Broken Hearts Combined


I do not own Gold Digger and its associated characters. They belong to that marvelous fellow Fred Perry. I do not own Ranma ½ and its associated characters. They belong to the wonderful lady Rumiko Takahashi. This production is strictly for entertainment, and I am not making any money off of the writings. I am just a poor student, so please… Don't sue me… Please?


Special Author's Note: This version is rated NC-17! You must at least be 18 years of age or older to read. There is description of sexual actions. If you still want to read the chapter, but are under the age of 18, then you can go read the clean version.


Broken Hearts Combined Chapter 30: The Choice: Britanny or Sheila? Ranma Chooses…

Ranma, Britanny, and Sheila continue their journey southwards as they make their ways towards Nira. They have been sparring, training, stopping in towns to get a bite to eat and other such activities.

Until one night however…


It is now around the afternoon. Ranma, Britanny, and Sheila have made record time their trek towards the “Deserted City” Nira. They have made it to the area known as the Jag Mountain Range. Ranma looks at it.

Ranma (Whistles): Well… At least we don't have to climb it…

Sheila (Shrugs her shoulders): We couldn't climb it even if we wanted to…

Britanny: Oh? What do you mean Sheila?

Sheila: The Jag Mountain Range is one of the most Dangerous mountainous regions in all of Jade! It has a flat and smoothened surface on all the mountains for the first three vertical miles up, making it nearly impossible to climb! And if you do somehow manage to climb past all that, then you have to deal with the incredible rocky, and jagged surfaces. And, then, if you somehow get past the rocks that one could easily kill themselves on, then you have to cross the snow-covered tops of the Jag Mountain Range, since it's so high up, that there's actually snow year-round!

Britanny: Well, I think we can make it now… It's summer here…

Sheila: Britanny…

Britanny: Yes?

Sheila: There's still snow… And it's really, REALLY cold up there!

Britanny: … You sure?

Sheila: Positive!

Britanny: Damn…

Ranma: Well, we can look at it this way…

Britanny: What way Ranchan?

Ranma: Well, since we have to travel around the mountain range, then we can do more training while on our journey. It's as hard as heck to try to teach you two anything when we're trying to climb up a mountain…

Sheila: Not to mention a whole lot of them…

Ranma: True Shechan…

Britanny (Frowns): I guess you got a point with that Ranchan…

They continue to travel for a while… Nothing has really gone wrong today. It's a beautiful, peaceful day… Something Ranma rarely gets to experience. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath of the air.

Ranma: Sigh… It's so beautiful here…

Britanny (Turns head around): You say something Ranchan?

Ranma: Nothing much Britchan… Just thinking of how beautiful this place is compared to earth…

Sheila (Turns head around): Oh? What do you mean?

Ranma: Well… For one, huge cities aren't as common as here as they are on earth.

Sheila: Ranchan, I want to ask a question.

Ranma: What is it Shechan?

Sheila: Is it true that you can't see the stars at night in the Earth Realm?

Ranma: Well… On earth… I guess I'm lucky… I was on the road most of my life, and so Pops and I were away from the cities. We could see the stars just fine.

Sheila: So you can't see stars in the city?

Ranma: Unfortunately, no. I guess that comes from there being to many bright lights on at night.

Sheila: “Bright lights?”

Britanny: Sure. There's street lights, electric signs, light coming out of windows, headlights on cars, sky-lights, and all sorts of other lights.

Sheila: Brr… That sounds awful…

Britanny: Well, it's only really bad in major cities. In the suburbs you can see the stars with not too many problems. And if you've done what Ranchan has, you can basically see them without problems when in the countryside.

Sheila: Okay… Anything else you'd like to tell me about earth?

And so, as they walk, Ranma and Britanny tell Sheila all about earth. Ranma explaining places he's been and what they're like. Britanny tells Sheila about all the places she's been on earth and what she's done there.

Britanny: You know Ranchan… Coming to Jade to train is nice and all, but there's still one thing about earth I really, really miss…

Ranma: And what's that?

Britanny: Malls…

Sheila (Blinks): What's a “mall”?

Britanny face-faults as Ranma sweat-drops.


After traveling a bit further, there is a sudden crack of lightning and it begins to pour rain.

Britanny (Blinks): … Rain?

Sheila: I don't understand… It was a clear sky!

Ranma: Sigh… I seem to attract water no matter where I am…

Sheila: Is that because you're a descendant of Kishijoten?

