
Inverse Property : A side story
"Akane who?"

A charming Ran-chan / Ryouga pairing.  Let's see what could have happened had Akane not barged in on Ryouga. . . paying Ranma back. ^^


      Ranma's eyes opened, her senses fuzzed as she awoke from a peaceful sleep.  Another whisper of wind sounded in her ear as the undetectable click of her door closing confirmed her awaking suspicion.  "Who's there," she mumbled.  "Ukyou, if it's you again, I'll send you home--"
      "No cigar, Ranma." She 'erked', turning from her side to look behind her.  Upside down, feet on the wall and hands on the bed frame in a bizarre act of balance, Ryouga was there, giving her a sharp grin.  "Sleep well?"
      She sat up, pulling the blanket around her shoulders.  "What do you want?  It's. . . two in the morning."
      "You tried to blow my cover."
      Ranma gulped.  There was an unusual amount of calm in Ryouga's voice and, added to that, she did not feel like fighting in her underwear.  "Yeah, so what about it?"
      "Do you know what this means?" He kicked off the wall and launched himself up, landing on the foot of the bed.  Ranma instinctively scooted back, yanking the blanket out from under his feet.  He tripped up, off guard, and crashed to the floor below.  "Yeouch!"
      "Get outta here, you freak!  Why don't you go fawn over your master?" She grinned, standing on the bed, the covers acting as a cloak around her uncovered body.
      Ryouga hopped off the floor and back onto the bed, sending a kick around to take out Ranma's stance.  Still not at her best, she fell down with a yelp, her blankets falling off her shoulders.  Ryouga, about the go into rage, stopped to blink.  "What the hell are you wearing. . . ?"
      The girl looked down and froze, caught in a skin-showing set of undies.  She squeezed her legs together, pulling her knees back, and brought her arms up to cover her chest.  "Didn't I already explain it?  It's just more comfortable!  Don't get the wrong idea!"
      "There's a difference between comfort and scandal.  If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were wearing a thong."
      She spat.  "Are you kidding?  When have you ever seen a thong?"
      Ryouga's eyes narrowed as he shot forward, his strong arm-muscles flexing as he quite suddenly pulled her legs open.  An outraged gasp caught in her throat as she struggled to react.  "Looks like I'm seeing one now."
      "It. . . it's a bikini cut," Ranma muttered before she shook her head, her well-toned legs kicking his grip away.  "Let go of me, dickwad!"
      Ryouga loomed over her still, a fierceness carved into his face.  "All this doesn't matter.  The point is that you tried to show Akane the truth without my being ready!  Ranma, you're the backstabber!  You're the ass!!"
      She growled, aiming a foot for his neck.  He caught it with his hand however, giving it a sharp pull.  "Ah!" she cried as he pushed it over the side, catching her thigh under his foot, body-blocking her other knee.
      "You're not going anywhere until I . . . pay you back."
      "Ouch," she grunted as her legs were spread further apart.  "I'm tired 'a you lyin' to her." Her hand shot out and cracked him in the forehead but he barely flinched, catching the rebound with his free hand.  She made a strained face as he tightened his grip around her wrist. "If you do anything perverted I swear I'll knock your face in. . ."
      "Not as strong now, are you?  What happened to all that speed?" He turned the skin under his hand, burning her flesh.  She refused to wince, watching his face.  "You love her, don't you?"
      ". . . Wh-what?"
      "You heard me," she whispered, relaxing against his hold on her.  "I can't take it anymore -- all this crap just keeps makin' me realize it more n' more.  Watching her pamper you and knowing that you're head over heels in love with her hurts, alright?" Dumbstruck, Ryouga's arms draped loosely at his sides as he suffered a round of blinks and confused noises.  He watched, astounded as she grinned at him, tipping her head down.  "Gotcha!" Her other palm, which was slowly creeping down by her side, rocketed up and smacked his nose in, causing him to reel back with a shout as he let her go to hold his face in pain.
      "Agh!" he cried as he pulled back to punch her, her hands having been raised to block.  "I'll kill you!"
      "You couldn't kill time!" He put two fingers up, a sinister, deadly look in his eyes.  She followed as his fingers launched towards her, turned her hand to the side.  Before he got past 'bakusai,' she pushed forward and divided his attack in two, stopping it; a finger rested to either side of her palm.  She smiled triumphantly as his unbalanced body weight came shortly after, causing his other hand to push forward to stop his fall.  It was then that her smile cracked into a twitching, slightly agape mouth, her pupils small and her cheeks crimson as his hand closed around her breast.
