CBS: (Chineese Bordello Saotomes) - Genma-chan and the Initiator

Unending BE - episode 387930

The man looked down at the female who had previously been a very active participant in pleasing him, only for her to suddenly start thrashing wildly in an apparrent attempt to get away. He was confused at first as to why this was happening here in this particular bordello. None of the girls and ladies here had ever fought off his advances before.. it was unprecedented.

His confusion wasn't due to a bordello whore suddenly acting outraged at her position.. but because he knew full well the exact quantities of drugs that should be pumping through her body right now.

The man had started working as an initiator for this bordello shortly after he reached puberty, since his mother had been the former madam and had taught her only child everything she knew about persuasion as well the tricks to mind and body influencing. In fact it could be reasonably said that he knew the female body better than any man ever to walk the earth.. outside of the odd unlucky Jusenkyo cursed male.

Therefor it didn't take long for his mind to overcome the shock and begin using every technique he knew to return his partner into the vibrant sex addict she had been mpments ago. While he may not be as practiced as Madame Chen thanks to the women all being mostly influenced before he even began, he had nonetheless kept in practice with his common maintenance checks on all the workers at the bordello to keep them happy and exciting to the customers

Meanwhile, through the other side of the looking glass, the younger Saotome had begun to overcome and adapt around the drugs and pressure points.that had been effecting her. Her main motivator had been witnessing her currently female father acting very strangely with a strange man before suddenly freak out at her position. Something about the entire situation was making her internal warning systems all sound alarms to her sub-conscious mind. But the thing that made her body listen to them and fight the 'attacks' had been the seemingly innocent comment about Genma's willingness to help and how Genma would never have been so willing without a lot of pressure.. or under someone else's control.

Ranma had almost fully recoverred from her aroused trance-like state when her mind once again began to slip away. This time though she knew it to be an attack and fought it with all her willpower. The 'nice lady' was pressing points on her body again and carressing her flesh in ways that sent shivers of something she didn't quite recognize shooting through her body from somewhere down there.. and the smell of incense in the air seemed to have become intensified by several factors..

Still she fought off the foreign sensations and suggestions.

What finally broke her resistance, however, was the ceasation of panic and anger being displayed by the female being embraced on the other side of the mirror. One moment she had seemed to be fighting.. the next she had melted into the man's embrace and continued what she had previously been doing while looking up into his eyes with a look of adoration and love for him.

Seeing her father stop fighting alone, would not have ceased her own struggles. It was the look of love and adoration on Genma's female features and shining in her eyes that killed Ranma's own fight for free will. Ranma had never seen that particular look from Genma. Ever.

It may have been shock that caused the younger jusenkyo-girl to lose her resistance, but it was still just the weakness that the Madam and her techniques needed. Without hesitation of her own she had cruelly latched onto the cursed-girl's psyche and entrenched upon her all of the things so toughly fought against. The Madam did not stop there, however, as she did not want such a resistance to pop up again unexpectedly at the worst moment. Deftly she weaved into the girl the need to be submissive to others and accept whatever they willed of her.. although it seemed a lot easier a task to accomplish than she would have thought after such a display of willpower previously.

It did though make the Madam wonder whether the girl had always had such inclinations previously or if someone had been working on the girl's mind to get such a reaction. Normally it took her at least a few years to entrench such a level of submissiveness into her workers that requirred it..

Whatever the case, soon both Saotome females were melted into the embrace of an expert in female sex enslavement. On one side of the looking glass the eldest was about to start riding her paramour, while on the other the youngest was just now being led away to a similiar fate.

As Alice would say.. "This just keeps getting curiouser, and curiouser.."

  1. Something happens such as someone breaking in that prevents anything else..
  2. *Something happens such as someone breaking in but for one or both of the Saotomes it is too late..
  3. *No one comes to the rescue and the Saotomes become fully inducted workers at the bordello. On to the sex action!
  4. The Madam has become angerred at the resistance to her will. As punishment she intends to modify the bodies of her newest girls to remind them of their positions. BE perhaps..?
  5. *Something else happens at this point than any of the previous listed possibilities..
Go back - Go to the parent episode.

What's a Lemon?

Fri Nov 19 04:41:39 2004