Ranma: Possibly…

Britanny: Grr… I'm getting soaked out here!

Ranma: It's not too bad Britchan. (Blinks). Hey! I didn't change!

Sheila: Well, since it is summer now in this region of Jade, so it is a very warm rain. (Narrows her eyes). And it's creating a fog as it touches the cooler ground…

Indeed… As more rain hits the ground, a slight steam begins to rise up. After a few more minutes of walking in the rain, it starts to become too hard to see. Ranma and the girls curse their luck.

Ranma: I can barely see a thing…

Britanny: I know what you mean… Maybe we should stop at the nearest town.

Ranma: Good idea. Hey Shechan, which way to the nearest town?

Sheila: Unfortunately, we are around the Jag mountain range and smack-dab in the middle between either cities of Dri to the north and Mako Dale to the south. So the best we can opt for is to look for a cave along the mountain range to wait out the storm in…

Ranma: Know any caves along the Jag?

Sheila: Nope…

Britanny: Well we better do something… Not only are we getting soaked but now we can barely see a thing!

Sheila: Oh, quit your whining you spoiled house-cat.

Britanny (Pouts): I guess a 'shrimp' like you would be used to moist conditions…


Britanny: You heard me small fry!


Sheila pounces at Britanny and the two begin fighting. Ranma narrows his eyes at the two werecats and screams.


Britanny and Sheila stop fighting. They look at Ranma then at each other. They disengage from fighting. They look ashamed.

Britanny & Sheila: Sorry Ranchan.

Ranma stares at the two… Or stares as best as he can in foggy conditions. He sighs.

Ranma (Shakes his head): Look… Just help me find a place along the mountainside… The longer we stay out here, the wetter we'll get.

Britanny: Sure Ranchan.

Sheila: Yeah Ranchan.


After a good hour and a half of searching around in the fog, Ranma, Britanny, and Sheila eventually do find a cave in the side of the Jag Mountain Range, and enter. After Ranma checks it for any animals or other creatures, he finds no animals. He takes some sticks that were around the cave and set up a fire.

Ranma (Rubbing sticks together): Come on, come on…

Finally, a spark shoots, and a fire is started.

Ranma: Better… So, how're you two feeling?

Sheila: Cold…

Britanny: And wet…

Britanny shakes herself, sending water flying everywhere and soaking Ranma and Sheila further. Luckily, the fire doesn't go out.

Ranma: Hey, careful Britchan!

Britanny: Oops… Sorry Ranchan…

Sheila: Blah… I need a towel.

After searching through their packs, they find out something that they weren't expecting…

Britanny: DAMN IT! All my clothes are soaked!

Sheila: Well… Our packs weren't meant to be put to water for long periods of time… And we were out there in the pouring rain for over an hour.

Britanny: Shoot… None of us have anything dry to wear.

Ranma: Well we could use the fire I started to dry out our stuff.

Sheila: And I have some more wood for the fire… Though it got a bit soaked in my pack…

Ranma: Well… With time it should be good enough to use…

Britanny starts taking off her shirt. Ranma's eyes bulge and Sheila glares.

Sheila: What are you doing!?

Britanny: Getting out of my clothes. They're soaked!

Sheila: SO!?

Britanny: Well, they'll dry faster than if they're not on me.

Ranma: Are you sure Britchan?

Britanny: Trust me. I've been on so many adventures with my sister Gina where I've been soaked to the bone, like the time Gina was looking for Merlin's Time Raft… But then again, it was just yucky goop that time… Oh well… Point is, I have fur… Having damp fur and damp clothes doesn't make them dry out faster. Plus, I could catch a cold wearing damp clothes. I suggest you two take your clothes off as well and place them by the fire that Ranchan started.

Ranma & Sheila (Blush): ACK!


By now, Ranma, Britanny, and Sheila take off their soaked clothing and spread the clothing items around the fire, hoping the warmth the fire gives off will dry them out.

They then continue to check their bags. Not just the clothes, but also all their stuff is indeed soaked, as the rain had soaked through the packs. Ranma, Britanny, and Sheila take all of their clothing and line it up near the fire, and wait for their stuff to dry out.

They basically sit around in their underwear, waiting for their clothes to dry and the rain to stop. None of them speaking due to the circumstances.


