NabRanSham: A Tale of Two Pussies (give or take a Tom-cat) (A Hentai Fanfic) Based on the events chronicled in: A TALE OF TWO WALLETS! (Taking place between the events of Chapter 49 & 50) By Jim Robert Bader (Characters by Rumiko Takahashi, the rest is pure Invention) (LEMON ALERT: Contains Sexual Situations and Gratuitous Descriptions deemed unsuitable for anyone by the PTA or Community Standards of your county or district. In other words: Fuck Them!) >From the Private Journal of Tendo Nabiki: "Can't we talk this over?" I asked nervously as I eyed my predatory companion. "What need talk?" replied Shampoo as she finished securing the leather strap that held my left leg firmly secured to one of my bedposts. My right leg was similarly restrained, keeping both of my legs firmly stretched wide apart, which was similar to the condition of my arms as I struggled in futility against my bonds, knowing full well that Shampoo had me at a definitely disadvantage. My Amazon iinazuke had surprised me only a few minutes ago by waiting in ambush in my room, so that when I went upstairs to change out of my sweaty clothes and into something more suitable for enjoying dinner with my family, I instead found strong arms wrapping around me and hauling me over to the bed, as Shampoo kicked the door closed and proceeded to strip me of my practice gi and undergarments. In case you are wondering if I put up a struggle at being manhandled...uh...woman handled? Let me put it to you this way: the chances of me standing up to Shampoo with my meager combat skills is about the same chance of a bicycle standing in the path of a speeding bullet train. In other words, are you kidding??? Submitting to Shampoo's rude treatment was one thing, but I was feeling enormously awkward at being held spread eagle on my own bed due to my Amazon bride's odd notions about courtship. To say the least I did make verbal protest as I demanded to know what she was doing, only to be informed by her that she was doing exactly what she believed was necessary to help me overcome what she deemed as a formidable obstacle to consummating our marriage. In other words, she was about to help me get past my mental hurdle, and hence the reason for these rude ministrations. "Ah..." I tried to think of something to say to stave off what I knew to be inevitable, using the one lever I thought I still had in this odd situation, "Because Ranma wouldn't like it you do this?" "He get next crack after Shampoo get finished," Shampoo said as she straightened up, grinning like a Cheshire Cat as she added, "But Shampoo get first crack at crack of Sneaky Girl. You no complain when Shampoo get finished, Airen! "..." I said, and not just because I was stunned at Shampoo's crude pun. For once my mind was locked in neutral, leaving me utterly unable to conceive of a suitable rejoinder. "Sneaky Girl no worm way out of this with tongue," Shampoo remarked as she brought something up to my mouth, prying my lips apart in order to fill it. I can't tell you how much of a shock it was to discover that Shampoo had somehow obtained the possession of a cock-shaped ball-gag. The Amazon tied it firmly in place, leaving me with no means to utter further protest as Shampoo drew back with a smile and said, "Now you just right for Shampoo fun. You have it coming after stunt you pull, Nabiki, and even you say you owe Shampoo return favor." I think I rather visibly winced at that. Surely Shampoo wasn't still holding me responsible for the way things had turned out in the dojo? It had been a crazy day overall, but I thought it was perfectly understandable how I had splashed Shampoo and triggered her cat-curse under the circumstances! I had been surprised to hear Shampoo later accusing me of doing it deliberately in order to get myself alone with if I'd really been planning to make out with our iinazuke behind her back! These Amazons took everything so personal-like, but it wasn't like I was planning to exclude her from the action, and nobody had gotten hurt as a consequence of my actions... Well...nobody important...but that's Uncle Genma's business what he does with his collection of girlfriends. As for me owing Shampoo a favor...well, the Amazon did have me dead to rights there, what with that business in the restaurant turning out the way it had, but there was a difference between owing one's "wife" a debt of honor...and Shampoo collecting on the marker in just this sort of manner... "And now, Airen," Shampoo said dramatically as she unbuttoned her Chinese shirt and let it fall to the floor, then slid her silk pants off of her hips and kicked them both to the side, standing revealed before me in all her naked glory. I think my eyes got very wide as I took in the sight of my tormentor. Shampoo has an absolutely perfect body, well formed and extremely well-toned with just the right proportion of muscle to body fat, and generous breasts that would make any man drool with desire or any woman do so with envy...or-in my case--both. Not that I have much to complain about, of course, having an excellent body myself that I'm fairly proud of and have worked hard to keep fairly trim and limber through training, exercise and diet. My breasts aren't as large as Shampoo's, but they are excellently well formed and very firm with the benefits of youth. My narrow waist and long legs are two of my best features by my own reckoning, which I think makes me an extremely attractive prize that any man might covet (or at least any guy who doesn't know me by reputation). The fact that it was another girl who was eyeing me covetously at that moment did not unduly upset me, but in my vulnerable state left it left me wincing and struggling against my bonds all the more, hoping against hope to find some slack with which to escape my present situation. "Perhaps, Ailen, you want know why Shampoo make you do this?" she asked with a leer, "Shampoo very patient, she give Nabiki time, as Ailen ask her to wait, but Shampoo tired of waiting for Nabiki to make up mind about accepting marriage. You very stubborn girl, make Shampoo wait, and now you think you keep Ranma to self by make out behind back of Ailen?" Make out? I looked at Shampoo as if I thought she was crazy. All I did with Ranma in the dojo was just kiss, a very nice kiss that had a little fondling and groping on the side, but it wasn't like we screwed each others brains out! Granted a kiss for us is a big step in the right direction, but I still though it would be a long time before I could persuade him to go the next step of the way in a more sexually explicit direction. Silly me, underestimating the persuasive powers of my Amazon bride like that, but how was I to know that what she was about to do to me was only the first step in her diabolical plan of seduction? Shampoo had plotted the whole thing out in that crafty cat-brain of hers while Ranma and me were still working up the nerve for the kiss, and she was about to hatch things out with me being the appetizer for the main course, which of course at the time I was not yet suspecting. I could not help glancing down at the mound that covered the loins of this girl who was about to have her way with me, confirming for once again in my mind that Shampoo's odd hair color was indeed natural there as well. There was