      Through the open window came a soft flutter of wind, the room silent but for the sounds of the night.  Ranma went rigid, barely managing to swallow as her gaze focused and locked onto the boy across from her.  The bickering that had taken place just moments ago seemingly disintegrated as Ryouga's hand failed to move from its wonderfully lucky place.  Actually, the only things that did move were his little fingertips, twitching as they burrowed into her skin.  The thrill that rippled over her flesh was tearing a small hole in the concept of it being Ryouga doing the touching.
      Slipping beyond reasoning ability, Ranma just stared at him, the open window beyond the foot of the bed allowing a generous amount of moonlight to flood the room and offer his hunkered body detail.  Ran-chan gulped, nodding her head toward his hand.
      "You wanna let go. . . ?" Ryouga was practically swimming in the flesh, not hearing a word she said as his eyes shifted down to lay upon her chest.  She blinked in slight confusion, her hand rising to tap him on the head.  "Hey, Ryouga, we're losing you--"
      "They're so soft. . ."
      "What?" She suddenly gasped, flinching as his hand gave her a pulse and a small squeeze.  They didn't look nearly as comfortable as they felt.  He watched them jiggle slightly, returning to normal as Ranma managed to pull herself back under control.
      "Ryouga," she growled, "this is the kinda perverted crap I was talkin' about.  You're gonna let me go or I'm gonna rip the first thing that hits my hand right off'a your body." Her attitude soon fizzled out, however, when he lifted his eyes again to reveal a sinister gleam to their dark, mysterious, arcane hues.  She felt every urge to 'eep' as he proffered a grin. The hand that had blocked his attack swung back and out of his grasp, curling at her side.
      "That's right," he said slyly, "I still need to pay you back."
      "Ryoug--" He pressed his other hand to her lips, cutting her off.  Sensing her freed-fist shooting up to knock him away, Ryouga reluctantly left the warm globe to catch her wrist.  She blinked and struggled, wresting against a steel grip, startled out of her fight when he lifted his leg and sat on her waist. "Mmn uhnn aaih. . ."
      She bit at his hand and he quickly pulled it away, avoid her teeth.  "I said 'you wouldn't dare.'"
      "Ranma," he started slowly, leaning down as he pushed her other hand up above her head.  She pressed back into the pillow to get away from his leer, unsure of where exactly this was going.  "Let's say Akane had found out. . . I'd be devastated, you know?  How do you get back at someone for ruining their cover?" His eyes slipped down over her body again and quite suddenly, a poke to her stomach told Ranma exactly where this was going.  She sucked in a breath, prepared to take the loud and easy way out when his hand fell over her mouth again.  "If you make a noise, I really will hurt you." She nodded, perplexed, as his hand slipped away once more.
      "I don't want to, though," he said calmly, warm breath rolling over her face.  "I guess that whole trip sent my mind elsewhere.  But you wanna talk about backstabbing. . ." He sighed in disgust, digging his nails into her wrist.  She winced but said nothing.  "I can't believe you'd try to sell me out like that."
      "I told you, I don't think you deserve her," she spat.
      ". . ." Ryouga touched her chest again, eliciting a shiver.  "Alright, so she's not the only one I want."
      Ran-chan, who'd let her eyes close for a moment, reopened them with a stare.  "You're kidding me."
      "Hey," he grumbled, reaching up to cup her chin, "you can only stare at two girls getting close for so long before you start to get ideas." Despite the grip he held on her, she grinned, bearing her teeth.
      "How honorable of you--"
      "Can it!" he whispered harshly. "I still love her!  I. . ." He sighed, placing a shaky hand on her chest once more to calm himself as he mumbled quietly.  She edged away, murmuring.
      "Please stop doing that."
      "Ranma, I'm going crazy -- and you're gonna help. . ." She made a quiet attempt to respond but was silenced by a kiss, firm against her mouth and spiced with cracked lips.  His hand slipped from under her chin and along her other arm, catching her hand as it sailed for his face.  He pulled away, taking deep breaths, staring  into furious eyes as he moved both of her tiny hands up above her head.  "They're soft. . ."
      "I can't say the same for you.  You suck at this." Steam threatened to shoot from her nose as she huffed, staring at him.  Ryouga stumbled, unable to answer her odd frustration.  He ran his tongue over his lips and quickly pressed back down, surprising her with a much lighter and gentler touch.  She stiffened as one large hand closed around both her wrists and as the other slid down her arm, coming to rest on her rib cage.  He released her mouth, panting slightly as he sat up.
