As you like it...
A Friendship supplement from the twisted minds of Hiei and Iczel Prime.


Makoto Rindou let out a satisfied sigh as she left the Nerima, Tokyo's fighting arena, using the back entrance to avoid the hordes of challengers and fanboys that awaited her whenever she made an appearance at a tournament.

{It's not a bad life. I have my Art, my dojo, and...} She paused, blushing slightly. {...and my new appreciation for certain pleasures. Add my health and enough money to keep the dojo going easily, and what more could I want?}

Shouldering her travel bag, and tightening the belt on her fresh gi, she began to jog down the alleyways, taking a shortcut home. {I could use a good cool-down fight, though... If I'm *very* lucky, I might run into a bunch of thugs back here. The alleys in this district seem very free of that kind of riffraff, though... I wonder why?}

A *swoosh* of air and a slight *tang* of metal on brick was her only warning.

Reacting on instinct, Makoto tossed her travel bag away, faked a roll away from the bag, and then rolled in the same direction she'd thrown it.

There was a metallic *BANG* and a *whoosh* of air from the space she would have occupied had she rolled where she was feinting towards. Turning towards the noise as she stood, Makoto saw a long-haired athletic brunette dressed in a tight yellow top that showed off her cleavage, loose brown pants, and brown slippers, wielding what seemed to be a metal baker's peel - the oversize spatula used in bread and pizza ovens, and for okonomiyaki as well.

As she saw Makoto getting to her feet, the girl growled at her. "I've had it! I'm gonna teach you once and for all not to keep hurting my Ranchan!!" she grated out in the Osaka dialect.

Makoto raised an eyebrow, but filed the comment under 'things to ask about later' as the brunette attacked again, swinging the baker's peel edge-on like an axe. Hopping forwards, Makoto passed just over the knee-level swing and lashed a reverse punch out as she came down, the right fist knocking the brunette away, but unlike most opponents, not out.

{Seems I have more than a cool-down workout on my hands here,} Makoto acknowledged, and then stopped thinking in words at all, letting her mind relax into the place it most loved to be - concentrating on the Fight.

Kuonji Ukyo rolled once to dissipate the force of the blow and again just for distance, then up to her feet, spinning her Masamune spatula behind her into a ready kamae. The longhaired young woman blinked. Compared to the normally wall shattering punches Akane typically threw that wasn't much. And that was a fairly skilled evasion; little miss Tendo was more prone to hard power blocks. Could it be...?

The okonomiyaki chef studied her opponent in the dim light. Nah, how many shorthaired, tomboyish, constantly gi wearing girls could there be in Nerima? Ukyo pulled three throwing spatulas from her chef's sash and got ready, Akane always came after her opponent after the initial strike.

Makoto, meanwhile, still facing this unknown challenger, moved after her cautiously, her attacker's rolls had been deliberate, not forced, meaning she had taken the punch fairly easily, and Makoto would have to hit her harder or more often to make an impression. A faint smile wreathed Makoto's face as the delight of a Challenge impinged upon her focus on the Fight. Rude ambusher or not, this woman merited respect.

"All right, hold on a sec-" Makoto started then was dodging again as three glints of metal in the diffuse light came flying at her. The kareteka girl ducked under one, swatted the next to the side with a cross cutting right knife hand, and flat-out caught the last projectile in her left hand. The shorthaired girl blinked, her near perfect concentration shattered by a revelation.

It was a spatula. A small, balanced-for-throwing spatula. Who in the hell used throwing spatulas? Who was Ranchan? Why was this girl swinging a giant okonomiyaki spatula at her?

... Uh oh.

The impact of the flat metal head sent Makoto flying into the air farther than it should have given how little actual damage she took. The Rindou girl flipped herself over in mid flight and channeled her ki, diverting her inertia downward and lashing out with a vicious descending side kick.

And saw the longhaired young woman waiting for with expectant airs of a baseball batter. Makoto decided to not go for that ride again and snapped her leg back in, curling into a ready ball. When the ambushing girl swung her mega-spatula like a giant steel flyswatter, the karate girl was already next to an alleyway wall.


Lashing her foot down in the chi-powered ax kick of the Tsurugi, Makoto reached the ground far faster than the spatula fighter expected her to. As the steel weapon whistled through the air over her head, Makoto smirked and straightened up, snatching the girl's neck in the Karakusa. Jolting her in the move disrupted the flow of blood to her brain for a moment, leaving her standing there stunned.

Ryu and Gill could both attest that this was a *bad* situation to be in against Makoto.

A left jab led to an outside ridge hand chop that flowed into a right front snap-kick to her opponents leg that left the girl wide open for three ferocious straight punches, right-left-right to the gut, and as she staggered back Makoto hurtled after the chef in the Hayate. This final blow knocked the long haired young woman over backward, and Makoto moved to grab her and pin her to the ground... but staggered back herself as the girl threw something soft against her forehead, whiting the short haired girl's vision out momentarily with...