something disturbing about the way that the pink slit was showing from beneath this silken bush, matching the flush state of her regal complexion as Shampoo seemed to be savoring the moment, drinking in the helplessness of me, her intended victim. Hey, I've known for some time now that I'm bisexual, that I'm attracted to both genders and have been known to occasionally "look" at another girl in a way that was more than casual. Most girls tend to compare their looks against other girls as if we're all competing on the same cattle call with the boys as our interested "buyers." I never did much get into the cattiness that some girls think is typical behavior for our gender...I never saw much point in considering other girls as my rivals, always figuring that a boy would either notice me or I could very well do without him. But this was very different, and not just because Shampoo had at one time been my primary rival for Ranma. The fact that she had resolved to adopt me as her wife as means of resolving our conflicting obligations towards Ranma meant that she had started to eye me as a prospective bed-mate, and she had made no secret at all of her interest with repeated attempts to seduce me. I didn't mind that she was interested-heck, what self-honest person would refuse the attentions of a girl like her?-but the way she could come on strong sometimes could be pretty daunting. I wasn't used to someone being so forward with me, and with the "Take Prisoners" look the Amazon was giving me right then I was suddenly feeling very much like a potential rape victim. In retrospect I can appreciate the dramatic pause as she waited to confirm that she had my full, undivided attention. Then Shampoo raised the glass of water that she had set down upon a chair, continuing to smile as her crimson eyes made contact with my own before she upending the glass over her head triggering her Cat-curse. One moment later her beautiful form collapsed into that of her winged neko body, giving one brief flap of her wings as she slinked forward on all fours until she was below an angle at where I could actually see her from my position. I grunted into my gag, her panic rising in me when I realized that I no longer knew where Shampoo was, but my confusion was only momentary as suddenly the cat pounced onto the bed in the space formed by the "V" of my legs and made a noise that sounded eager and quite famished. My eyes were as round as silver dollars as I saw the cat pad up to my loins, then without warning she pounced onto my chest, landing with all fours on my poor, smooth, silky-yet-unprotected tummy. I gasped through my nose and stared in alarm as Shampoo flexed her claws once against my skin, lightly pricking me without actually penetrating my thin hide. The reddish-brown eyes of the cursed beast were glittering with amusement at my reaction, and with hunger as she contemplated my anguished expression, then very lightly she cat moved over my chest to snuggle up and rub herself against my right breast, circling it once before playfully batting the nipple with one of her paws. This had the effect of causing my tit to stiffen to full erection, and I gasped again, feeling a sudden heat rise up from my loins, which is exactly what Shampoo had no doubt anticipated! I continued to watch and groan Shampoo slid her muzzle up across my skin until she could flick the tip of that tongue out and scrape against that nipple, which sent a shock down my spine that felt like electricity, jolting me with unexpected pleasure! Emboldened at receiving such a welcome response, Shampoo brought her teeth up and lightly nipped the nipple, feeling it harden beneath her teeth before she release it and brought her tongue into play again. I writhed on the bed and felt my skin grow flushed while my body spasmed with the intense eroticism that Shampoo was causing. She nipped me again, this time employing more force as if to tug on my nipple with her teeth, causing my whole breast to turn rock hard with erection while I squirmed and moaned into the ball-gag. Shampoo repeated the process across my other breast and nipple until both were like hard water balloons, swelling to full size at this erotic use of Sham- chan's Neko assets. Shampoo clearly delighted in using her tiny body to elicit more grunts and groans of pain, reveling in my helplessness as I struggled to no avail against this treatment. Finally the Amazon cat grew emboldened by her sport to leave off tormenting my breasts-and with me almost feeling as if I were on the verge of lactation! Instead Sham-chan slid down the length of my body, being sure to maximize every inch of fur-to-flesh contact as she moved down south to my nether regions, no doubt drawn instinctively by the scent of cream to the very place she had wanted to be from the beginning of my seduction. I lay back and gasped with renewed alarm as the Amazon bent her tiny head down and used it to explore along the outer ridge of my labia, first using her nose to explore around the edges, then employing her tongue to add further incentive. I think she grew even more excited and delighted when she caused my pink petals to slowly unfolded, affording her even greater access to my most sensitive nerve endings. In next to no time at all Shampoo discovered my clitoris and began to lightly rasp it with her tongue, which had the result of making me buck, moan and clench with unexpected intensity, my mind suddenly filled with unbelievable anticipation! Using that uncanny tongue of hers Shampoo brought her muzzle over the moist wet opening of my love tunnel and stuck her tongue in all the way, sliding it against the inner wall, which finally put me so far over the edge that I must have surprised Shampoo with a royal Cum Gusher! "Meow!" Shampoo reacted in surprise as a clear milky substance shot out from me and splashed over her face, spurting with the force of an erupting geyser, but in no time at all she recovered from her surprise and began to rasp her tongue over the opening as she hungrily drank this love-juice down, probing me until I had spent myself in the intense orgasm, which was followed by an after-shock induced in no small part by her continued tongue-lashing. I gasped and lay back in shock at how good it had felt to experience climax, the first one I had ever had that did not require self-stimulation. I was simply amazed at how good it had felt to have Shampoo lick me to orgasm, a feeling actually intensified by my state of helplessness as it had allowed me to let go while my body did all the work and let my mind reap the benefits of one mother of an earth-shaking climax. Shampoo began to clean off her face as if not wanting to miss a single drop of the highly erotic substance, taking her sweet time while I slowly descended from the high point of arousal. It was just a brief respite, however, as Shampoo resolved to renew her assault on me now that my guard was down and I was nearly asleep with exhaustion. The day's events had been pretty draining on me so far, but I perked up soon enough as Shampoo began to stimulate me into renewed awareness as I began to experience my second climax, which this time felt more like the crashing of an ocean! We might have continued like that for a while, but Shampoo was not done having her way with me