"All Ranma characters are property of Rumiko Takahashi, first published by Shogakugan in Japan and brought over to North America by Viz Communications. and are used here without permission or license. No claims to the above copyright are made by the author of this work. This work is for non-commercial use ONLY, and is produced for the enjoyment of fans only. This work is the expression of the author and the depiction of the Ranma 1/2 characters herein are in no way represented to be a part of Ranma 1/2 as depicted by the original author and copyright holder(s)." A Different Viewpoint sidestory Lemon. pt 19.5 This is a lemon, it's not necessary for the story, so I've put it out separately in case people who don't want to read a lemon want to continue. If you don't want to see the lemon just go straight to Chapter 20. You won't miss much, really. Akane led Ranma-chan into the bathroom. The red head was excited, butting up against Akane and pawing at her with increasing strength. Akane turned on the hot water to start filling up the furo and loosened her belt. <I can't believe I'm going through with this.> Ranma pawed at her belt and Akane dropped it to the floor, and opened her Gi top. She wore nothing underneath, not having taken the time to put on more than just the Gi. She let her top slide off her shoulders and follow her belt to the floor. Ranma-chan put her hands on Akane's waist and drew herself up so she could sniff Akane's naked breasts. Akane sat down, letting Ranma-chan at her breasts. The smaller girl sniffed them interestedly, then started to lick. Akane stroked Ranma's hair gently then ran her hands down the shorter girls back. Getting a hold of the bottom of Ranma's tank top, Akane started pulling it up slowly. Ranma-chan looked up at Akane's face, puzzled. Akane kept one hand on the bottom of Ranma's tank top and patted her head with the other. "Good kitty, nice kitty." Akane guided Ranma's head back down to her left breast and Ranma-chan went back to licking. Akane sighed at the sensation. <That feels nice.> She pulled Ranma's tank top up till it hung around her neck, letting her ample breasts hang free. Akane took the tank top in both hands and brought it over Ranma's head in one smooth motion. Ranma meowed at the interruption but was mollified when Akane stroked her hair some more. Ranma had thoroughly worked over Akane's chest area with her tongue. She started working her way lower down Akane's chest toward her stomach. Akane lay back, and reached down to her Gi pants. Akane untied the drawstring and pushed them down, lifting her buttocks just enough to get them off. Akane remembered what had happened to her pajamas as she worked to remove the last of her clothing. <I don't want to get more clothing torn up.> Akane brought the Gi pants down to her knees and scissored her legs to get them off. She resumed stroking Ranma's head and shoulders as Ranma continued to work her way down Akane's body, "grooming" her mate. Akane shivered as she felt Ranma's tongue on her waist, then moving below. Akane opened her legs in invitation. Ranma-chan smelled an interesting fragrance coming from between Akane's legs and investigated. Akane was slightly moist and her pubic hair was sticky with her juices. Ranma-chan started cleaning her off, licking every square inch thoroughly. Akane gasped in pleasure and started fondling her breasts with her hands while Ranma stimulated her sex. Akane became conscious of the furo becoming full, so she reached back to shut it off. She couldn't quite reach, but didn't want to move away from Ranma's ministrations. Akane's self control stomped firmly down on her growing lust, and bounced. Still, Akane was able to slowly edge backwards. Ranma-chan followed, concentrating on cleaning Akane's pussy thoroughly. Akane managed to reach the faucet and turn it off, just as Ranma-chan's tongue delved deeply into her. Akane froze as a wave of pleasure surged through her. She remained still as Ranma cleaned out the inner walls of her sex. Breathing hard and trying not to cry out Akane's hands went back to her breasts and she fondled them fiercely. Finally satisfied that Akane's pussy was well cleaned, Ranma-chan moved farther down, working her way to Akane's thighs. Akane sat down with an loud exhalation of breath. "Whew" <I was so close, wow, that was... incredible.> Akane frowned. <But I wasn't finished.