      "W. . .whoa. . ." he whispered.
      Gulping, Ranma nodded.  "Th-that was better. . ." He suddenly smiled, hearing her pant causing his heart to race.  As he looked down to her ivory face, he saw that her eyes had abandoned the irritation they held moments ago.  Ranma watched him carefully, her hands lying unmoved above her head. Everything outside of her mouth was numb it seemed, his kiss having drawn her heart into her lips.  Apart from that, she felt very, very warm.  Whatever it was that had sparked inside, it suddenly left her much more aware of his crotch, the toned outline of his physique, the chiseled features of his face and the fact that he looked pretty good all of a sudden.
      "Hey," he suddenly mumbled, placing his hand on her breast again, "they're hard. . ." She shuddered as he witlessly rolled his palm over what her bra covered, squirming slightly in his grasp.
      "Ah. . . " he glanced up, catching a blush rise to her face.  Curious, he looked back down and touched the little nub, watching her jerk a bit.  "Rng. . ." He closed his fingers around it, giving her nipple a sharp pinch.  "Ngh!" Ranma cried, arching up slightly.  Ryouga nodded to himself, resolved, and let her hands go.  They fanned out to her sides as he placed a hand on her cheek.  Her breaths stopped for a moment as he turned her face to the side, leaning down to blow across her ear.
      He bit her earlobe, silencing her. "No more questions. . ."
      Her soft pants resumed as she nodded.  "Sure. . ." She nibbled her lip slightly as she tightened her thighs a tad.  Ranma could feel herself getting wet and knew by the yearn in her skin that she liked this.  What the hell did he do to me? she asked as a haze settled over her mind, her only recourse seeming to be to watch as he tipped down and took daring nips at her neck.  Why he liked it she could figure out, but why did she want more of him with every pass of the second hand?
      "Oh!" she cried as both of his palms cupped around her chest, giving her a gentle, pulsing massage.  She groaned against his increasingly ragged breath, twitching pleasantly as something slithered over the curve of her ear.  Hesitantly, pausing to hear him say her name, she brought her hands up and placed them on his back,  lightly digging her nails into his frame.  Grinning as a wave of lust swept into his system, Ryouga pulled back to face her and closed his eyes.
      "You wanna?"
      She suddenly shot forward, thrusting her head up to meet her lips to his.  She kissed him furiously, nodding her face to the side as she wasted no time in dividing her jaw and opening her mouth for him.  Surprised, his eyes snapped open for just a second before he responded to the embrace, the dance between the two growing hotter as the fires inside burned brighter.
      And they were really horny, too.
      Gasping for breath when she was done, Ranma dropped back down, looking to the side.  "Payback, huh. . . ?"
      Ryouga was still a little trippy as he released one of her breasts so that he may touch his lips.  ". . . I-I can't help it.  If it's not you, I'll take someone--"
      "Fine," she interrupted quietly, placing her hand atop his, moving it around a bit.  He went along, undulating his fingers over the globe as she continued through a sigh.  "I want it. . . but this is a one time thing, got it?"
      He gulped, nodding.
      Gritting her teeth as he got more aggressive, she swallowed back a small moan.
      "No getting the wr-wrong idea. . . ?"
      She squeaked when he suddenly pulled her top open, his cool palms coming into contact with her bare chest.  Ran-chan groaned, stretching under his caress.  Her toes curling, she eyeballed him with a faint grin.  "Then no more stoppin'. . ." He didn't even nod as he kissed her again, his tongue plunging into her welcoming mouth.  They fought back and forth as she let her instincts carry her into reaching up and tugging at his shirt.  He couldn't help but smirk to himself as she became increasingly frisky, nearly clawing his garment to shreds.  It soon dropped to the floor as he sat back, justice given to the sharp lines in his chest by the moon in the sky.
      Ranma blinked, watching his defined body slide down her own, hands gliding over her silky skin.  She smiled in her miasma of pleasure, hissing slightly when his tongue barely flicked over her nipple, a cold rush of breath coming quickly after.  Her skin tightened, causing her to shiver and quake before his mouth suddenly closed around the tip of her breast.  "Damn, Ryouga," she mumbled, pulling a hand up through the back of his hair.  "Who've you been practicing on. . .?"
      ". . ."
      "On second thought, don't answer t-AH!" She gave a mighty jerk, gripping the back of his head as he gave her a little nip.  Purring for him, she reached down to grab his other hand, pulling it up and onto her neglected skin.  He pinched and pulled as he bit and suckled, sending her through a medley of sounds and movement.  As he neared the point of throbbing right out of his pants, Ranma finally put another sentence together.