just yet-not by a long shot! having merely gotten me warmed up, she began giving me her very special treatment. Using her paws to press against the sensitive nerves along my inner thighs, she flexed her claws and ever-so- lightly scraped them across the skin, causing me to lurch to full alertness. Then Shampoo desisted and instead began to rub her furry body up and down my trembling thighs, moving back and forth in growing excitement as the sheer delight of what she was doing drove her to greater heights of arousal. At last she could put it off no longer and leaped off of the bed, heading for a bucket that she had made ready for this occasion. She jumped into the hot water without hesitation and a moment later burst forth in all her full glory, turning around and giving me a look that clearly showed just who was planning to eat the canary, and three guesses at who's the canary??? Shampoo sauntered towards the bed with easy, confident strides, a great cat in human shape who was stalking her prey (meaning me), who was watching her moves with the aspect very much like a fawn in the headlights. There was no question here that I was the prey being stalked here, and as in any situation where the hunter is at a clear advantage over his prize I had a clear sense that I was about to be devoured like a blue plate special! "Sneaky girl very tasty," Shampoo purred as she bent down and straddled me on the bed, positioning her body so that she hovered just over my body with her pendulous breasts hanging down, the nipples pointing at my chest one moment before she slowly bent down and pressed her body against me. I groaned and closed her eyes as I felt the warmth of Shampoo's stiffening nipples slowly rasp against my own already sensitive tits, igniting a fire in my bosoms that turned them hard and firm again, my loins reacting as electricity went up and down my spine. Shampoo nuzzled my cheek as I smelled the arousing perfume of her body fill my nostrils, and then she kissed me with great ardor, She bent down to kiss the hollow of my shoulder, and from there on it was an easy, lazy glide down to my right breast, which Shampoo cupped and fondled with great affection before placing her now-human lips around the edges of the nipple and lightly flicking her tongue against the nub. This earned another groan from me, her nominal victim, which further emboldened Shampoo to take things on to the level. This time she more than kissed the nipple, she formed suction around the pink areolas then suckled on the tender meat, causing even more tremulous sensations in me, her helpless love-mate. I could only groan and tense on my bonds as Shampoo cupped and sucked on my nipple, playing with it as if trying to draw sustenance in the form of mother's milk. I would gladly have complied at that point if I was able, but instead I felt another kind of milking was needed farther below as my abused loins were starting to lubricate once again. I twisted and writhed under the torment of my Amazon bed-partner then gasped as Shampoo's hand slid across my tummy and found its way between my loins, stroking and fondling me there without bringing me all the way over the edge from arousal to full climax. Shampoo did not desist in her assault upon my mammary glands, instead she turned that assault over to my left bosom and began the process all over. Somehow by clever manipulation of nerve endings she was able to finger- stimulate my loins in such a way as to increase pleasurable sensations without permitting me the release I so desperately wanted. Shampoo was relentless in driving me to greater and greater levels of torment. At the point where I thought that I could endure no more Shampoo desisted in her efforts at milking me and instead began to slide down my sweat-slicked body like a slippery wet seal, her own body slick with perspiration and arousal as she found her way down between the my thighs, her mouth never missing an inch of the terrain before she finally arrived at the point of determination. By this point I could do no more than gasp, could only breath deep breathes through my nostrils and was not even permitted the luxury of begging for mercy. Instead I waited with inevitable fatality before Shampoo at last could grace me with tiny kisses around the area of my loins, deliberately avoiding the pelvis until the last conceivable moment, then moving in for the kill, bringing her mouth up to the top of the slit and moving down along the edges. My pink petals--already spread wide with full blown arousal--felt the tip of that tongue slide in and spear me, pushing into my moist depths with far greater depth and efficiency than any cat's tongue. She probed as deep as she could go and swirled the tongue inside my labia, then found the nerves she craved that caused me to shudder like I was experiencing an earthquake! My release was explosive and in a moment Shampoo had another mouthful of sweet, syrupy cum to drink down, and drink she did like the hungry beast of prey that she was. She must have lapped up every drop of juice that I could offer, because when she was done I felt wrenched like a sponge, and only then did she finally desist. Withdrawing the tongue from my now hypersensitive skin with an effect not unlike sandpaper, Shampoo sat up while I gasped a final time, then fall back with a shudder of relief, sensing that this point of my torment was--at least for the moment--finally over. But for Shampoo this was just the beginning. The drink of the cum she had tasted must have had an effect like the most powerful aphrodisiac ever conceived. She had to experience more, had to find release of her own, but there was no way to do it so long as I was gagged, so she moved up my body and undid the fasteners to the ball-gag. I coughed at my release and had to swallow to clear my mouth, then I took several deep breaths to fill my lungs with air while Shampoo used the respite to say, "You return favor now, give Shampoo what she want or you get worse next time. You understand Shampoo, Nabiki-chan?" "H-h-hai," I gasped in a ragged voice, then my gasp was redoubled as Shampoo bent down and once again kissed me on the mouth, a kiss that once more carried the flavor of cum juices. My eyes widened for a moment, but once you've had that taste on your tongue there is no going back, and I realized that I loved my own flavor. More to the point, I wanted to taste Shampoo's cum, to taste Shampoo herself, to know what she tasted like and to no longer just as a helpless participant, a writhing victim of another girl's lust but rather be a full blown partner in this mutual seduction. So it was that I watched with anticipation as Shampoo moved her naked body around until her purple loins were positioned directly over my mouth, then she slowly lowered her pelvis down to where I could reach her. I understood the principle of what she was asking me to do, so without further need of explanation I stuck out my tongue to lick Sham-chan's already widening labia. Using that tongue like a finger to probe her I separated the lips of her pussy and sought out Shampoo's clitoris, flicking my tongue against it in an attempt at imitating what she had done to my own sensitive nub. The Amazon sighed, finally obtaining the release that she had been no doubt been seeking, though