Britanny roams a hand through her hair, trying to get excess water out as she sits there in her damp bra and panties

Britanny (Thinks): Keep cool Cheetah… So what if you, the guy you like, and you rival for the guy you like are all in our underwear… It's not like we're trying to have fun, we're just drying off…

Britanny looks over at Ranma. He is in his boxers and under-shirt. His clothes are still a bit damp. She smiles as she thinks of things she'd like to do with him.

Britanny (Closes eyes): Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…


Sheila wraps her arms around her legs. She feels vulnerable as she sits there in an undershirt and panties. Sheila looks at Britanny and feels a slight pang of jealousy.

Sheila (Thinks): Dang it… Why can't I have such a good body like Brit does? Why is my hybrid form such a short, petite, little thing? Dang it… I wish I had all my beauty in my hybrid form instead of my human form. I'd probably pick up a lot more guys that way…

Sheila then looks over at Ranma. He is in his boxers and under-shirt. His clothes are still a bit damp. She smiles as she thinks of things she'd like to do with him.

Sheila (Closes eyes): Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…


Ranma sits there freezing in his damp boxers and undershirt. Even by the fire he still feels cold.

Ranma (Thinks): Brr… It's summer, but damn, it cooled down FAST!

Ranma then looks around. He notices that Britanny and Sheila are staring at him. He notices that they begin to purr as they close their eyes.

Ranma (Sweats, thinks): Why am I suddenly nervous? I better think of something else for the girls to do… But what!?

Ranma gets an idea. He takes some chestnuts out of his backpack that they had for food and throws them into the fire. Britanny and Sheila try to ask why the heck he did that, when they see him grab them all out at an incredible rate.

Ranma: That was the Katchu Tenshin Amaguriken.

Britanny (Blinks): That rapid-fire punch you use?

Ranma: Yep. Instead of just waiting for the storm to pass, we can do a bit more training while we wait…

Britanny (Smiles): I'm already good with my speed. But… This could be fun. I've done something similar to this… Except it was with some killer Mimic that took the form of a treasure chest, and I had to steal treasures from it's mouth.

Sheila: Hmm… Interesting… Maybe I'll be able to improve my speed…


After a couple of hours, Britanny has completely mastered the Katchu Tenshin Amaguriken.

Britanny (Smiles): Fastest reflexes in the North, South, East, and West!

Sheila on the other hand has got it down for the most part. It'll take a bit for her to get to Ranma and Britanny's speed, but she's not bad at it.

Sheila (Teary-eyed): Owwies… My hands hurt…

Ranma: Will you be okay Shechan?

Sheila: I will… I am a jagwere. All us werefolk have good regenerative abilities.

Ranma: Really?

Sheila: Yeah.


After some time, Ranma, Britanny, and Sheila look outside the cave, and see that it is still raining out. Ranma sighs…

Ranma: Now what to do?

Britanny: Well, we could talk for a bit, and get to know each other at least a bit better.

Ranma: I think we've done that before Britchan.

Britanny: Yeah. But not getting to now each other on deeper levels, or just fun facts. Like favorite colors, foods, and all sorts of stuff.

Ranma: … Okay… I could do that.

Britanny: Okay… Ranchan, what do you like to do besides training and eating?

Ranma: …

Britanny: Ranchan?

Ranma: Well… I do like spending time with you and Shechan.

Britanny & Sheila (Sparkly-eyed): Awwwwwwwwwww…

Ranma (Sweat-drops): Yeah… Well, how about you Britchan, Shechan, so you two eat anything besides fish?

Sheila: Yeah. I like fish, but I also like beef and ale.

Britanny and Ranma look at Sheila.

Sheila: I'm serious. I have a high alcohol tolerance. Being such a small werecat and a better healing ability than others, I rarely even get tipsy. And before you ask, no, I am not an alcoholic.

Ranma: That's interesting.

Sheila: Yup. I can drink all the other Edge Guard members under the table!

Ranma: Okay… How about you Britchan?

Britanny: Well, I love tuna. But… I also have a weakness for chocolate chip cookies!

Ranma (Smiles): Cookies?

Britanny: Yeah. Ever since mom gave me my first cookie, I can honestly say I was hooked on them.

And so, Ranma, Britanny, and Sheila actually have fun for a while, asking each other questions and learning little details about each other. Until Sheila asks a question that's been bothering her for awhile now…

Sheila: So… Are you two going to stick to that law of the Giant clan that Mumsey Brigands told you two about? Where you two have to marry because you guys fought, and Ranma had won?

