"That scene in there with the girl and the Initiator is quite unbelievable," a massive man said, looking into the mirror, not her.
Chen yanked her hand out of the sweating, pigtailed girl's sopping snatch, and only her great need to be "The Madame" kept her from screaming in fright. (And Ranma just screaming in frustration. With one hand on Chen's skirt, her other tried to discover the art of masturbation on her own.)
"Where's the puke? Where's the fight a martial artist would put up in his panic? A wild woman can be unpredictable and deadly." "A Man in Black" could have been a good designation for him, but Chen knew he didn't work for any government. His black, though, wasn't a western suit. In order to be 'less conspicuous', the man with the black shades was wearing a black Chinese outfit. "If you and the Initiator have Psi powers, I would like to put that in your files."
"What are you doing here? I have made my payments!" She then fought back her fright. "Or are you here to deliver someone?"
"I am here to take these foreigners to a place where they can be put to more profitable use. They are, after all, now in a small Chinese village, and do not speak a word of the language."
Chen did not ask how he knew about her recent arrivals. He worked for people who had their ways. What no one knew, though, was that if the cursed girls had been being chased by an Amazon, his employers would've thought "acquiring" them wasn't worth the risk of also acquiring the attention of the Amazon matriarchs.
The man finally turned his hidden gaze on the Madame.
"Know, though, that in return for these two girls, you will not have to make your next payment. See? We can be fair."
Meanwhile the threads that Madame Chen had woven was coming loose. Genma had used special techniques that used different principles than hers. These techniques had to be strong enough to overcome anything that would counter their intensions, as his, and Ranma's, life depended on them working. His son absolutely had to be a man among men.
Fri Nov 19 06:17:02 2004