Ukyo planted her spatula in the ground, ignoring the pain racing through her body from Akane's blows, (had to be Akane, the psycho violent girl even fought the same, well mostly) and kicked both feet up, powering with her entire body to kick the short haired gi-girl in the stomach. The tomboy fell back, still blinded, looking more confused than she should, after all hitting someone with flour as a combat technique was pretty mundane around here. Ukyo tried to gather her focus and began spinning her spatula like a staff; the weapon moving so fast it was a silver arc around her.

Crying "For Ranchan!" The chef attacked, slamming the flat of her weapon onto her opponent's head, spinning around to slam the butt of it into the girl's stomach, back the opposite direction with an outright mean spinning side kick to her blinded adversary's face, then a final overhand slash with her spatula that-

-embedded the weapon firmly into the alleyway wall. The shorthaired girl looked up at Ukyo with eyes clear of flour and full of anger.

Oh dear, thought Ukyo.

Makoto was severely annoyed. Ibuki fought sneaky but this was overdoing it a bit, and apparently all for someone named "Ranchan", someone she didn't even know. Time to teach this chef a lesson about Rindou-ryu karate! Makoto lashed out with a nasty left roundhouse punch to her attacker's calf, stood up with a power right side kick to the girl's gut, recovered and spun around with a brutal left heel roundhouse kick to the chef's hip.

Ukyo stumbled back and nearly fell, her entire right leg nearly dead with the powerful blows. Akane didn't fight like this! Whoever she was, this girl was a LOT better than the youngest Tendo daughter. However unfortunately for Kuonji however it was a bit too late for that realization.

Makoto ducked as the mega-spatula swung out again, less accurately this time - apparently the ambusher was getting desperate - and swung her left arm across in a vicious arc in the same smooth motion. The sweep caught the longhaired girl behind the left ankle and swept the limb up into the air.

Ukyo let out a cry as her mauled right leg refused to support her weight on its own, the ankle twisting as she went down. Even as she fell though the chef cut loose with a volley of throwing spats; that was dodged or batted aside with swift open-hand parries. As the unknown karate girl closed in with - Ukyo had to admit - a quite justified anger in her eyes, the chef twisted her hips and swung her mega-spat up and forwards with all the remaining force she could muster behind it.

Her hands went numb as a series of *bongs* rang through the metal and the shock of multiple hard impacts was transmitted into her gripping fingers. As her last weapon fell from limp hands, Ukyo noted with some shock that there were a set of deep dents in it now; whoever this was, she could hit like Ranchan could!

Seeing the karateka close in and grab her shoulder, throwing her off her side and down onto her back, Ukyo closed her eyes as a fist blurred down towards her chest.

Makoto stopped the punch at the last second, letting the girl open her eyes to see the fist barely a millimeter from her collarbone. "All right, Iron Chef - who are you and why on earth did you ambush me like that!?" She asked, still angry as she wiped flour off her face with her free hand.

The longhaired girl's eyes crossed, trying to stare down at the fist. "I - um - I'm Kuonji Ukyo," she began, seeming somewhat embarrassed. "I - I thought you were a rival of mine, Akane Tendo... I got a note, I thought it was from her, saying she'd be coming through this alley this evening..."

Makoto's face softened. "And you thought it was a challenge?" she asked, less harshly.

The highly cute young woman nodded. "It's the kind of thing she does, all the time actually, and to make it worse she knocked Ranchan to the next district today!"

From the tone in the Ukyo girl's voice when she said "Ranchan" Makoto guessed that he was her cousin's fiancé, the one that seemed to have been engaged to every girl this side of the Pacific. Miss Kuonji was probably another one of those girls, one of the ones that openly displayed her emotions unlike Makoto's somewhat more, reserved, cousin. And given how much she looked, and (though she hated to admit it) acted like her cousin, it was an understandable mistake.

"But who would have sent the note?" Ukyo asked still laying flat on her back, and not daring to move.

A sudden flash of realization jolted Rindou Makoto. There was an Amazon girl chasing her cousins fiancé, one that belonged to the same tribe as... aw HELL!

"You deranged old bat! This was another of your tests wasn't it?!" Raged the tomboy, shaking her fists at the sky. She stopped suddenly and looked at the combat chef who was starring at with a totally baffled expression on her face. Makoto winced and tried to explain. "Uh, you might find this a little weird, but my grandma (adopted) kind of set us up to test each other (I think), and she knew that my cousin Akane and I look almost exactly alike so..."

Ukyo pushed herself up to a sitting position, wincing as the action pulled on her ravaged right leg. Then she smiled wanly at the black haired girl. "That's pretty normal compared to most things around here. Hey I'm sorry about jumping you like I did, I really thought you were expecting it, and you're a lot better than Akane by the way. Actually, you're *REALLY* good!"

A wise man once said the way to any karate girl's heart is through her pride.

Makoto smiled widely at the pretty brunette and held out a hand. "My name's Rindou Makoto, and don't worry about the ambush thing, it wasn't your fault!"

"Kuonji Ukyo, and thanks for being so understanding..." the chef said, trying to rise, only to yelp and fall back to her knees as her right ankle refused to support her weight.

Makoto was kneeling beside the chef in an instant. A quick probe of the chef's right ankle and a wince from Ukyo was all the evidence Makoto needed. "Oops. Looks like you twisted it when you went down. I don't suppose you have a car or anything?"