Ranma and Britanny pale in color for a second. They look at Sheila for a couple of seconds and then at each other. It's not like they actually want to follow a seemingly 'pointless' law that seems fit only for the Chinese Amazons… But… It's not like either of them would mind either… They don't know how to answer that one and Ranma and Britanny becomes silent.

Sheila: Uh… Guys?

Ranma and Britanny remain silent…

With that, tears start to pour from Sheila's eyes. Ranma and Britanny move over to the distraught jagwere to find out what's wrong. Sheila wipes her eyes and tells them what's on her mind.

Ranma: Shechan… What's wrong?

Britanny: Yeah Sheila. You can tell us.

Sheila: Damn it… I hate crying… It makes me feel weak………… Sigh… What bothers me about that law is… I know you care about both of us Ranma… And we both care about you too… It's just… That… Ranma… You're the first person to treat me like I wasn't a defect… Damn it Ranma… I love you…

Ranma and Britanny just stare in awe at Sheila who now seems to be crying a bit harder then before. Ranma goes up to Sheila and hugs her, and Sheila in return, hugs him back fiercely, not wanting to let go.

Ranma (Hugging the sobbing Sheila): Shhhhhhhhh… It's okay Shechan. Don't cry… It'll be all right…

Britanny watches, not sure what to say or do. She feels sorry for Sheila, but she feels she should just sit back and watch this. Ranma seems to be the only one Sheila wants to talk to at the moment… Sheila eventually calms down and looks at Ranma and Britanny.

Sheila: Britanny… I have to know this…

Britanny: What is it Sheila?

Sheila: How much do you love Ranma?

Britanny blanches as soon as Sheila finishes the question, but… Sheila is right… Britanny takes a moment to herself to think, before speaking…

Britanny: You're right Sheila… I do love Ranchan… It's just that… I've been afraid to admit it… After all… Stripe's broken my heart once already, and I was afraid that telling Ranchan how I feel would have scared him away, especially since he had all those horrible girls after him that would never leave him alone and made his life hell. But I must say it… Ranchan… I love you… I love you more than anything!

Britanny then gets up from the spot she was sitting and walks up to Ranma and hugs him as well. Ranma now has two werecats hugging him. He doesn't know what to do… He is kind of scared at this close a contact to feline-type women, but… He actually enjoys it… He is getting something he has never had since he left his mother to go on the ill-fated training trip with Genma… Love… Ranma takes a deep breath and thinks about what to say, as he does not want to stick his foot in his mouth like he usually does… After a few moments of thinking, Ranma tells them how he feels.

Ranma: Britchan… Shechan… I'll tell you both honestly that I can say the same… Except I love both of you and can't make up my mind… Britchan, you have been a great friend for me, and helped me break off from my past, and we've both been able to heal each other's deep emotional scars… Shechan, you have been a great friend as well, helping me and Britchan get around Jade, teaching me to use weapons, and teaching us both about the way of the land… Put simply… I can't choose… I know this'll make me sound like a pervert; like that jerk Kuno, but I can't choose either of you over the other because… I love you both. I'm sorry.

Ranma feels ashamed for a moment. What kind of martial artist wants two women? Ranma is confused as he sees Britanny and Sheila get devilish grins on their faces… They don't seem to mind sharing… And so, the three manage to keep each other 'warm' that night…

Ranma (Sweating slightly): Uh… Britchan? Shechan?

Britanny and Sheila both smile a bit nervously at Ranma. Desire warred with embarrassment warred with wondering when Ranma was going to snap into Neko-Ken, or that a wall to the cave would come crumbling down and Ryoga would wander into the place. (Yes, Ranma has told them about Ryoga). They turn to face Ranma…

Britanny & Sheila: Ranchan...

They turned, stared at each other and laughed for a few moments. Then Britanny and Sheila turn their vision towards Ranma and look hungrily at him. They advance on him in unison, grab him, and pin him to the ground. Ranma was a bit confused.

Ranma: WOAH! WAIT! BRITCHAN! SHECHAN! Uh… Isn't this a bit much? I mean… We just admitted we loved each other. Isn't this rushing it?

Britanny and Sheila then give Ranma 'the look'!

Britanny & Sheila (Eyes sparkling): Please Ranchan?