I was in no hurry to make quick work of my tormentor. Instead I took my sweet time giving tongue to moist depths that were lubricating with a delightful flavor and encouraging me to go deeper and deeper in this erotic exercise, fulfilling my own long-suppressed desires by giving free vent to this most amorous exploration... Unbeknownst to them both Ranma was just then passing by Nabiki's room, heading for his own after taking a good hot bath to restore his manhood. His mind was still on the kiss that he and Nabiki had shared, and the mild groping that they'd both indulged in, which had felt good in a way that had utterly surprised him. It might have gone further if he had not called a halt to things about the phase when Nabiki had attempted to undress him. It wasn't that he minded it, per se, it was just that everything had happened so fast from the moment that she had kissed him. That kiss had been the sweetest thing that Ranma had ever known until now, and he wanted to savor it a bit, maybe get in more practice with her on other occasions, before trying his luck with anything that should have more properly been saved for after they were married. Married. The thought alone stunned him into a daze, wondering just how he had gone from enjoying the single life to actually contemplating having a wife who was a year older than himself, yet who had become very much the center of his whole existence. From the moment they had first met he had been unable to stop thinking about her, that quirky smile of hers, the elfin features that gave her such a look of mischief, and the way she could continually off-balance him with a word or gesture. She could intimidate him so easily with her subtle humor and cool sophistication that the thought of actually approaching her in a sexual way was actually more terrifying than any fight he had ever been in, and yet Oh-So- appealing! Oh sure, there was also Shampoo to consider, and that was an entirely different kettle of potential problems as the Amazon was sexually more aggressive than both Ranma and Nabiki combined, but Shampoo seemed accommodating enough and was actually pretty easy to talk to, if you overlooked her lack of fluency in the Japanese language (and Ranma had to privately admit that there was something almost appealing in Shampoo's kawaii manner of speaking). The problem for Ranma was figuring out exactly how he was supposed to balance himself between the two women, and this was even taking into consideration that many guys would kill to be faced with such choices. Yeah, right! Ranma sniffed to himself, thinking of his friends at school, Hiroshi and Daisuke, who had trouble even lining up dates and voice the frequent complaint that Ranma did not know how good he had it. Like either one of them would be any better at handling this problem than he was, but at least Ranma could console himself with the fact that he only had two girls that he was committed too. That engagement to Ukyo had been...weird, to say the least, but she seemed willing enough to call the whole thing off, so at least he was spared having a third such girlfriend to complicate his existence. That, of course, still left that unresolved matter of Kuno Kodachi, but she had been strangely less of a concern for him of late, leaving Ranma to dare the hope that the Black Rose was looking elsewhere for a suitor. At least she had seemed reasonable enough on that date they had shared a month ago, not half so wild and demented as when he had sparred against her in that gymnastics competition. In fact, she had looked very attractive during their date itself, which almost made it a pity... Stop that, he severely chided himself. You don't need that kinda trouble, man! Just stick to the two girls you have and try to forget all about Kuno... "Oh...Kodachi!" Ranma stopped in his tracks, blinked his eyes twice and thought for a minute that he must be hallucinating. The business with the kiss and the discovery that he and Ryoga were brothers must have unsettled him worse than he thought, because he almost would have sworn that voice sounded just like... "Kasumi-sama..." Very slowly Ranma turned around and glanced at the door that bore Kasumi's name in carved letters on a wood placard. He listened faintly and could just barely hear the soft noises emanating from within that bedroom, giving him the distinct impression of two people doing something that sounded rather intense and physical, though his mind utterly balked at formulating a mental picture to go with the gasps, grunts and groaning. He shook his head, not wanting to pry and even less to know about what was going on in there. He would have said it was none of his business, but he did wonder if Nabiki had any idea that Kodachi was in there with her sister. He resolved to talk with her about it, not wanting to be guilty of withholding any information from her as she had withheld the truth about Ukyo from him, and they both had hid the truth about Ryoga from Akane. Too much withholding was only causing needless trouble, and there was one thing they did not need around the Tendo house it was more trouble! Nabiki's room was right next to Kasumi's, so it wasn't a hard task to approach her, and since his mind was on the very vigorous sounds coming from Kasumi's room, he might be forgiven for not immediately hearing the equally strange sounds coming from Nabiki's room until he lightly tapped on the door and had a sense that something was wrong...or at the very least very strange going on in there as well. The sounds halted abruptly, then a few seconds later the door swung open and there was Shampoo standing before him with a very curious expression. "Ailen?" she beamed brightly, grinning like a cat and as naked as the proverbial blue jay. "What the heck?" he reacted with a start, looking past the Amazon to see an equally naked Nabiki laying face up on her bed. He was so shocked by this that he did not even react in time as Shampoo's hand reached out to grip him by his shirt, and then before he knew it she was hauling him into the room while Ranma flailed his arms and sought to maintain his balance. "Ailen, you come join Shampoo and Nabiki?" the Amazon cried in delight as she hugged Ranma to her breasts, his face buried in between the soft cushion of her natural pillows, all but smothering him as he filled his nostrils with the powerful aroma of the Amazon's sex-slicked body. Ranma would have denied later on that he had fainted dead away at the point, but Shampoo had noticed when he went limp in her arms, which prompted her to lift his face up to hers as she asked, "Ailen?" "I think he passed out," Nabiki suggested from where she still lay bound to her bedposts, "No offense, Sham-chan, but I think you could suffocate the guy doing that." "Aiyaa...too much happiness for Ailen," Shampoo concluded, then her kittenish smile return and she gave Nabiki a wicked glance, adding in a sultry purr, "We help Ranma get over shyness like Shampoo help Nabiki?" "What have you got in mind?" Nabiki asked, suspecting already that she was about to be made a participant in something very naughty, which is probably why her own smile deepened... Some minutes later Ranma began to regain awareness of himself, only there was something that was jolting him back to consciousness, a