"You kidding? I can't afford that!" The chef protested, and Makoto nodded, shrugging Ukyo's arm over her shoulder and standing up, her left shoulder wedged under Ukyo's right one, taking her weight in lieu of the damaged ankle.

"I left you unable to travel, so I'll get you home before I find adopted grandma's restaurant and go punt her through the floor for springing this on me," Makoto stated. "And you're in no shape to say 'no,' so don't bother."

"Okay," Ukyo sighed. "But I treat you to a meal once I've got my ankle taped, and don't you argue either. I owe you that much for attacking you right out of the blue!"

Makoto didn't bother to argue, settling for a grunt in reply as she lifted the chef and began walking to the end of the alley. "Which way from here?"

*** *** ***

Later, the two female fighters limped into Ucchan's Okonomiyaki, Ukyo wearily directing Makoto upstairs to her bedroom. "I keep my medical supplies up there, sugar," the chef noted. "I can tape my ankle up..."

The shorthaired karateka nodded. "Before you do, I'll try and unknot those muscles. That *was* what I was trying to do when I attacked your leg."

The cute chef winced. "I can tell... Even without the ankle, my whole leg is stiff as a board!"

Makoto shrugged. "Sorry... I was *trying* to disable you, after all. I'll see if I can undo that." She paused as she helped Ukyo up the stairs and into her room. "Lie down on your front, I need to be able to get at your thigh and calf."

"Okay..." the chef said, settling down on her bed facing down, and propping herself up on her forearms. Makoto shed her sweat and flour covered gi top and cracked her fingers, to loosen them up. Then cute tomboy looked down and giggled slightly.

"Hey Ukyo, I'm not going to be able to fix your leg you with your pants on!" The brunette young woman blushed slightly and rolled over.

"Uh, yeah, sure..." Ukyo said and painfully rolled over to her back. She unlaced her pants without any problem (though she was still blushing, not many people saw her in anything less than a bathing suit). However when the combat chef tried to pull her pants down the cramping in her leg made her wince and flop back down on her futon. Makoto shook her raven colored hair and sighed.

"Would you relax a little? I'll get them, and don't worry, my friend Ibuki and I have to do this all the time and there's nothing to worry about or feel weird..." The tomboy paused; the last statement wasn't entirely true. Recently things had gotten VERY weird whenever Ibuki showed up, and even weirder if they started rubbing each other down. Makoto blinked and suddenly realized that Ukyo was... very cute. However, she also knew that she had just beat on this girl fairly hard and had just met her.

A few times playing with my best friend and suddenly I'm a total hentai, sheesh, thought the kareteka. To convince herself that this would be all right Makoto grabbed onto the cuffs of Ukyo's pants and gently tugged them down. The longhaired girl didn't resist, but she DID blush a bit more when the waistline of her trousers slid past her light pink, and very lacey bikini panties. Makoto worked hard at not saying a word as she got the girl's trousers off her completely.

"All right, go ahead and roll over again." The tomboy said, helping the brunette roll to her front. With no more preparation Makoto started to gently rub Ukyo's right foot. In order to relax the injured area the entire leg had to be loose. Not that the chef minded as the Rindou girl began to move her thumbs in small circles over the sole of the longhaired young woman's foot. Despite the aches in the rest of her body Ukyo's eyes were starting to get heavy. The tomboy-ish girl was very good at what she did.

Supporting the adorable fighting chef's leg carefully Makoto worked her way to her patient's ankle, feeling the young woman start relaxing as her fingers worked the knotted muscles loose.

"Neh Makoto-san-" Ukyo said, her voice drowsy. The shorthaired girl giggled.

"No need for the 'san' thing, just Makoto will be fine." Ukyo crossed her arms under her chin and smiled sleepily.

"Okay... anyway I got some massage oil in the bathroom, would that help?" Exactly why she was suggesting this even Ukyo wasn't sure, but it seemed like a good idea. Makoto nodded, lubrication would make this a lot easier. Letting the girl's injured leg down as gently as she could the karate girl got up, and sauntered over to the chef's small bathroom. A short search later found an extensive collection of body oils, scented, flavored, and otherwise 'specialized'. Makoto flushed slightly, involuntarily remembering that Ibuki loved this kind of thing. Selecting a lightly citrus oil, the shorthaired girl returned to her new friend, shedding her gi top, and stripping out of her bottom, to reveal black running shorts, and a white tank top t-shirt underneath.

Now more comfortable the karateka poured some oil into her hand and rubbed her palms together to warm the lubricant. Then Makoto slid her hands down the prone girl's leg. Ukyo mewed softly in pleasure and closed her eyes fully. To the martial arts chef things got fuzzy after that, she was conscious, but just barely, acutely aware of Makoto's hands gliding across her body, warming, relaxing and... something else? Something more intense, but hidden, for now.

Makoto, for her part, was trying hard to keep her attention professional. Ukyo had a *very* nice body. In fact, I think it's really similar to Ibuki's - Makoto thought, then shook her head, cutting off that line of reasoning as fully as she could.

