregnancy, the house physician arrived with his special tools. Morgan was given an extract of snake venom that paralyzed her muscles but left her pleasure and pain centers functioning. She lay helplessly on a stone platform while the man tickled her clit to a series of orgasms that left her channel slick with cum. The physician then inserted his equipment up into her cunt and expanded her pussy walls to make room for the further equipment which would suck out her amniotic fluids. The feel of the tools inside her body was both painful and frightening. She feared being torn apart as the man cranked something terrifyingly like the medieval torture instrument called the pear. Yet her very terror and helplessness aroused her as well. When the physician pulled his tools from her body and laid his hand on her loins, Crickets mind exploded in an orgasm of submission.
The embryos harvested were then later carefully separated and were either implanted in other women with broader hips than Crickets or sold outright. Meanwhile, she was given another dose of the drug to induce more ovulation and the process was repeated. In the weeks of Mintars ownership, fourteen women became surrogate mothers for Morgan Crofts progeny. Having extracted from the slave what he wanted, Mintar sold his champion pony slave for 87 Gold Pieces to a wealthy freewoman from Brundisium. He turned a profit of 37 gold pieces
After her sale to Lady Viveena, the awakened slave her Mistress named Cricket became unhappier with each passing day. She was racing again, and training hard, but to Cricket that seemed less important than the fact that she had sexual and emotional needs for men, and a mistress who mocked those needs and took pleasure in treating female slaves cruelly. Cricket didnt really much care about being a racing champion now, her overriding desire was simply to be owned once again by a man who would find her body desirable, as the men of the Houses of Arbus and Mintar had done. She wanted a man willing and able to evoke and accept her sexual submission.
* * * *
Rollo had been taking Pikachu to the Golden Tarn paga tavern for some weeks now. It was quite crowded, as she had become quite a popular attraction. It seemed everyone wanted to hear the latest story she would tell.
She did find that she had to modify her stories somewhat. Only some of the customers were of high caste so she could not use anything of advanced, or Second Knowledge, to the listening Goreans. Furthermore, information about how radios, firearms, and rocket ships worked was prohibited to every Gorean. If the Initiates of the Priest Kings found out she broke either of this rules she could suffer a very painful death. That meant that many stories she wanted to tell were completely off limits. But in some stories she could substitute magic for technology. So the Planet of Jurai became the land of Jurai and space ships became magical flying ships.
The other problem was that her Gorean audience found it difficult to accept certain of Earths social arrangements and morals. They had no problem about Ash owning Pikachu. They did have a problem with Pikachu being male. It seemed more natural that Ash would have a slave girl. Rather than argue the point Pikachu became a slave girl in the stories, as did all the Pokemon. It also bothered many of the slave girls that the duels would be fought between the Pokemon rather than their masters, but since the Pokemon never seemed to hurt their masters or anyone else, it was deemed alright. As a matter of fact, it was deemed that Ash and his companions were doing their world good by capturing wild Pokemon and making them their loyal and loving pets.
Soon Ash and Misty grew older in the stories. People started demanding stories about how Misty became Ash's slave, or Brock's slave, or sometimes Ash's free companion. Jessie always became enslaved and sometime James changed sex and followed her companion into the collar. Of course, the characters in her other stories began to change also.
On this night Pikachus luminous eyes looked at an audience staring at her with rapt attention. "What did Ryoga do?" gasped one of them.
She paused for dramatic effect and then said:
"He looked down at Ranma laughing at him and said, 'You have made me the fool with your feminine body too many times, coming onto me and then laughing. We are no longer Rivals. This time it comes to an end. This time you are mine!'
Ranma answered, 'Yea, that is what you are always saying, prove it!'
Ryoga shouted, 'If I win you will be my slave girl.'
Ranma laughed and answered, 'If I win P-Chan will no longer sleep with Akane, right!"
Ryoga shouted, 'Agreed, you are mine!"
Somebody broke in. "Are they going to fight again? Those two always fight and Ranma always wins."
A sly smile formed on Pikachu's lips. "Ah, but this time it was different.