sense of being back in the pit with hungry cats all around him, only one cat was bolder than the rest and was actually tugging on his pant legs, stripping him bare and exposing his private regions, which it proceeded to play with, stroking it with its paws before licking it with its tongue and...doing other stuff his mind balked at. Ranma awoke with a start, discovering that it was not a hallucination after all, only instead of a cat he found a purple head nestled between his thighs as he sat upon a chair facing towards the bed, and compounding his alarm Ranma discovered that he was tied to that chair by heavy ropes, and other than this he was totally naked! As if this were not sufficiently alarming, the sight of Shampoo bobbing up and down on his stiff, erect manhood was enough to make him gasp with terrified amazement. "Sh-Shampoo...wh-what are you doing...?" he blurted out in his dismay. "What does it look like she's doing, Ranma-kun?" asked Nabiki from where she still lay tied down to her bed, watching it all with evident fascination. "N-Nabiki?" Ranma gasped again, "Wh-What are you doing over there?" "At the moment?" she replied sardonically, "Not a damn thing. It's Sham-chan's call, she's in the catbird seat, so you'd better sit back and enjoy the ride, Ranma-kun, just like I did." "But...what...why...?" Ranma tried to formulate the words, only his expression screwed up as the sensation of Shampoo's mouth engorging his hardened member threatened to overwhelm his sense of his immediate surroundings. He screwed up his eyes to stare down in disbelief as the Amazon took him into her velvety throat, swallowing him with increasingly larger gulps before releasing him again, increasing her tempo slightly with she played with his testicles and did other things that were calculated to drive any man crazy! "At a guess, and this is just a theory, mind you," Nabiki replied, "I think she's tired of waiting for us to make up our minds about having sex, so she's elected to take matters into her own a manner of speaking." Ranma did not immediately reply, his mind too stunned by the sudden rush of feelings that threatened to overwhelm his consciousness. What Shampoo was doing to him was...odd, certainly nothing like anything he had ever experienced, but he would have been hard pressed not to admit that it was an altogether pleasant experience, even if he could have done without being tied to a chair when she did it! "Airen talk too much," Shampoo said between noisy slurps, "Shampoo teach groom there better way use mouth," and with that she left off giving him fellatio and instead sat down on Ranma's lap, carefully aiming the tip of his cock with one hand towards the mouth of her vulva. With an ease that surprised Ranma she slid him inside her body, then brought her hips up to his as his manhood swelled to new life within her. "You see?" she purred as she made eye-contact with Ranma, "Is perfect fit. Now you give Shampoo ride while Shampoo give you something nice to play with." So saying, Shampoo brought her hands around Ranma's head and forced him to bend forward, as far as he could go in his position, leaning her chest forward so that one of her enormous bosoms made contact with his face. Ranma's eyes go wide as he instinctively reacted by taking the rock-hard nipple there between his lips, reflexively suckling on it as if the gesture were second nature. To his surprise it felt good to have Shampoo's tit in his mouth, as the Amazon leaned back her head and gave a soft moaning sigh of approval. She rocked her hips and brought her body up a few centimeters, then lowered herself down again, bounding up and down on Ranma's manhood as he impaled her over and over. At first she went very slow and gentle, but she increased her tempo after the initial first minute and began to ride him in earnest while Ranma sucked on one breast, followed by another. Nabiki arched her back and felt a strange thrill pass through her as she watched the two go at it, feeling jealousy and hunger war with fascination as her own excitement slowly built by the second. Shampoo obviously knew what she was doing, because she was giving Ranma the ride of his life, and there was no doubt in her mind that their enjoyment was mutual as Ranma slowly lost his inhibitions. Shampoo kept on working him until his manhood took on a steel-hard contour, and it appeared as if the geyser was about to blow at any second. But Shampoo surprised them both by desisting about this point, slowing down her tempo until she eased off all together. Smiling fondly at Ranma's amazed expression, she cooed in her sexiest tone of voice, "No cum yet, Ranma. First you give wife what she need, then Shampoo take what belong to her. You see Nabiki's face? She want you as much as Shampoo." "Huh?" Nabiki asked, too stunned to form a more coherent reaction. Shampoo turned a sultry look her way and said, "You is thinking Shampoo is selfish? Shampoo want Nabiki enjoy Ailen as much as Shampoo. Is you turn to make pleasures with husband. Shampoo help Airen come closer together." "Wh-huh-what do you mean?" Ranma asked as Shampoo climbed off of him then picked him up out of the chair, sliding his arms from where they were cuffed in back as she helped Ranma regain his footing, then she walked him to the bed and positioned him at the end facing towards Nabiki. "You no worry, Ranma," Shampoo assured him, "Shampoo teach Airen what to only right to share with wife. You give pleasures to Nabiki, you cum inside her, make Nabiki very happy womans." "Sh-Shampoo?" Nabiki asked, both touched and amazed by the Amazon's statement. "Hush, Ailen," Shampoo said fondly as she guided the unresisting Ranma onto the bed, taking him firmly by the cock as she directed him to bring his hips closer into reach of Nabiki's exposed pelvis. Ranma stared in amazement down at Nabiki, who was looking up at him with equal amazement. He could not exactly say that he had been dreaming of this moment, because until then he had not the faintest idea about what a guy was supposed to do with a woman, but now that he had been led to this point he had a sudden clear sense of what was about to happen, and it so unnerved him that he might have lost his firmness but for Shampoo touching several nerves that caused him to grow even harder than ever. All at once his dick was a horn that he could have used to break boards with, and as Shampoo pressed the tip up to the middle Tendo daughter's moistened love box he felt a strange thrill pass down his spine. This was the moment of truth for both of them, and all of a sudden he wanted her more than anything he had ever wanted in his whole existence! Shampoo brought her warm body up to him from behind and positioned herself behind his buttox, which caressed the washboard smooth muscles of her stomach. With Shampoo providing the support he needed, Ranma found himself pushing into Nabiki's moist cleft, going in with such ease that it was almost a glide, only to encounter some resistance mid-way, which puzzled him greatly. Nabiki gasped, sensing that Ranma was near to the point of full penetration as his manhood encountered her hymen. For a moment the three of them paused, then Shampoo rocked her hips forward, forcing Ranma to go deeper into Nabiki. There was a slight tearing sensation, a