Not that that was really so 'fully', what with her appreciation of how sexy Ukyo was, laying down dressed only in a loose yellow top, white bra, revealing undergarments, and uncovering more and more similarities between the brunette and Ibuki, as she looked the combat chef up and down. The panties... well, actually, those would be black, but the laciness is right; Ukyo and Ibuki share a chest that looks less bountiful than it is; they're both slim, lithe fighters with cute looks; they... Makoto shook her head again, and closed her eyes, letting her hands do their work by feel, loosening the cramped muscles and tendons gradually, layer by layer, as she worked up and down the leg, then up again.

Minutes ticked away as Makoto slid her hands across Ukyo's oiled skin, repairing the damage done by Makoto's earlier assault. Finally, Makoto slid her oily hands up to the hip that she'd kicked, working the stiffness out of the joint...

...and it was only when Ukyo gasped a bit that Makoto opened her eyes and realized that, to brace and pop Ukyo's hip correctly, the edge of Makoto's hand was resting *squarely* over the center of Ukyo's panties. Snatching her hands back, the karateka apologized frantically. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! It was an accident!"

To the surprise of both girls, Ukyo didn't react violently. That funny extra feeling was finally identifiable.

It was arousal.

With a girl? Well, I guess it makes sense, Ukyo thought as she became more awake. I always thought Ranchan having a girl form was really neat... now I know why. Aloud, she moaned, "Ohh... it... it's okay, Makoto... You... don't have to stop..." As she spoke the lovely young woman hiked her hips up slightly, as if offering the pink heaven as gift.

The karateka's mind was spinning. This was totally unexpected, it was more than little naughty, it was... very tempting.

I just met her, but she's so cute, but we barely know each other, but she wants it...and so do I. However with her lifestyle, her constant training, and the relative newness of the situation it was a foregone conclusion.

Grinning mischievously, the black haired young woman re-oiled her hands then began delicately caressing the insides of the other woman's thighs, using her fingertips to ease the remaining tension away, and leaving a different kind in it's place. Ukyo purred in content pleasure, spreading her legs slightly to allow Makoto better access. Taking the action as an even more open invitation than the adorable girl's voiced request the karate girl slipped in between Ukyo's legs and began running her thumbs along the edges of her friend's underwear, then tugging at the material slightly, pulling it slightly into the chef's dampening womanhood. Kuonji gasped loudly, her body shivering, her eyes tightly closed concentrating on nothing, accepting everything.

Makoto used her right hand to deeply massage Ukyo's tight, round posterior, while her left hand glided across the younger girl's back, lightly stimulating her entire body. The longhaired young woman felt the heat of Rindou's body so close to hers and relished it. Fantasies of her and Ranchan (in female form) came bubbling to the surface, both making her sex grow more wet and making the young woman somewhat uncomfortable.

Steeling herself Ukyo chewed her lip nervously, and then spoke hesitantly. "Ano... Makoto..."

Sighing in disappointment the shorthaired girl stopped her caressing. This wasn't that much of a surprise, second thoughts had nearly kept her from doing this Ibuki, and they had been friends for years. "Yes Ukyo?"

Half rolling over Ukyo propped herself up and looked at Makoto with a nervous expression. "I... just... I wanted you to know that I REALLY like you, and like what you're doing..."

Here comes the "but it's too soon" explanation. The Rindou girl thought.

"...but... I think I like it because, well my Ranchan turns into a girl when he gets splashed with cold water (somekindofChinesecursething), and you, well you kind of remind me of him, er, her, um, well you know what I mean..."

Makoto blinked. That she hadn't expected. However it was a welcome thing to hear. The young fighter moved from in between Ukyo's lithe, shapely legs, and cupped the younger woman's face.

"Well then, I have to tell you that you remind so much of a friend of mine - we've been friends since we could walk, and we just started doing this, it was a beautiful way of showing how much we cared for each other, a sign of how deep we were friends. And you, you're so pretty-" Makoto noted that the brunette flushed again. Smiling internally she kept going. "and have such a gorgeous body. You reminded me of her so much... well, if you want to stop this I wouldn't blame you..."

A tumult of emotions whirled through Ukyo, but the heat in her blood was if anything, even hotter, she definitely wanted this lovely tomboy. The adorable brunette closed her eyes and tilted her face up, slightly parting her lips, and whispering. "I don't want to stop..."

Makoto bent lower. "Good..." she murmured. "Neither do I... as long as you're willing." The karateka tipped her face down then, kissing Ukyo full on the lips. Meanwhile, Makoto's hands danced over the longer-haired girl's body, sliding under her shirt with the added slickness of the massage oil, gliding over the cook's stomach, her sides... and finally slipping underneath her bra to knead and caress her breasts.

As soon as the black-haired karateka broke the kiss, Ukyo moaned out loud. "Mmm..ohh! Ahh! Don't... Don't stop!" she implored her former ambush victim, who was only too glad to comply. Grinning, Makoto brought one leg up and gently began to grind a knee against the rapidly expanding damp spot on the chef's pink panties. As the pressure made itself felt, the long-haired brunette arched her neck back as she let out a small cry, and her legs would most likely have begun thrashing if they hadn't been so efficiently relaxed a few minutes earlier.