You see, Ryoga finally learned Ranma's secret. Whenever Ranma lost a fight he studied why he lost and discovered his opponent's weakness. This time it was Ryoga who knew Ranma's weakness. In girl form she was weaker than Ryoga and did not have as much reach. It was true that she was faster in girl form, but Ryogoa had trained to compensate for that. Besides, Ranma had always beaten Ryoga in a dual before; why would Ranma expect that this fight would be any different?
The duel was long and difficult. Ranma tried to continually close with her opponent, but Ryoga continued to use his legs to good effect, delivering blow after blow to Ranma while keeping her own limbs at bay. Slowly Ranma began to panic. If she did not figure out how to get past Ryoga's defences she would lose. Suddenly she jumped back onto a wall to propel herself with such speed and force that Ryoga could not help but avoid her.
Ranma shouted, "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire" as she delivered a series of devastating blows to Ryoga. He gasped, but he did not fall. Instead he used his leg to make his own devastating riposte to her assault, again pushing her to an ineffective distance from him. Again she jumped back to deliver another attack. They both knew that another assault on Ryoga like the last one and he would be through. He was hers.
But this time he jumped forward into her fists. She thought him insane until she realized what he was doing. He reached around her and shouted, "AAAAAHHHHHHH," The wall she was going to shove off of smashed into tiny pieces. With the force she was planning to use to push of the wall Ranma went flying back into the hole that Ryoga had created. She fell on her belly, stunned.
A moment later she recovered, but only to see Ryoga's foot connecting with her jaw. Ranma did a summersault and landed on her back, unconscious!"
Somebody gasped, "Ranma lost?"
Picachu answered, "Yes, Ryoga finally beat Ranma!"
Someone else said, "So what, Ranma sometimes gets beaten but she always wins in the end. He figures out what he did wrong or his opponent's weak spot and then he wins! Next time they fight he will figure out what he did wrong. In this case it was to fight Ryoga as a girl. When she turns back into a male he will destroy Ryoga."
Pikachu asked, "Will he? What makes you think there will be another match? Remember their wager. Ranma is now Ryoga's slave girl."
One of the audience gasped, "Ryoga is not going to hold him to that agreement!"
Pikachu answered:
"That is what she thought when she woke up. Much to her surprise and horror Ryoga held her to the pledge. She could not renege on it, her honor would not allow it! He ordered her to strip out of her tunic and she begged him not make her do that. He said, "Must an order be repeated, Slave?" She slipped her red tunic over her head, revealing her luscious bosom to her master. He ordered her out of her pants and she grew red as he forced her to pose in front of him in various erotic poses.
Ranma swore Ryoga would pay for this embarrassment. Somehow, someday she would figure out a way out of this predicament and Ryoga would pay. Barbecued pig sounded like a great idea as he collared and leashed her. Her eyes grew large as she was tied in a branding position. She cried out, Ryoga, you can't mean to brand me! This has gone far enough!
Ryoga answered, 'I think not!' With that he pushed the red hot brand into her flesh. He held it there until she screamed for him to take it away.
She was trembling with anger when Ryoga untied her, but she did nothing. She was his slave girl and until she found some way for him to release her she would have to be obedient to his commands.
Next Ryoga told Ranma that as her first duty, she was going to wash them both off in a bath together. He pointed to a hot springs."
Ranma smiled slightly. She thought, 'Ryoga, you fool, when I immerse myself in that water I will turn back into a male. Being male, it will no longer be possible for me to be a slave girl. I will no longer be able to fulfill my pledge. Then it will be payback time!' She screamed, 'Race you!' and happily jumped into the hot spring.
Ranma spring up out of the Water, shouting, 'Ryoga, Now I have you!' Suddenly she realised that her voice had not changed and that she could feel warm water running off her breasts. She looked down, in horror to see that she was still a girl. Ryoga gloated, 'Who has who, Ranma?'
Ranma gasped, "How? Why am I still a girl?"
Ryoga answered, 'I have good news for you. That branding iron I used had the ability to lift the curse of yours. You never have to worry about turning into a girl when splashed by cold water or a guy when splashed by hot water. You should be thrilled by the gift your master has bestowed on you!"
Ranma cried, 'But I am still a girl!'