      "Lemme see it," she mewled, wincing as he stopped his delightful ministrations.
      "Wha?" he asked stupidly, glancing up to her.
      She nudged his crotch with hers, struggling through heavy breaths.  "I wanna see it." He gave her a smirk, sitting back up. 
      "You've seen it before, what's the big deal?"
      "I've never wanted to see it before."
      "I didn't think you'd take to the idea so fast."
      "Oh, really?" She pointed down, telling him to scoot back.  "Try 'n' explain it to that." As he undid the tie on his pants, Ryouga glanced down and recoiled in surprise.
      "Damn!" Abandoning the loose attire about his legs and ducking his face down to her crotch, he marveled as he watched her soaked underwear glimmer in the pale light.  He pressed a finger to it, pulling it down along the swollen outline of her slit, arousing a sharp cry from the girl with whom he toyed.  Her legs pulled open as he did it again, rubbing the general area through the slick and practically ruined set of fabric.  Before she could react, he pressed his face to her area and gave it a sudden, broad lick, the scent pulling him closer still. A few high-pitched whines poured over her lips as she cried out for him.
      "Ryouga. . . more. . ." He glanced down to his own excitement, relaxing back on his legs as he let his pants drop around his bindings.  He undid the ties as she looked at him, eying him with a proprietor's gaze.  He went crimson under her stares, pulling his pants off and letting them drop to the floor to meet with the rest of his clothes.  His eagerness mounting as he pulled his boxers off, rubicund shades of blush rang brighter on both their faces.
      "What?" he asked quietly as she watched it shake, blood coursing through it in a throbbing rhythm.  "What's so fascinating?" He growled, snapping his fingers to call her gaze up to his face.  "You think it's small or somet--"
      She shook her head quite seriously, swallowing as he busied himself with removing her undergarment.  She sighed as the room air swept over her mound and reopened her eyes to stare anew.  His eyes met hers for a moment as his hands fell upon her knees, gently spreading her legs a bit further.  "You want this?"
      "God, Ryouga, stop being so dense!" Ranma cried, her frustration growing with the length of his stalling.  However, she quickly held up a hand when she suddenly felt something bump against her slit.  "Wait!!"
      Ryouga opened an eye, swallowing the lump from his throat.  "What is it, now?"
      She reached out cutely, drawing him down to rest above her on his fours.  Quietly, she gave him a revelation or two.  "Ryouga," she mumbled, absently drawing her fingers over his chest as he suddenly leaned down to attack her ear, his enthusiasm pressing into her tummy.  "This is still gonna be this body's first time -- don't kill me wit'that.  I'm small--" Ranma sighed, sucking in a ragged breath.  "D-damn. . . s-so you gotta loosen me up. . ." He let her neck go with a pop, eying her as he donned a smile.
      "I think I get it. . ." With calculated, slow movement, he retraced his path down her body, giving her chest a quick sprinkling of kisses before he left a long lick down her stomach.  Ranma squirmed, pulling at the bed sheets as she grinned down to him.  Like a true professional, she forced out an exaggerated moan to entice him, making it real once Ryouga's tongue danced over her clit.
      "Ah!" she cried, jolted from her senses as a submissive mindset slowly began to overtake her clouded mind.  As she approached the furthest she'd ever been from otoko-Ranma, she called out with true feminine desire: "Oh fuck!"
      Ryouga left his eyes closed as he relaxed at the foot of the bed.  His face was half-buried in her crotch, tongue lapping out and swirling around in random, wild circles.  It set the redhead on fire, causing her to instinctively grapple for a breast, giving the nub at the top a very hard squeeze.  "R-ryouga," she struggled as the minutes passed; his mouth never seeming to tire, rather, getting increasingly sporadic as he continued to lavish her sex.  Occasionally, to her delight, his tongue would dip down and press into her -- sometimes shallow and sometimes deep into her crevice.  Ranma was swimming before long, pulling at his hair as she forced her pelvis up to get him deeper inside.
      "Ranma," he mumbled slightly, not removing his lips from her lower ones.  She didn't give a very audible reply, merely able to utter a small 'uh?' Reluctantly, he pulled his face from her and wiped at his dripping mouth.  She mewled, gripping his head a bit harder.