Makoto's grin got wider as she slowly pressed harder, letting the grinding be felt more intensely, and bent her head to taste the base of the chef's neck, a tactic that Ibuki had used against the karateka the last time *they* had done something like this. Judging from her reaction, she likes it as much as I did, Makoto thought, her smile now threatening to split her face apart. Let's see if a few other tricks work as well...

With that, the hentai karateka began to move her oil-slick fingers across the brunette's breasts, caressing as much as kneading, once in a sweet while catching a nipple between finger and thumb before the lubrication - now aided by a fair amount of sweat - let the nub squirt out from the pressure, at the same time bending forwards again to deeply kiss the lean, lithe martial arts cook underneath her, their tongues dancing and sliding together. Ukyo moaned into the kiss, softly at first but louder and louder as time went on and the erotic quadruple stimulation made itself felt at lips, breasts, and slit sending the younger girl afloat on a sea of delicious pleasure.

Ukyo writhed against the more experienced young woman, drinking in the taste of Makoto's mouth, lips, tongue, trying to simultaneously push her breasts into the karate girl's hands further and grind her delightfully throbbing sex against the other woman's knee. After a few wonderful moments of this Makoto hungrily, desperately broke from the kiss, and nearly ripped the yellow top off of Ukyo's deceptively well-formed chest. Nearly rejoicing in the fact that the cook wore a front clasping bra, the shorthaired young woman urgently undid the undergarment and tossed it to the side.

And heard the beautiful brunette gasp, and felt a familiar warm wetness against her thigh. As Ukyo squirmed against Makoto's toned, shapely leg she had somehow wriggled her way out of her panties. Now totally nude the young woman looked at her newfound lover with hooded, desire filled brown eyes. Makoto bent down to plant a series of butterfly-light kisses and licks along the younger girl's neck, down to her collarbone, then immediately to the smooth, sweat slick skin of Ukyo's shapely breasts. As the Rindou girl thrilled to each gasp, shiver, and moan from her friend/lover, she supported her self with one hand while her right slid down the chef's lithe body and cupped her neatly trimmed pussy.

At first Makoto just pressed her hand against the moist lips, delighting as Ukyo squirmed, thrusting her hips up and down against the midnight haired fighter's fingers. Then the doe eyed young woman tightly clutched Makoto's hand with one of her own, and the arm embraced the more muscular woman tightly.

"P...ahhhh... please... give me... make me... ohhh... please!" The young woman begged hotly, pressing Makoto's hand to her sex ardently. Grinning in between flicks of her tongue the Rindou girl spread her fingers, interlacing her digits with Ukyo's own, then, unexpectedly and simultaneously, slipped her fingertips and Ukyo's own fingers just past the folds of the brunette's pussy, as well as hungrily sucking on first one then the other hardened and erect nipple.

The doe eyed young woman arched her back, freezing for a split second, then passionately writhing into Makoto's caresses, calling Makoto's name out over and over, feeling the pleasure swell up inside her like a tide faster than any other. For how long this went on, the heady flux and ebb of sensation, Ukyo didn't know. But then the shorthaired young woman pulled her hand away from the younger woman's own, and slipped two lithe, powerful fingers into the tight, wet heat of Ukyo's pussy.

"AAAAHHHIII.... YESYESYESYESYES!" The brown haired girl screamed pumping her hips to meet Makoto's finger thrusts, her own hands going to the sweat and sex soaked sheets of her bed to clutch and twist them. Her whole body on magnificent fire, Ukyo twisted her head back and forth alternating between inarticulate screams of passion and desperate begging for Makoto not to stop, for more... just little...a little... oh yes, yes, yes yesyesyesyesyes AH!

Her sex flooding Makoto's hand and her sheets with honey, Ukyo came, twisting, arching, writhing, screaming, then finally collapsing back to the sheets, her lovely, shining chest heaving, beautiful eyes barely open. Makoto herself was breathing hard and sweating profusely, and the chef's energetic arching had brought her leg into energetic contact with the shorter-haired girl where she was kneeling astride the chef. As Makoto relaxed, her hips came down squarely across Ukyo's kneecap...

...pressing it into Makoto's slit in the exact same way Makoto had Ukyo's. The karateka let out a small cry as the contact, combined with the excitement of the moment and the heady power of *finally* being the more experienced one in intimacy, took her over the edge, albeit not as powerfully as Ukyo had gone moments ago. "Wow..." she breathed, touching her soaking womanhood as she recovered. "Just that one touch. No wonder Ibuki enjoys leading me on like that..."

Feeling the chef stir underneath her, Makoto hurriedly put that aside - *far* too awkward to explain all that - and rolled off the bed. As Ukyo's eyes came fully open again and she recovered her awareness of her surroundings, the karateka could see her struggling to find something to say, perhaps even wondering, just as Makoto had, "what was I thinking?" Rather than let things go that far, Makoto distracted her. "Soooo..." she said, and after a brief pause, asked, "Is your leg okay now? I've done the massage!"

