So, too, did the taller display’s harder nipples circle faster the other’s, while pressing harder against the larger, more firmer breasts. The later were not value judgments. There was no sense of inadequacies or envy. The only sense was whether they were fulfilling their usefulness as the store’s displays. It was wares that were on and in them that were important.
The pattern of passive domination continued wherever they firm, healthy flesh touched. The second display had remarkably few sexual behaviors, basic or otherwise. Her previous owner had sought to saturate the body pathways with patterns that had nothing to do with sex. Too, the daily repetitions called Kempo katas were not designed to be aggressive, but rather defensive.
But it was the how they used bald, flushed sexes that their differences were most pronounced. The cunt muscles of the petite, cute display held her end of the thick double-headed dildo as gingerly, but as precisely, as was needed to keep it where it had been lodged in her stretched hole, letting her leaking juices put a coating between her and someone’s instrument of amusement. Meanwhile, the motion of her hips was generally a thrust; but she did not bump very hard against the other hot display’s piece, yielding, instead, to the force from her opposite’s hips. Those ground against her mound, rubbed her folds, caressed her pink, and polished her clit. And again in contrast, the pussy-muscles of the athletic-looking display bore down her end of the dildo that joined them quite firmly, as if afraid it would slip out with her flowing juices. The two styles animated the sharply bent dildo shaft in a most eye-catching way.
Not that it mattered if there were any eyes to see it, or them. This feigned lesbian passion was they had been set up to do, and this is what they would continue to do until they were instructed otherwise, or collapse from the muscle failure brought on by fatigue, whichever came first.
And so the two display lovers maintained their arousals, the first hours would be the same as the first seconds in their intensity and interest, as they had no concepts of time. Customers and browsers could stare at them, ogle, leer, and make crude remarks, and none of it would matter to this dedicated couple. What those people thought was of no concern of theirs, as they had no concerns at all. The only thing that could separate them was their being told to.
Sat Apr 16 21:48:37 2005
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