      "Ranma, wait," Ryouga said, swallowing her acidic taste from his palate.  He weighed the taste around, deciding for himself that it was pretty good before he went back to his stumbling speech. "Ranma. . . I'm. . . um. . . I'm really horny, now -- I think I'm gonna pop. . ."
      Lost in quick, panting breaths, she forced herself to sit up and pressed her lips to his, pulling him into a fierce kiss.  He fell back, catching himself as they threatened to fall off the bed.  He pushed them up to the center, easily able to move her small frame around.  She gasped for breath when her hand suddenly danced over his member.  She seized it in her grip, giving it a tiny squeeze.
      "Hey, wh--!!" His voice was trapped in his throat upon his something entering hers.  Her mouth was a warm and wet heaven, sliding over his member as spittle dribbled down her chin to fall to the bed.  Ryouga let go of a groan, pressing his hands atop her head before she let him go.
      "There's a way for us both to get what we want," she murmured, looking up to him as the sweat glistened on her face.  "Man, Ryouga, I'm really warm--"
      "Shh," he said quietly, gripping her by the waist with his strong hands.  She yipped as she was lifted quite suddenly, turned around as he spread his legs out and placed her upon him in a backward straddle.  Ryouga gave her no time to question as he grabbed her by the legs, pulling her back so that his face may once again meet with her crotch.  Ran-chan collapsed forward at the touch, head planted into the bed next to his legs.  He had a bit of a black thought but gave it away as a burst of unselfishness surfaced -- the idea was for them both the get something out of this but if Ranma liked it, that was good enough.
      After all, the more she likes it, the more Ryouga would get to enjoy phase two.
      He stopped to gasp when her fingers wrapped around his shaft, giving him a quick pump.  "Don't worry, I didn't forget. . . " He unfettered a deep moan, muffling it with her leg as a vacuum formed around him, sucking the very life from his body.  She continued to stroke with her hand, slowly bobbing her head along with the motion.  He tried to concentrate, letting his mouth go crazy on her nethers.  His lack of direction finally coming in handy, brilliant bolts of satisfaction swept over her every time his spastic movements touched down on a sensitive part of her sex.  Every twitch brought her closer to her end as she was grabbed up in the emotional toss-around, her spirits, soul and mind in tune with this body's natural desire.  She had to have it.
      She suddenly released him, coughing, as another squirt came up to burn her cheek.  Swallowing what had shot down her throat, she looked back with a chastising snarl before it quite suddenly fell away.  "Oh, y-you're good. . ." Jerking slightly as after shocks rocked his core, Ryouga gave his going-off no mind as his tongue was busy trying to worm its way into her.  Ranma bit her lip, overtaken by an immense thirst as she wiped what she could of the facial from her cheeks and chin.  Looking at the strands that bridged across her fingers, she suddenly sat up with an evil smirk, pulling her sex from his face as she stuffed her fingers into his mouth. "Try this!"
      Ryouga gagged as her fingers passed back over his lips, spitting out what he hadn't taken down.  "Whoa, that's salty!" He hacked slightly as she gave him a girlish giggle, sucking any residual semen from her digits.
      "Not bad, though. . ."
      "I need a drink."
      She clamped her hands down on his shoulders, shaking her head.  "R-ryouga. . . I'm ready." Her faint smile broadened slyly.  "You're not too tired, are you?"
      He rotated around, hopping to his knees as a vigor shone through in his eyes.  Watching him made her shiver with delight as his hands rolled up along her arms, pressing her back down to the damp mattress.  "You think I'd let you beat me?"
      She let go of a soft coo as Ryouga pressed into her again, its slick surface teetering between being in or out.  "Okay. . . let's see who lasts longest, then. . ." She fought a lock-up as he pressed inward just a bit more.  "I'm a girl, so you had your handicap."
      Unable to speak as a tightness gradually closed around him, he nodded slightly, moving his palms down to brace her quivering legs.  She was dripping, hot, and moist and as he gave her a calming, soothing whisper, she was relaxed.  She went limp under him as he inched forward, sending them both into silence as myriads of colors blasted before their eyes.  Finally, as she neared the point of bursting, Ryouga spoke.
      "I'm in," he said breathlessly.  Ranma opened an eye, afraid to move.  She felt deliciously full, fearing that any unnecessary actions would bring about pain to what she found to be startlingly painless.  Ran-chan released a heavy breath, whispering a command for him not to move yet.  She balled her fist, curling her fingers around the sheets as she savored the hot throb deep within her, flexing her muscles around it like she were trying to pull him further in.  Ryouga gritted his teeth, the fluxes compromising his stamina already.  "R-ranma. . ."