Ukyo, naturally, cracked up, and laughed all the harder when she realized that yes, her leg *was* feeling much better, the muscles having loosened back up and the ankle having unkinked. Recovering, she managed, "hee hee hee... yeah, sugar, my leg's.. hee... fine now. Wow-" She looked as if she meant to go on, but her voice cracked on the 'wow,' and hurriedly closing her mouth, grabbed a loose T-shirt and motioned Makoto frantically downstairs, to the kitchen and the throat-salving beverages therein.

One mad dash and two long, cool drinks later, the two were able to converse again. "It's odd, really..." commented the lovely young fighter. "I knew you before we met. Well, knew *about* you, anyway." Ukyo gave her a quizzical look, and Makoto sat down in one of the kitchen chairs while she explained. "I'd heard about you from - well, from a relative of mine who lives in Nerima. I'd actually considered going there after the Circuit match I fought in the arena, but I understand they've got enough freeloaders." The karateka giggled. "It's funny, though - remember when you talked about your gender-changing fiancé' upstairs?"

The pretty chef nodded, confused, and Makoto giggled again before going on. "Well, everybody else said I reminded them of my cousin Akane, not of Ranma!"

It took a minute for that to sink in to Ukyo's understandably distracted brain, but when it did, it hit like a bombshell. "YOU'RE Akane's cousin? The one who's the Grand Champion of the underground fight circuit?!?"

Makoto shrugged modestly. "I don't go yelling that to everyone - I get enough newbies challenging me as it is, trying to make a name for themselves - but yeah, I'm her cousin Rindou Makoto. My branch of the family - er - knows the Amazons, and I'm an Amazon by adoption, so Khu Luong sent you that letter to make sure my skills hadn't gotten rusty. If I know the scheming old ghoul, now that I've beaten you, she's going to try and point me at either Cousin Akane or her fiancé. I'm gonna have to figure out how to prevent that..." Makoto said absently, loosening her top as she pondered counters to Amazon plotting.

Ukyo, now realizing how badly she'd been set up, was about to fume and plot violence herself when her half of the promise they'd made came to mind. "Meanwhile, sugar, I owe you an okonomiyaki - I *did* promise you dinner, and that was just for the massage!"

The cook began giggling, making her typically bound chest jiggle nicely... Makoto averted her gaze, not because she was being modest, it was a little late for that, but because she didn't want the beautiful chef to think that Makoto was interested in her just because she was very lovely, with gorgeous eyes, yummy legs-

"Now what are you staring at sugar?" Ukyo said coyly. The tomboy blanched.

Eep, caught. Thought Makoto, the martial artist met her new friend's gaze expecting some kind of reproach. What she found however was a rekindling hunger that matched, or even exceeded her own. Ukyo clasped her hands behind her back and leaned forward, giving the pretty black haired young woman a very enticing view of her cleavage, her long silken hair falling off to one side like shiny brown rain.

"Tell you what sugar..." The brunette purred. "How about I make up all the rest to you right now... and we'll eat some okonomiyaki later... I think I've got something more delicious on the menu right now..."

Her smile mirroring the brunette's mischievous expression Makoto got the impression that she was what Ukyo had in mind.

What a merry thought.

"Sounds fine to me." Murmured the young woman with an inviting toss of her short hair. The chef smiled wickedly, then straightened up, her fine lips pursed in concentration, then her gaze fell on a table hidden from the view of the outside. Ukyo smiled again and grabbed Makoto's hand pulling the idly "resisting" karateka over to the round table.

"Sit up on this." The brown haired girl said hopefully. Makoto complied, hopping to the table and sitting down facing the adorable young woman. Ukyo stepped back, grinning impishly. "Okay close your eyes and I'll be right back."

The stunning young champion, sighed in mock exasperation and obeyed. She heard the giggling young fighter pad off quickly, a few rattles, doors opening and closing, and then the sound of bare feet hurrying back.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" Makoto asked expectantly. She heard the other young woman laugh.

"Nope! Not yet sugar, but you can open those wonderful lips of yours!" Makoto shrugged and did so. A few more rustles, and then she felt the air of something next to her face, and smelled something... sweet? Then Ukyo slipped her index finger in between the beautiful young woman lips. The older girl tasted something deliciously sweet and salty, with a hint of sake maybe? It was wonderful whatever it was and the shorthaired girl sucked Ukyo's finger absolutely clean, making the younger gasp in unexpected pleasure.

"All right now, let's get the interfering shirt and shorts off you, but keep those eyes closed!" The brunette laughed. The karateka sighed expansively and with mock reluctance let the other girl pull the shirt away. Then felt Ukyo press her back gently and sank back on the table, let the younger girl slide her jogging shorts off her legs, and now naked, lay with her legs dangling off the edge.

The exquisite cook had never seen anything so inviting. And it was an invitation she made sure to accept. Climbing on top of the table Ukyo straddled Makoto's waist, bent carefully down, just barely brushing her smooth, tan skin to Makoto's pale, silk body. Gently, but with barely contained desire, the younger woman kissed her lover.

And kept kissing her.