Ranma just looks at their innocent faces and concedes. Who knows? This could be enjoyable…

By an unspoken agreement the two female werecats lift Ranma off the ground and to his feet. They start showing their affection to their pig-tailed lover as soon as he has his balance. Sheila begins to kiss him, while Britanny grabbed his boxers and slid them off, taking a long look as his bobbing manhood. Ranma ran his hands up inside the back of Sheila's nightshirt and lifted it up off her, eliciting a soft “mew” of surprise from her. Ranma then slid his hands down to slide off Sheila's panties. Sheila moaned faintly and lifted Ranma's hands up instead to rub her petite breasts. His hands glided across the fur on them, bringing a rush of tingling sensation in their wake, moving up and down and around, making Sheila squeal in delight.

Britanny moved up Ranma's back, kissing and licking her way up his right leg, across his butt, then sliding off his shirt as she moved further up. She kissed and licked up his back and around to his neck. Ranma moaned, shivering from Britanny's sweet kisses.

As Britanny glided around to the front of Ranma's body, she then gently pushed Ranma back onto the ground, and then took off her bra, allowing her breasts to jiggle slightly as they were set free from their confinement. Britanny pressed one nipple to Ranma's mouth and he licked gently it at first, sending a shiver up Britanny's spine, then sucked on it gently. Britanny felt her nipple swell and she moaned as she slid her hand down to touch his bulging manhood. Britanny then slid down his body.

Sheila slid off Britanny's panties while Britanny was concentrating on Ranma's dick. Sheila then climbed past Britanny and up onto Ranma's chest, sitting on it. Sheila took Ranma's hands and brought them up around her back. Ranma pulled her down closer to him, burying his face in her breasts, and moving his body perpendicular to hers.

Britanny watched as Ranma's manhood bounced from his actions with Sheila. Britanny bent over it and licked it. It twitched and Ranma moaned through his kiss with Sheila. Britanny had a quick thought to herself.

Britanny (Thinks): Hmm… Not bad… Could use a bit of tuna… But it's good as it is.

Without warning, Britanny then engulfed Ranma's manhood in her mouth, running her tongue around Ranma's dick and she bobbed her head up and down.

Sheila moaned as Ranma kissed and licked her petite breasts, his hands roaming up and down the sides of her body, eliciting a lusty purr from her. Ranma moaned, feeling his manhood being pleasured, tasting the sweet taste of his newfound lovers, smelling their sweet scents, and hearing their moans of pleasure…

Britanny felt her body flush, as she was getting turned on by all that they were doing. After giving Ranma's dick a kiss on its head, she then decided to trade places with Sheila, letting Sheila pleasure his manhood, while Ranma pleasured her, touching her all over her body. Ranma did not disappoint her, feeling Britanny all over, running his hand up and down her sides, caressing her butt, and her full breasts in his hands, gently licking her nipples, and making them harden. Ranma would let his hands roam over Britanny's body, making her feel a tingling sensation all over. It was so good that Britanny felt like she was going to go mad from pleasure.

Soon, both Britanny and Sheila were ready to go all the way with Ranma. The only problem was…

Britanny: Hey… Who's going to go first?

Ranma: Why don't you both... (Britanny and Sheila glare slightly at Ranma). Oh yeah... Only one can really take… 'That'…

Britanny and Sheila nodded in unison. Truth be told, both wanted to be the first woman Ranma would be with, to take his virginity… However, Sheila was slightly guilty about starting this whole 'ordeal' on Ranma, and decided to let Britanny go first. After all, Britanny's known Ranma A LOT longer…

Sheila: You can be first, Britanny. Since you've known him a lot longer than I have… Just keep him in one piece for me when you're done, okay?

Britanny (Winks at Sheila): No promises… Now… Are you ready my Ranchan? Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…

Sheila got out of the way, letting Britanny climb up over Ranma. Sheila then clambered onto Britanny's back. Sheila then stretched her arms around Britanny and started to stroke Britanny's firm breasts. Britanny moaned loudly, then louder as Ranma stroked her vagina with his fingertips.

Britanny (Sweating): Ranchan… Sheila… Oh God… Ohhhhhhhhhhh…

Britanny felt surrounded by love. Slowly she lowered herself towards Ranma… Accidentally forgetting to help guide him in, so her hips simply pushed his manhood to one side. The feeling of being near that area however was quite ecstatic for Ranma.

Ranma: Ahhhhhhhhh… Oh God Britchan…

Britanny (Sweat-drops): Um… We haven't even started yet…

Ranma: Oh?