bit of blood spurting out from her loins, and then he was in all the way and the brief pain was replaced by a sense of incredible pleasure. "Now Ailen join as one," Shampoo murmured softly, "We marry, is Amazon custom." Married...the word sent a shock through both Ranma and Nabiki as their eyes snapped open and they locked into a gaze that held the depth of their souls in each other's expression. Ranma had gone the distance, all the way up into the Middle Tendo girl and Nabiki had taken him in a perfect fitting. Their pelvises were touching as a feeling like the merging of their spirits connected their minds to their nervous systems, then Shampoo applied slight pressure with her own hips, then eased back a bit as she drew Ranma slightly back, only to push him forward again, which caused Nabiki to arch her shoulder blades and throw back her head with a cry of amazement! Shampoo helped Ranma to slowly establish a slight rhythm as he pushed gently in and out of his iinazuke, slowly driving Nabiki to ever-greater heights of distraction. In an amazingly brief time Ranma felt himself at the precipice of a male orgasm, which Shampoo appeared to sense as she picked up the pace a little, giving Ranma even more reason to thank the Kami that he had finally claimed Nabiki! And then the dam burst in earnestness and Ranma felt himself exploding outward from the tip of his manhood. Nabiki gasped as she felt a warm fluid fill her, rammed in to the hilt by her boyfriend as Shampoo thrust him into her a final time before succumbing to her own climax. The double-joined explosion was enough to give Nabiki the sense of a raging time crashing down on her as her own orgasm kicked full into gear. She spasmed around Ranma's manhood, her loins sucking him down like a hungry predator while Shampoo hung onto Ranma and helped keep him from falling atop Nabiki. Ranma gasped as he felt himself come down from that moment of sweet ecstasy, but little did he suspect how Shampoo was only getting started driving both he and Nabiki to a newer sense of mutual closeness! Shampoo made certain he stayed inside Nabiki until she was satisfied that he had expended his measure, then she helped to ease him onto the side of the bed, where Ranma felt a mild exhaustion claim a part of his senses, leaving him momentarily too weak to renew his struggle against his bonds. Satisfied that her husband would soon recover in full measure, Shampoo turned her attention back upon Nabiki herself, straddling the other girl as she gave the middle Tendo daughter a kiss that was full of ardor. "You like have Ranma come inside you, Nabiki?" the Amazon purred when their lips again parted. "Oh...yeah," Nabiki found herself unable to help but laugh at the understatement, "That was great...only why did you have to tie him up to get him inside me?" "Because husband very strong," Shampoo replied, "And no have experience holding back strength when with womans. Shampoo make sure he no hurt wife when he do Nabiki, as first time he no know you limits. Besides this, Shampoo no let husband worm out of fulfilling duty to wives with silly talk about wait until marriage." "You don't think that would be a good thing, huh?" Nabiki asked wryly. "On contrary," Shampoo beamed, "Shampoo already married to Nabiki and Ranma, only want make marriage full so no have great grandmother saying it no yet real marriage. Shampoo prove to her Ailen that she married to them...many times before night over." She grinned, and then proceeded to renew her kiss of Nabiki, sliding down to plant little kisses on cheek-to-chin-to-neck to collar-bone as the Tendo girl moaned slightly, encouraging the Amazon with heartfelt groans of approval. Almost inevitably Shampoo glided back down to the space between Nabiki's legs, taking her time before arriving there to hit all the interesting tourist stops along the way. By the time she actually got down to planting her kisses over the middle Tendo girl's sopping wet loins she had Nabiki literally begging her for mercy. When at last the Amazon graced Nabiki's clitoris with her tongue Nabiki was ready to cum again, her first couple orgasms merely the prelude to one mother-shuddering Tsunami that erupted inside her and sent her nerve endings into spiraling pinwheels of intense ecstasy. The moment she came this time Nabiki was numb to all other sense of time and reason. It was with only mild surprise, however, that she felt Shampoo move around upon the bed, and when Nabiki could at last regain enough sense of herself to look upward she found Shampoo's own purple bush poised above her face, slowly lowering down as the pink petals of the Amazon's moist labia began unfolding. Nabiki had a strong sense of what was expected of her at this point, had a foreknowledge that it would be coming, and found to her amazement that she was more than ready to reciprocate the action. Shampoo's moist mound smelled potently of honeysuckle and lilac mixed with something salty, like fish, an altogether pleasant combination, which was why she lifted her face and stuck out her tongue to begin the task of returning pleasures. Shampoo gave a groan of approval then brought her own face down again and began to work at Nabiki in a sixty-nine position. Though Nabiki was a newcomer at this form of erotic foreplay, she proved an apt enough student and before too long was earning high marks of praise as Shampoo continued to lick her measure for measure. Ranma was just beginning to regain the full use of his faculties, his strength returning along with an awareness of what was happening around him. He opened his eyes and was immediately greeted with the amazing sight of his two bedmates locked in a passionate "yin-yang" position, the two noisily slurping away with obvious great delight while ignoring him completely. Ignoring him? That irked Ranma slightly, even as the sight of the two women pleasuring each other began to arouse his manhood with unexpected renewal of vigor. He was the guy here, not some pampered pet to be tied up and left to stew while those two were busying themselves in their mutual hunger. No way was he going to take this insult lying down, for the pride of his manhood he would prevail to make his presence known by both of these women! His earlier efforts at freeing himself had been daunted by the cunning way in which the ropes binding him were looped to defeat his best efforts, turning his own strength against him. Fortunately Ranma was somewhat familiar with the tying of knots himself and so was able to fathom the pattern that Shampoo had employed here. It took a moment to reason out where the weakest point was, and then he bunched his muscles together and began to concentrate his strength on breaking free. When his first efforts met with constricting resistance he did not back down but redoubled his efforts, glowing slightly as his pride rose to the surface and his warrior's spirits conjured up a potent battle aura. Shampoo distantly perceived what Ranma was attempting and looked up from where she had been busy sucking down Nabiki's love juice, which was heavily mixed with semen. She was on the verge of another climax but still managed to gasp out the words, "Silly no can break free of Amazon rope tying. You sit back and enjoy show, and maybe Shampoo untie you later." "Oh