After a while Ukyo nearly had to pull her self away, even though Makoto's hands were still resting outstretched above her head. However when the chef did manage to pull away both she and the shorthaired girl were shivering with hunger. Ukyo held to her plan however and reached over to the plastic mixing bowl that was currently filled with her sweet sake sauce (a mix of sake, sugar and soy sauce). Stirring a soft bristled basting brush inside the mix a few times the desire hungry cook pulled the brush out and gently "painted" Makoto's tight, toned stomach.

The prone young woman gasped at the cold, even though combined with the soft brush and the nearness of Ukyo's intensely hot body counteracted it, and the combination left her shivering, then gasping as the beautiful young girl did another area, and then moaning as Ukyo continued. Making sure her long hair was kept behind her the brunette continued to "baste" her new lover, consciously avoiding both nipples and the karate girl's already damp sex. The gentle touches of the brush, the cool of the air and sauce, it was making Makoto's breath quicken, and the hentai young girl's deliberate avoidance of her most sensitive area's was making the karate girl moan and squirm, trying to force her breasts and sex to be touched.

And from the burning in between her own thighs the sight of Makoto's gorgeous body writhing, and the begging moans she was making was turning Ukyo on to no end. Though from the shine of moisture around Mako's pretty pussy, the older girl was even more aroused. With torturously slow strokes the young woman finally began circling Makoto's breasts, pausing only to refresh the supply of sauce on the brush, then resuming her teasing strokes. When her brush was about to cross the oh so hardened peak of the karate girl's nipple Ukyo paused grinning at the way Makoto's moans became desperate, her thrashing barely controlled, wordlessly begging for the soft bristles to touch her.

And Ukyo answered the request, lavishing the nipple with long caressing strokes, exulting in the beautiful warrior's gasps and sighs. Dipping her brush back into the sauce the hentai little chef immediately went to Mako's other nipple, brushing it furiously, letting the sauce dribble down the heaving surface of the shorthaired girl's breast. After a few seconds of that Ukyo was ready for the final area.

"Hmmm, just one more to go..." The brunette purred loving the dominating role she was in. Makoto tried to say something but the cook's teasing had let her to breathless and she only pumped her hips eagerly. But Ukyo was not so kind this time, or was especially nice depending on your view thought Makoto vaguely. Every flick of the brush, the shift as the sauce trickled down the sensitive skin of her hip joint and inner thigh, brushing the trimmed patch of black hair, a few strands touching her swollen petals, sending shivers of ecstasy through Mako's body.

"Oh god.. please... please... OHH! PLEASE! UKYO- AH! PLEASE!" The longhaired chef grinned, shifting her hips as each cry sent a thrill of pleasure through her body. Then, without warning or changing her slow, deliciously slow pace Uc-chan brushed up one lip of Makoto's pussy, down the other, then finally up the center. The karate girl spasmed, her breath catching in her throat as she frantically clutched the edge of the table, her hips thrashing uncontrollably.

Ohhhh sooo clooose, ohhhh myyy..."Ukyo! Ukyo! Sugoi! Onegai, onegai, moto moto MOTO!" Makoto cried out finally. Then choked in ecstasy again as the gorgeous brunette's wonderfully burning hot tongue began flicking across the sauce-covered skin of her stomach. The karate girl reflexively clutched Ukyo's silken hair, and instantly the brunette stopped her licking.

"Ah ah! Keep you arms where they were or you'll never get cleaned up..." Ukyo "threatened" with a grin. Moaning in passion, pleasure, need, and compliance Makoto did what her temporary mistress told her, and instantly the younger girl's tongue was sliding across the pale silk of the Rindou girl's skin. Makoto lost track of individual sensations, they all became blurred into one awesomely pleasurable feeling, until Ukyo gently fastened her lips to one of her erect nipples, rolling her tongue around it, sucking delicately, pulling with her lips, then switching sides, continuing her lavish attentions, then switching back.

Makoto had no idea where they younger girl's talent in her lovemaking came from, and right now she couldn't care less. Her only thought (and one she repeatedly voiced) was her desire, actually now it was a need, for Ukyo to not stop. The passionate fires in both girls was flamed as Ukyo pressed her own lithe form to the writhing young woman's sticky body, then began to lick her way down in a manner that was decidedly final. Sliding her own nipples across the martial artists feminine-but-solid legs the chef finally brushed her lips and tongue through the soft black curls below Makoto's hips.

The shorthaired girl moaned in frenetic desire, as Ukyo paused to slide in between the other girl's thighs, then her voice settled down into content sighs as the cook nuzzled Makoto's sex, the pretty folds sticky with both the brunette's sweet sauce and Mako's nectar.

And Ukyo eagerly and hungrily lapped both up. The waves of pleasure surged through Makoto's body, making the young woman scream loudly as her body twisted around the chef's nimble tongue. Her knees hooked on the edge of the table, hands clutched with white knuckles, body slick with sweat, sticky with the dark marinade, heaving and writhing in sheer glorious pleasure.