Ryoga answered, 'Ranma do not think of yourself as a girl; think of yourself as a slave girl!' He slid off his clothing to join his slave in the pool.
Ryoga began to fondle her plump breasts, Ranma cried out, "Ryoga what are you doing? I am a guy!"
Ryoga answered, 'Ranma you were a guy. Now you are a girl with plump, inviting breasts, which I own and can do anything I wish with!' He paused and then added "Besides I don't see what you are squirming about. Your breasts seem to enjoy what I am doing.'
Although she doubted that many of her audience would get the Shakespearian reference. Pikachu added, "Me thinks this lady protests too much;" then continued her story:
Ryoga reached down between Ranma's thighs and began to play with her. He only opened them when he had Ranma moaning. She looked up at him with her big, pitiful eyes. By this time Ryoga had began to look upon Ranma differently. As he slid his manhood into her tight channel he no longer wanted to humiliate her. Ranma gasped in pain as she felt her barrier break and a small flow of blood filter through the water.
Part of her mind refused to believe what was happening but she could not deny the pleasure and pain she was experiencing. She wished that Ryoga would finish with her. Yet at the same time she wished this assault would go on forever. Ryoga took his time. He definitely wanted this conquest of his slave last forever. At last, Ramna found an ecstasy she did not believe possible coming from Ryoga. Yet Ryoga was not done with his hot little slave."
Some of the patrons started to roll their eyes at this, but most of them had gotten used to Pikachu's descriptions of idealized love making between master and slave. Some of them even wished that they could be such a master to her. It was obvious that with all her heart she desired one to be gentle and loving. But every time a man would touch her she would shy away from him and grow cold and clammy. Only with Rollo did she seem to be at ease in male arms. But he seemed to dote over her like a brother or an uncle rather than as her master.
She continued:
"Before long she yielded to his touch again and again. He flipped her over onto her hands and knees. She looked over her shoulder and meekly asked, 'What does my Master plan to do with me now?'
Ryoga answered, "What do you think? I am going to have my slave girl up the ass." With that he shoved forward into her tighter channel as he fondled her breasts. He asked, "what does it feel like, my slave?'
She answered, 'Painful but delightful, Master; but Master me thinks that my other love channel is better suited for this activity.'
To which Ryoga replied 'True but you do not seem to be complaining much. Do you wish me to stop?'
'No Master, I wish to only give you pleasure!' she answered.
They coupled many times, as Ryoga enjoyed his slave in many different ways. By the next morning she was treating him in a very flirtatious manner, much the same way she had done so before. But this time it was different. No longer was it a tease to frustrate and humiliate him. Instead she only desired to cuddle with him and explore this new relationship they had with other!"
Some of the slave girls swooned romantically. One of the asked, "What happened next? Did they live together as love Master and Slave?"
Another one said, "No, the one he loves is Akane!"
The first one answered, "But now that he loves Ranma things are different now."
One of the males asked, "What does happen? Do the live happily ever after?"
Pikachu answered, "Do you really want to know what happens next?"
Everybody answered in unison, "Yes!"
Pikachu clearly enjoyed being the center of attention. She asked, "Are you sure? You might not like what happens next?"
One of her audience gasped, "No! What does happen next?"
Pikachu paused for a dramatic moment and then continued:
"Well, I will tell you:
Ryoga got dressed and leashed his new slave. She pressed herself against him as they walked away. She asked, "Where are we going, Master?" Ryoga answered, "To your new life!" When she asked suggestively what might that be, he answered, "The life of slave girl---I am going to sell you to Kuno."
There was a gasp in the audience. The girl, who said that they had expressed love for each other, cried out, "No!"
Arbus commented, "It is a wise decision. It is what I would do. Ryoga would get much gold for the slut. What do you think, Lois?"
Lois looked up to Arbus's face and answered, "Ranma could do worse than Kuno."
One of the girls exclaimed, "Not Kuno. Ryoga is not going to sell Ranma to Kuno, is he? Anybody but he!"
Pikachu smiled a cat that ate the canary smile. She said, "You will find out tomorrow."
There were near universal exclamations of disappointment and frustration. A burly male said, "What do you mean that I have to wait until tomorrow? Pikachu, how can you be so cruel?"