> She grabbed Ranma-chan's head in both hands. "Up here kitty, come up here." Gently Akane pulled Ranma-chan's head up her hers. Ranma meowed passively and started to lick her face. Akane reached down and got a hold of Ranma's boxer shorts, then quickly pulled them off the smaller girl. Akane tossed them to the side and hugged Ranma to her, trying to build on the feelings that had been growing inside her. Akane felt Ranma's breasts pressing against her own and her nipples crinkled happily at the sensation. As Ranma licked her face Akane turned her head a bit and caught Ranma's mouth with her own. Their tongues intertwined and with Ranma distracted Akane lifted her and slowly stood part way up, then toppled into the warm water of the furo. Ranma changed and grew, his suddenly greater mass shoving her down underneath him. Akane broke their kiss and struggled till she got her head well above the water line. Taking a few deep breaths Akane giggled to herself. <I didn't think that out very clearly did I?> Ranma meowed uncertainly, not liking the sudden change in his situation. Before he could do anything else, Akane reached between his legs and suddenly Ranma froze. He liked that sensation a lot, and suddenly he wanted more. Ranma instinctively pumped his hips forward and rocked into her hands. Akane felt his manhood grow and brought him over to her pussy. Akane chewed on her lip as she positioned Ranma correctly. <This is going to hurt, but it's for Ranma's sake.> Akane guided him in and feeling her around him, he thrust forward strongly, instinct telling him just what to do. Akane gasped at the pressure and pleasure brought by his actions. Then she felt a tearing pain as he broke her vaginal wall. Akane grit her teeth against the pain and Ranma thrust deeper and deeper into her. Fully inside her he ground his hips against hers, pulled out a bit and thrust in again. He did this over and over and Akane's pain was washed away by growing pleasure. Akane held Ranma tight and moved with him. She felt herself obeying her bodies urges and Ranma pounded strongly into her. He went faster and faster and Akane suddenly orgasmed. The sensation was indescribable. Nothing in her previous experience compared to it. The intensity of the experience was like, like, being dehydrated by Saffron's magic staff. That had been similarly intense, if only for a moment. But this was wonderful rather than painful, and it went on and on. Akane spasmed as a second orgasm ripped thought her. <There's more?> Akane was incredulous. <Wow!> Ranma finally came himself, he shuddered inside her and the sensation of the release brought her off a third time. They both collapsed. Akane kept just enough presence of mind to hold both of their heads above water. Akane felt quite weak. <I wonder if I'm going to drown?> Somehow the thought wasn't very scary, but it did give her sufficient motivation to climb out of the tub, taking Ranma with her. Exhausted she lay on the cool tiles, Ranma at her side. Akane looked over at Ranma's face. He sleepily looked back, stretched slowly and meowed. Akane had been smiling gently in the pleasant aftermath, now her smile faded. <Oh no, he's still a cat. I thought, I hoped he would come out of it.> Ranma rolled over on to his feet and hands, and slowly started licking one hand, then the other. Akane slowly rose to her knees. She reached over and got her Gi pants. Akane dressed back in her Gi and collected Ranma's clothing. She walked over to Ranma and dressed him. It took awhile, Ranma didn't help at all, but at least he wasn't fighting her off. Akane finally got him back into his tank top and boxers. She went over to drain the furo and Ranma followed her, still acting like a cat, but calm now, passive. Akane led Ranma out into the house. Akane heard voices in the living room. <Better take Ranma to his room before he notices...> Ranma started forward toward the living room and Akane went after him. "Ranma. come back here!" <I hope Ranma's calm enough that he doesn't want to rip Johnathon to pieces, or I did all that for nothing.> Akane shrugged, a faint grin coming over her face. <Well, not quite nothing...> End Lemon sidestory. Pt 19.5 Send all C&C to tagan1@pacbell.net You can find (almost) all the rest of this work at: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/1449/ (Hey I'm a busy Guy, I'll get to it in a bit. Please be patient.