yeah?" Ranma felt his pride flare to renewed life, and now he glowed so visibly that even Nabiki started to take notice. The ropes began to fray as he parted them with one huge flexing of his arm muscles. In a second he had freed himself completely of the bonds, sitting up on the bed with warrior's pride in his every line and feature. "Ah..." Shampoo reluctantly conceded, "Maybe Shampoo make error...?" Ranma took advantage of her prone position to get a firm grip on the purple haired girl as he flipped her off of Nabiki and onto the bed. He straddled her as if she were a wrestling partner, and while she made a token effort at freeing herself it was clear enough that he now had her at a disadvantage. Shampoo realized this and ceased struggling, looking calmly up into Ranma's face as she said, "You defeat Shampoo again, Ailen. Now what you do?" Ranma almost balked at that as he had not thought ahead of the mere act of getting the upper hand on his tormentor. His body weighed down upon the Amazon, making him all too aware of how soft her skin felt as his stomach muscles pressed down on the smooth padding of her flat tummy. Her luscious mounds were directly beneath the flatter muscles of his chest and her nipples felt rock-hard as they poked him. Looking down into her utterly adorable and desirable face, he felt something else grow rock hard again, and at the position it was poised he needed very little guidance to slide it down until it touched the mouth of her opening, then he positioned his hips to properly guide its entrance. Shampoo looked up into her husband's eyes with sheer amazement written only lovely features. Surprise soon gave way to approval, and she closed her crimson eyes, leaning back her head to moan a little as she felt him go ever deeper, pushing in all the way until his testicles made contact with her labia. It was a perfect fit, his loins inside her vulva, and by moving it around slightly he found he could get better positioning, while Shampoo's groans became more heartfelt. Nabiki watched all of this happen with her own look of amazement, yet being still bound to the bed prevented her from doing anything but look as with increasing confidence and pressure Ranma began to claim Shampoo, pushing in and out of her with more purpose as the Amazon responded by wrapping her legs around his hips. Ranma could not believe how good it felt to be inside Shampoo, as it had been when he was inside Nabiki! Instead of the sense of being manipulated, as with the first time, he now felt totally in control of the situation, and yet somehow not fully in control as his body behaved in a way that was instinctive. It was like learning a whole new martial art, only instead of beating another opponent into submission he was instead joining with Shampoo, engaging her in a dance that could only be performed by two partners seeking to be joined at the hip in mutual fulfillment. As surprising as it was to be enjoying what he and Shampoo were doing together, he was even more amazed to feel the climax building up within him once again, and this time it was directed at the Amazon herself. Shampoo was more than willing to encourage him in this endeavor, and after only a few more minutes of increased pumping action he felt his release finally come as his loins exploded with fire at the point where he was deepest inside her! Ranma gasped, feeling a weakness overtake him once again as he braced himself from falling on top of Shampoo, who had given a kittenish cry of delight as she reached out to him, drawing his face down and planting a kiss that was full of hungry affection. Nabiki was feeling a mixture of thrill and frustration lying where she was as those two completed their pillow gymnastics in the space between her spread legs, so tantalizingly near yet so dauntingly distant. Her own bonds were holding her helpless at a moment when she very much wanted her freedom, yet when Shampoo gently rolled Ranma off of her and climbed out from underneath him it was with such a happy grin that Nabiki suspected that her bedtime antics were only just beginning! "Nabiki," Shampoo purred with such a happy cat-like expression that the analogy between her and her Neko form was unavoidable, and like a hungry predatory she slowly moved on hands and knees to slide herself up the length of her wife's supple body until their nipples could make contact once again, and Shampoo could freely straddle her by lowering her loins until the tip of her clitoris could gently touch against Nabiki's own love-button. Shampoo arched her hips and ground their pelvises together, causing Nabiki to gasp and arch her own back again as the contact sent sparks shooting up and down her spine with renewed vigor, as if pure electricity were being generated. Ranma lay where he was watching as the Amazon began to slowly hump Nabiki with gentle intensity, pushing their loins together as if they were kissing with their labia, which caused his iinazuke such obvious pleasurable sensations that he was almost envious, and wondered how Shampoo could achieve this without having her own thing between her legs. In a way he was grateful that the two of them were spending time with each other, allowing him to regain his strength once again, but in a different sense he felt more than a bit frustrated, his own stamina less up to the task than he would have imagined under these circumstances. Nabiki gazed up into the lust-filled, ecstatic vision of Shampoo hovering above her and felt an incredible closeness building between the two of them while Shampoo seemed on the verge of melding their nervous systems together. Nabiki could hardly believe how good it felt to have Shampoo straddling her this way, but her desire to reciprocate was being held in check by the bonds upon her wrists. It caused a portion of her mind to refocus on the nature of the loops that held her arms above her head, mere windings of chord that were somehow tied in such a way as to not cut off the circulation of her wrists. In her minds eye she could almost see the loops of chord and could fathom their construction, and it was as if a diagram suddenly popped into her head and she knew instantly how to free herself from these chords. It was a surprisingly simple technique that even a novice such as her could perform without effort, and by allowing her body to relax she flexed the muscles in her shoulders while twisting her wrists with a single supple motion, and all at once her hands slipped through the loops and she was free once more and could use her fingers. Naturally in her hyper-aroused state of mind the first thing she sought to use them on was Shampoo, only not to discourage the Amazon from continuing with what she was doing-oh no! Shampoo wanted her to continue, and to that end she reached out and cupped the Amazon's full bosoms, giving them a squeeze and fondle that she had been yearning to perform for the better part of the past hour! Shampoo opened her eyes wide with surprise but did not otherwise react as she felt Nabiki begin to massage her sensitive nipples, pressing the flesh of her huge mammaries while flicking the nipples between thumb and forefinger. Instead she closed her eyes and made a faint groaning noise of encouragement as her Japanese wife played with her breasts in a hungry, possessive