Between the intense teasing she had taken before, the intense newness of this, and the sheer erotic potential of having such a beautiful girl between her legs, it wasn't much of a surprise that when Ukyo gently suckled on Makoto's button the beautiful, muscular girl came, hard. Her body arcing, and thrashing, voice catching as her breath was unconsciously held, her eyes squeezed shut through no choice of her own, not that she was seeing anything but white anyway.

When it was over Mako collapsed to the table (which had bravely, and barely, remained intact through the karate girl's intense, and abusive, orgasm), her body shining with sweat, sweet sauce, and Ukyo's saliva, the young champion's chest was still rising and falling rapidly, making her sizeable breasts dance enticingly. The ecchi chef in question was crouched at the edge of the table, soft brown eyes wider than normal in surprise. Pleased, and justifiably proud in herself surprise to specific. Pleased, surprised, and very, very excited actually.

Makoto's eyes fluttered open as she felt the table move slightly. Then she saw what was above her face, and her wide, black eyes shot open. Ukyo was straddling the older girl's face, and smiling at her, and in her right hand was the brush that had so pleased the young karateka before.

"You can open your eye's now Makoto-chan..." Giggled the cute brunette. Then Ukyo's face took on a different, hungry look. In one slow, torturous stroke the young woman ran the soft brush in between her shapely breasts, down her lithe stomach, through soft brown nether hair, and, gasping softly, over the folds of her own sex. "One last time on you too sugar..." The chef purred and repeated the slow stroking on Makoto. Except that when Ukyo reached Mako's still damp pussy, the chef discarded the basting brush and settled her mouth back to the other girl's slit, while lowering her own dripping sex to Makoto's eager lips.

They lost all control, alternating between light teasing licks, deep probing drives, occasionally slipping a finger into the other's pussy, only to scream as the other returned the pleasing favor. Feelings blended together, Makoto could only focus in momentary pleasure fogged flashes; her and Ukyo entwined on top of the table, desperately tasting and licking each other; the short haired girl bent over the table, breasts pressed against its cool surface as Ukyo ran her tongue up and down her slit, plunging fingers into the ecstatically screaming karate girl; the adorable brunette tossing her long hair back in a flood of pleasure as Makoto sat on her knees on the floor of the restaurant, the lithe younger woman's legs tossed wantonly over the stronger girl's shoulders, pressing her pussy to Makoto's face, tossing her head side to side as she came again and again...

At some point, neither were sure when, they stopped, laying in each others arms on a soaked table cloth, giggling and kissing, letting the fires of their unexplained, and oh so welcome passion simmer down in a tight but tender embrace.

Some time later, after the two of them had made their way up to Ukyo's shower and washed off the rest of the sticky sweet-sauce (during which the two girl discovered that hot water makes skin VERY sensitive) they collected their wits (and clothes) and finally, sat talking in the main room of the diner.

"Yeah. I think I'd better head for the Tendo Dojo," Makoto announced. "If Khu Luong is scheming again, I'd better pre-empt her. She's probably going to try and get me to challenge the dojo on behalf of the Amazons or something, but if I've already *had* a challenge match there, they don't have to accept my challenge later." She grinned at the chef. "Besides, all the talk about this 'Ranma' has me curious. I'd like to see with my own eyes if he's as legendary as the stories say... though I'll waive my old oath of 'I will marry the man who defeats me.' Adopted Amazon or not, I think you and Akane don't need any more competition."

Ukyo smiled back. "Yeah, 'specially since you look so much like her. Too confusing!" she laughed, and the karateka joined in. "But more seriously, sugar, what then?"

Makoto's smile got a bit grim. "Then? Well, I've heard this Ranma has defeated Khu Luong in open combat. If I beat him, I go to see her next. I've let her meddle in my life, but when my family or their friends get involved, it's time to put a stop to it." She paused, considering. "If I lose...? Well, I'll head off to train some more, maybe see if I can find Ryu again, he and I would both like a rematch. Once I'm good enough, *then* I challenge Khu Luong."

The gi-clad girl rose to leave, but Ukyo grabbed her hand. "Sugar? Hold on... I... I have to ask you..."

"What?" Makoto replied, curious at the hesitant tone of other girl's voice.

"Well... both here and back upstairs, you said..." The chef had to pause, allowing the emotions clogging up her throat to clear away. "...You said they consider me a friend? Ranchan and Akane both...?"

The karateka blinked. "Well, yes, of course! All their letters say so!" she blurted out. "Akane, Nabiki, and Kasumi all say that!"

The martial-arts chef let out a noise that was a half sigh and a half sob. "Friends... they still think I'm a friend..." she breathed happily, then became serious. "I guess it's time I acted like one." Getting up, she nodded to Makoto. "Let's go. I need to talk to Akane and Ranchan... and maybe you can help too. It's time we narrowed the fiancé field a bit, and that means dealing with the old witch Cologne, not to mention one psycho gymnast named Kodachi."

"Sounds good to me," the karate girl replied. "I've been saying in my letters for almost a year now that you all need to resolve this. I guess if I can help, this is as good a time as any!"

And with that, the two left Ucchan's Okonomiyaki, striding side by side as friends out to take control of their futures.


(Side note: "Okonomiyaki" means "As you like it" in Japanese... hence the title. Hope you liked it, Race!)