Britanny sighed. She then pulled back up, thanking many a workouts and sparring sessions for being able to lift herself with Sheila on her back, while the petite jagwere was stroking her breasts fiercely. It was all oh so good for Britanny, being pleasured by two lovers at once…

Britanny now reached out and took Ranma's manhood firmly in hand and maneuvered it into place, then let Sheila's weight push her down on it. She felt Ranma's manhood rush into her, breaking through her hymen, and going deep inside her. Britanny shuddered as the pain of being penetrated for the first time rushed through her. Britanny stayed still, silently cursing herself for not going slower. Ranma looks up to Britanny, stroking her cheek lovingly…

Ranma: Britchan… Did I hurt you? I'm sorry…

Britanny (Holding back tears): No… I'm fine… Really… I should have just gone a bit slower is all… Eh heh…

Sheila: It's okay Britanny… You'll be fine soon enough…

And, it was true to Sheila's words. Soon the pain Britanny was feeling was over and ecstasy quickly replaced it. Britanny moaned, feeling Sheila and Ranma's arms wrapped around her body, stroking her all over, and Ranma's manhood inside her. She thrust herself down further, trying to absorb Ranma's dick for all it was worth. Ranma pushed up to meet her, then pulled back… Or perhaps was forced down by the sheer weight of two female werecats on top of him. They moved together, almost like a balanced piston-engine; in perfect timing.

Finally, Britanny felt herself ignite with pleasure. She moaned loudly, its sound echoing throughout the cave they were staying in for the night. The orgasm rushed through her body like a freight train. She felt Ranma come inside her, his seed splashing deep into her womb. The filling sensation was so great. Britanny got dizzy from the sudden exertion of energy, lost her balance, and fell into Ranma's waiting arms, a tired look crossing his smiling face…

Britanny (Burying her face into Ranma's chest): Ranchan… I love you, Ranchan…

Ranma (As he kisses Britanny's forehead and strokes her hair with his right hand): I love you too, Britchan… I love you too…

They lie there smiling at each other for a long moment, a bond having formed. One that seems it will stand the test of time, never to be broken…

Soon Britanny gave Ranma one last kiss, before she slipped out from between Sheila and Ranma, then climbed up onto Sheila's back and began to do for her what she had done for herself earlier. Sheila moaned at Britanny's touch, feeling her hands stroking her petite breasts, massaging her vagina. However, Sheila had trouble supporting Britanny's larger frame. So they switched places by rolling over. Ranma climbed over Britanny and Sheila, so that now Britanny was on the bottom, Sheila was in the middle, and Ranma was on top. His tired manhood hung loosely in the air for a moment, and then Sheila reached out and touched it. New energy rushed through it as well as a tingling sensation through Sheila's fingers.

Soon, Sheila had reached an even higher state of arousal than before. Letting Sheila guide him, Ranma started to plunge down into her, trying to drive even deeper than before… Being on top, he had more maneuverability than when he was on the bottom. He plunged into her slowly and Sheila arched up to meet him, as she felt her hymen tear as well. Unshed tears started to form in her eyes. Ranma bent over to kiss Sheila on the lips, as a way of saying sorry. Sheila liked that a lot.

Soon the pain for Sheila was gone. Ranma plunged in and out of Sheila, making her moan with pleasure. Ecstasy filled them as they headed towards greater ecstasy.

Sheila: Oh, yes, this is so wonderful!

Soon, Sheila reached her release. A sheer wave of pleasure rushed out of her body. Sheila orgasmed as it struck her. Ranma came as well. His seed splashing into Sheila's womb for all its worth… The warmth Sheila felt from it made her feel so close to Ranma. She hugged Ranma closely. She loved him for everything he was. Like with Britanny, and him, a bond was formed with Ranma and Sheila. One that would take a force of heaven to break, if even possible…

Finally, after all of them had orgasmed, Sheila, Britanny, and Ranma collapsed onto their backs, all breathing heavily…

Ranma: Wow... That was incredible… It was like magic, or something… Can we do it again?

Britanny: Ranchan… You just took the words right out of my mouth.


And so they did it again… And again… And again… And again… Well through the night and into the morning…


End Chapter 30

Next Time: It's the day after their love has been admitted. Now Ranma, Britanny, and Sheila have to try to adapt to these new revelations while they travel… And Britanny and Sheila have to get used to the idea of sharing.

Author's note: Well, there you have it. Ranma has chosen both wonderful werecats. How many of you saw that coming?

-This is RedPriest17, signing off.

Send your questions and comments to

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