      She moaned weakly as she gave him a tired gaze, what was left of her smile remaining in a needy and urgent call from her lips.  "Take me, please. . ." He instantly complied, pulling out quickly and thrusting in again thrice as slowly.  Ranma's body wrenched, thrown through a torrent as he altered his movements to insane degrees.  Boggled, she cried out for him as he did the same, eventually abandoning the play to move to a straightforward, noisy, wet and smacking in-and-out.  The slosh of his sex into hers mingled with their dim cries, the two trying to keep as quiet as their inhibitions would allow; trying also to be as loud as their partners desired.  Suddenly, Ranma wanted nothing more than to hear Ryouga scream her name.  Ryouga too, as he sped up, pounding into her as he lifted one of her legs over his shoulder, wanted Ranma to feel as good as he did.
      Time passed in a blur, the room ablaze with the heat of their bodies and the burn of their passions.  The flowery parts from the start were draining out of the way as the atmosphere turned raw and primal; grunts, growls and moans getting louder and louder, escaping into the  dark night's air.  Ranma shuddered, curling her toes as she was finally spent, calling Ryouga's name as her nerves were blown from the rest of her body.  Hugging her arms around Ryouga's neck, she screamed for him and locked around his member, her muscles milking the daylights out of his abilities.
      "Ngh!!  Ryouga!" she cried again as the wave of contractions rocked her back and forth, leaving her brain behind as she sputtered out meaningless words and sounds.  Her arms dropped away as he followed soon after, her having gone off tearing his endurance down to that of zero. He buried himself forward and was soon wasted, howling for Ranma as the moon watched on.

      A few hours later as dusk crept over the nightfall, Ranma awoke to the strong scent of sex.  She regretted moving, her legs a bit sore and her entire crotch a sticky mess.  She didn't have to reach down to know what was still there.  Looking to her side she saw Ryouga, just as awake as she.  "You didn't get any sleep?" she asked meekly, rubbing her eyes.  He grinned, shrugging.
      "Didn't feel like it."
      She reached down and felt herself idly, finding that still rather warm.  After another moment she turned back to Ryouga and gave him a timid and quick kiss, drawing the covers up around her.  ". . . That's the last one."
      He sighed, nodding.  "I figured." They both sat up, Ryouga a little more free with leaving his nudity out there in the open.  "No hard feelings, right?"
      She shrugged, grinning.  "Same as it ever was, I guess."
      ". . . So I can't just come to you for blowjobs whenever I feel like it--"
      "Get outta here!!" she hollered, throwing a pillow at him as he covered up in a mocking show of fear.
      "I was just kidding.  'Loosen up.'"
      "If you don't get lost, you'll wish for 'same as it ever was.'"
      He smiled despite the threat, pulling his clothes on as she turned away.  "What is it?"
      "Nothin'." She crossed her arms, resting on her knees.
      "No way. . . " She gave him a sideways glance, seeing that he had already finished with his attire.  "You're the only friend'a mine who I'd ever let do that to this body. . . So feel privileged, huh?" She returned the smile but erased it quickly, hiding behind a gray demeanor.  "It was pretty good. . . "
      "Huh!  It was amazing and you know it!"
      She would have argued the point but he was right.  ". . . Yeah.  Sure, fine." She blushed, fighting for her old self to surface so that she could beat his face in.  Unable to find it, she was forced to watch him leave.
      He opened the door, still wearing a smile as he looked back at her with a hidden gleam of "I win" in his eyes.  "I won't tell anyone if you don't."
      She nodded, waving him off as she lay down on the bed, her back to his exit.  "You got it.  See ya." Ryouga left without another word, Ranma battling to close her eyes.  Okay, so maybe if she were in the mood she'd blow him, but that was beside the point.  Something about 'friends with benefits' rang in the back of her mind as she shook her head, figuring that about an hour's worth of sleep could still be had.  "I hate that guy."
      "Time to get up!" Akane called brightly as she suddenly opened the door.  She was met with a pillow as Ranma curled up into a ball, ordering her away.  "God!" Akane shouted, stomping up to the bed.  "What's your problem now-- what in the world is that smell?"
      For the first time since Ryouga's departure did Ranma grin, glancing back over her shoulder.  Her thoughts about the other boy drifted away as she watched her favorite prude and true love with a renewed sense of appreciation, giving the girl a raspberry and turning to rest on her tummy.  "Nothing you'd know about."


That was for you, Mike Toth and Emily Watkins. ^^