She answered, "Not today; you will have to wait!" He groaned. Pikachu was having fun now. She offered hopefully, "I could tell you another story, maybe one that I have already told before."
He asked hopefully, "Could you tell one about Tenchi? I like your stories about Tenchi!"
Another man said, "NO! Tenchi is such a weakling! He has five or six beautiful girls practically asking for his collar and he cannot bring himself to do so. If I was in his place I would soon have a harem."
"You have a harem now, and the sluts are constantly bickering with each other!" commented the burly man.
The other man commented, "At least I can have sex with them."
Pikachu answered, "I told you: Tenchi lives in a land that does not have slavery. He is not a wimp. He is just young and indecisive. He is unsure of his emotions."
Somebody said, "He is a walking argument for the institution of slavery!"
Pikachu answered meekly, "I would be glad to tell you a Tenchi Story. Which one would you like to hear?"
Someone shouted, "How about the one where Tenchi enslaves Ayeka?"
"You always want to hear that one." someone else shouted.
The first one answered, "That uppity bitch most deserves the collar."
The second one countered, "I like Ayeka. She reminds me of my free companion."
The first one answered, "Your point is?" There was much good-hearted laughter at that comment.
The burly man said, "I would like to hear one of your stories about Ryoko. I think those are my favorite!"
Pikachu asked, "Which one would you like to hear. The one in which Ryoko becomes Tenchi's slave or the one in which Ryoko becomes Tenchi's free companion?"
Before the burly man could answer, a familiar voice interjected itself into the discussion. Martin said, "I want to hear the one where Ryoko's head gets mounted on a trophy board." There was menace in his voice.
Pikachu grew pale and started to shake. She meekly answered. "I don't know that one."
Martin answered, "Sure you do. It is the one about how a real male gets tired of her uppity, violent ways and decides to skin her alive."
The burly man placed his arm around Pikachu's shaking shoulders. "It sounds like a big waste of slave flesh to me."
"Uppity warrior woman like her do not deserve slavery, Andre." Martin answered him. "This slut makes them sound cute and loveable but they are not. They are cruel monsters. The Panther Woman was and so is the Larl Woman. Can't you understand what this slut is doing! Am I the only one? She tries to poison your minds. She is turning these monsters into heroes and you are cheering for them! Are you blind to her sly ways? She just turned a male into a slave girl! She is saying that you are slave girls!"
Andre of the Warriors, still comforting Pikachu, replied mildly, "Martin, I think you are getting worked over nothing. These stories are fantasy, nothing else. I for one like to hear her stories about warrior women. As to Ranma, he was an arrogant jerk. When he was a girl he flaunted his femininity. He deserved what he got. I only know if I had his curse I would have hidden when I has a female, not going about flirting and teasing while all the time crying how terrible it was that I had this curse!"
A young man whispered the man, "Be careful, that is Martin of Bremen you are talking to."
The burley man answered, "Don't worry. We are friends. Martin and I have known each other for centuries. We have fought together and opposed each other on too many battlefields not to consider each other dear colleagues and friends. Is that not so, Martin?"
Martin answered, "Of course, Andre! Perhaps you are right. They are just sluts after all.
Andre answered, "Not this one. She is someone special!"
Arbus looked at Rollo. Rollo looked at Arbus. They said nothing. Their eyes said it all. They were both thinking "I think we have found our Ash"
Two weeks later,
Clark rested after a gratifying release of his tensions. Kara's breasts were pressed against his bare chest. He was still inside her. It felt good to have his member inside the channel of a hot slave slut that seemed to live for his use. Thinking of Kara as a slave just seemed natural on Gor. He wondered how he would feel when he returned to Earth.
He wondered how long they would be on Gor. He had been granted time here to find and claim Lois and Diana, but that time was not infinite. The Priest Kings patience would not be endless and if it ran out he would be killed or forced to leave.
So far, his foray to the Northern Forests had proved to be a wild goose chase. Diana was not stupid. She knew that she could not stay long in any place if rumors of her whereabouts began to circulate. He had learned only that she had been sold to some peasant tilling the vast fields north of Koroba. He had no idea which villages to search. He needed a break, just some bit of luck.