manner, like turning a set of "nobs" on a radio for some extra "fine tuning." Their loins were still pressed firmly against each other with the tiniest movement between them causing both women to arch and moan together. All that was missing between them was a dildo to make the moment more perfect, but they would improvise until Ranma finally recovered, so Shampoo was more than willing to go along with Nabiki's urging when the middle Tendo daughter drew Shampoo close enough to bring one breast up to her mouth for a little "creative payback." Ranma watched with rounded eyes as Nabiki began to press the nipple of Shampoo's right breast between her lips and began to suckle her, much to the Amazon's obvious encouragement. He felt his own mouth watering a bit as he contemplated this suckling action, and at last his manhood began to rally once again with a renewal of his own appetite, mingled with masculine pride and a desire for both women. He eyed Shampoo's rear and had a sudden sense of what he should do, operating on instinct. With the horn of his manhood stiffening with renewed erection he rolled back into a sitting crouch, positioned himself behind Shampoo and slowly eased up to where his pelvis could lightly play with the cleft between her ass- cheeks. Shampoo clearly knew that he was there, for a hand reached back to him and gently took firm hold of his love-organ, then guided it into the space that Ranma wanted to enter and urged him to press forward, encountering slight resistance this time as he had to drive his way in, causing a slight gasp from Shampoo that she otherwise did not protest. Instead she resumed her grinding pelvic-motion with Nabiki, encouraging Ranma to pressed in and out of her with gentle insistence, his every thrust forcing her that much more onto Nabiki, who made muffled approving noises while burying her fast in Shampoo's other breast, continuing to suckle as the three of them began a long, slow humping together. This time it took a while before Ranma felt himself coming off for the third straight time since being roped into this situation, and yet when he came it was almost as powerful as the first two times, causing him to nearly black out since he was not used to expending this sort of energy in a clench. Shampoo made faint noises that sounded like either a sigh or a whimper then collapsed atop Nabiki, pressing her body down onto the Tendo girl as Nabiki reached up to draw the Amazon's face up to her own for a kiss of intense passionate wonder. "That was...incredible!" Nabiki sighed, giving both of her bedmates her full and hearty approval. "Shampoo glad Ailen think it so," Shampoo replied, "But we no done yet. Shampoo untie Nabiki, then show Ailen what else womans can do for each other." "Show me everything you've got, Sham-chan," Nabiki smiled with delight, then glanced over at the semi-conscious Ranma, "You gonna be okay, Ranma-kun?" "Oh sure..." he tried to sit upright and failed, rolled over onto one of her legs and gasped, "In another minute..." "Husband can do whatever he like," Shampoo remarked as she got up and moved to the foot of the bed to begin untying Nabiki's right ankle, "But mens no have stamina like womans. Husband great warrior, but only human, no can expect keep up with everything Shampoo know, or even Nabiki." "Says you," Ranma sighed, "Anything you girls can do, I can do better." "Oh yeah, Ranma-kun?" Nabiki smiled at him before blinking her eyes, for Shampoo had freed one leg and brought the foot up to her mouth and had begun to lick on it and suck on her big toe before sliding her tongue down the base of one ankle before running the tip up along the arch, which caused Nabiki no end of enjoyment. "Is true," Shampoo replied between licks, kisses and foot-fondling with her fingers, "Husband very strong, very good fighter, but no make love like womans when in boy form. Men good for making babies, need help if they do anything else for Ailen." "I don't need no help," Ranma said in a tired voice, "I just need to get my second wind back...then I'll show you guys just how passionate I can be!" "Shampoo no doubt that husband try," Shampoo remarked as she went about liberating Nabiki's other leg, then repeated the kissing, fondling and licking she had done on the first occasion, "But Ailen try practice in wrong form, never be as womans is together...unless Bride give husband her assistance." "Assistance?" Nabiki asked, wondering what else Shampoo had in mind to add to the already eventful love-play. To the surprise of both Nabiki and Ranma, Shampoo reached under the bed and pulled out a glass of water, which she proceeded to pour over Ranma, triggering his Jusenkyo curse so that the strong young man was replaced an equally strong and beautiful redhead. Ranma-chan blinked her eyes and easily sat upright, demanding, "What did you do that for?" In reply Shampoo just smiled, then drew Ranma-chan forward as she straddled the astonished Redhead, pressing the advantage that she had as in this form she had the clear advantage, being larger and stronger than Ranma! Nabiki scooted over to the side and leaned over their mutual iinazuke, suddenly sharing with Shampoo a hungry gleam in her eyes that eyed Ranma-chan's nude body like a map on the way to ecstasy and nirvana. "I agree with you, Sham-chan," Nabiki said with a leer, "This is much better! In this form you're stamina's almost as good as ours, Ran-chan, and the games can go on as long as we like," she paused before mimicking Shampoo's lilting tones as she added the word, "Ailen." "Hah?" Ranma-chan was slow to react to the realization of what these two intended, "Hey, wait a don't plan to do no weird stuff with me, are you?" "What weird stuff, Ranma?" Shampoo cooed fondly as she loomed over the redhead. "Yeah," Nabiki's leer was equally predatory, "We're just going to make love to you like this until the wee hours of the morning!" "Hey, wait a minute!" Ranma-chan protested as both women took position on opposite sides of her body, "I'm a guy! Can't we talk about-don't-ah-ahh-don't do---oh!" her blue eyes got very wide with surprise as Shampoo and Nabiki went at it, competing with each other to see which of them could elicit the most favorable responses. The smaller redhead ceased making efforts to free herself from their attentions and began to lay passive in their embrace as a new form of love-play slowly overcame his initial reluctance. A few moments later Ranma was heard to voice the comment, "Well...okay...this ain't so bad, guys better not tell nobody nothing about this, okay?" "You trust Shampoo, Ranma," the Amazon cooed between passionate licks and kisses, sharing turns with Nabiki in playing with the inner thigh region of the leggy redhead. "Yeah, Ranma-kun," Nabiki grinned as her fingers played with Ranma-chan's loins, "Our lips are sealed..." And with that both women set about sealing their lips with fresh kisses... Continued. Round One is concluded, stay tuned for Round Two as soon as it is ready! Comments/Criticism/Can you say "Threesomes?": The events recorded here are the author's own indulgence and may or may not reflect the actual characters involved, though you can expect more of the same sort of fun and mischief will be in the offing for part two of this Hentai adventure! Be there! ^_^