Ash's new alpha; Ranko!

Unending BE - episode 386720

Needless to say, Ranma was worried as she stepped into the training room. She had been certain her brother would back off by this point. It if that wasn’t bad enough she could feel herself getting hornier with each passing second. ‘Damn. How am I going to get out of this.’

Ash could tell what his sister was thinking from the looks on her face. The loss of his Pia had really gotten to Ash. He thought it was because he was so pathetic always letting people pushing him around that caused her death, that just maybe if he had be stronger and less of a wimp she might still be alive. Well those days were over now, it was time for a new Ash Sextome. ‘He may be a girl now, but she’s still an open book when it comes to bluffing.’

“Okay, Ranma. This is what you wanted. So why don’t you lay down and get ready.” Ash said motioning to the training bed he was standing next to.

‘He can’t be serious. I know he’ll wimp out any moment now.’ Ranma thought as she lied down on the bed and let Ash strap her down. “So, what are you waiting for runt? Prove you’re man.”

Grinning perversely, Ash walked over to mini fridge and pulled out an ice cube. His grin only got stronger as he walked back to Ranma and he opened the zipper of her shorts and stuck the ice cube in. Immediately the tigress's eyes shot open as she gasped in shock, "What the hell...?"

"What’s the matter you seem surprised!" he said cheerfully as he grinned down at her lecherously, "Don’t you want a hard taming!"

"No fucking way!" she growled back at him, she couldn‘t believe it. He really was really planning on taming her. "There's no way I'm gonna let you tame me!"

"Oh...?" he asked curiously, "We'll just see about that. I need a new alpha and since you spent most of you‘re life training, I figure you will make a great alpha!" Before Ranma could protest again, Ash slipped his hand under her top and began to gently massage her breasts. The tigress was shocked at the sudden jolt of pleasure that shot through her and was unable to suppress the moan that escaped her lips. Bringing up his other hand, he caught the top of her tank top, and ripped it apart, revealing the red hair's rather abundant assets.

Whistling appreciatively, he said, "You know maybe it was for the best that I lost my Pia. You're a hell of allot sexier then she ever was..."

The red head blushed then asked, "You really think so..? I mean, like I'd care if a jerk like you thought I was sexy!"

Inwardly, Ash grinned as he saw that the pleasure had started to bring out some of Ranma's submissive pokewoman traits. He then grabbed both breasts and began to knead and massage them, drawing out gasps of pleasure from the bound pokewoman. Unable to resist, Ash leaned down and began to suckle on one of Ranma's nipples, turning her gasps into a deep moans as her pleasure was heightened once more.

Is this what sex as a pokewoman feels like? she thought absently, It feels so good... Maybe I should just let him tame and get it over with... NO! I won't be guy's sex slave, let alone my own brothers! I won't! No matter how good he makes me feel!

Her resolve some what restored, Ranma grit her teeth and fought to suppress the out crying of pleasure that had been escaping her lips, her mind trying desperately to push away the presence of those skillful hands and mouth.

Seeing her resolve firming, Ash decided to move onto the next step, and removed one of his hands from her breasts. For a moment, Ranma thought that he had given up, until he felt the hand's finger's probing her crotch through the opening in the shorts and boxers.

Despite her resolve, she once more found a passionate moaning escape from her lips as she felt him start to move his fingers inside of her.

Removing his mouth from her nipple, he leaned up and began to nibble on her ear as he whispered, "Like that..?"

Without thinking, she began to purr as she breathed out, "Yessss...."

Grinning, he used his free hand to reach over to the small little table by the bed and bring a pair of scissors to her shorts. With a grin he quickly snipped away both her shorts and boxers, never breaking the gentle rhythm of his fingers' work.

Noticing the pleasure glazed look in her eyes, Ash smiled and said, “Well, since you don’t seem to want a runt like me to be your master I might as well stop…”

Still lost in the heat of passion, the tigress moaned and begged, “No! Don’t stop! I’ll do anything!”

“So… You want me to do more of this…?” he asked innocently as he pushed his finger inside her slit.


“Are you sure about that…? I am you‘re brother.” he asked as he began to trace her outer lips, “Do you want me to be your master, do you want you’re of a brother to be you’re master?”

“ANYTHING! Just don’t stop!” she begged.

He grinned then let his pants drop to his ankles, and took out his manhood. Positioning himself between her spread eagle legs, he looked into her desperate eyes, then pushed himself in.

Almost immediately, Ranma began to scream in pleasure as she felt her Tamer’s manhood within her. She could feel the coming wave of orgasm building inside her body, powerless to stop it, and unable to even summon the will to try. Finally, as Ash buried himself within her with a particularly deep thrust, she screamed as she was pushed over the edge.

The wave of pleasure rushed through Ranma’s mind as she went into a feral shock. It washed away old ideals and self images and built up new ones, ones of her as Ash’s pokewoman. Ash saw this in her eyes and saw this as his chance to gain control. He needed to make sure she was loyal and would remain so after all.

Ash looked at the form of his former sister and... grinned. Gone were the snide remarks, the superior attitude, and the overblown ego. Now, all that remained was a lust crazed Pokegirl, or at least for the moment. He had her right where he wanted her. He knew that at this point she would be willing to do anything to get Tamed. Her mind would be easily shaped and controlled.

When Ranma had gone from boy to Pokegirl, Ash had thought it justice done. As far back as he could reamber it had always been about Ranma. After he had met her the first time, he had felt it was his due for all his bad luck. But now he would get the ultimate victory.

But he had to be careful. It wouldn't be a proper victory if Ranma was gone too far to be really Ranma. Besides, he didn't want to destroy her. She was his sister after all.

"Tigress!! Nya! Need cock! Need Bad!"

Ash was tempted to give in to the pokegirl who was busy trying to hump him, but he knew he had to find self control. "No, you're a bad Tigress. Bad Tigresses don't get fucked."

"Am good Tigress!"

"Who's the Master? I am. You're a Pokegirl. Good Pokeirl don't jump on their Masters for sex. They wait for the Master to give it to them."

"Bad Tigress, nya?"

The slight tremor in her voice nearly did him in. "Yes you've been very bad." He sat on the edge of the bed and undid the straps so he could pull the horny Tigress over his lap. With one hand holding her down, the other came up, while the other gave a smack to her firm rear. Again and again the hand came down, until both ass cheeks were sore.

"I'm very disappointed in you. You left me no choice," Ash said as he released her, "You have been a bad Pokegirl."

Ranma was crying. Her Master was displeased with her, she wasn't getting Tamed, and she had just been punished. But she just didn't know what her Master wanted from her. Maybe then she'd please him enough to get a Taming!
As if Ash could read her thoughts, he said, "Good Pokegirls obey their Masters. They do what they are told, and try to help their Masters in any way they can. They want to bring their Masters pleasure, but wait for when their Masters want it. Tell me pokegirl what is you‘re name."

“Raaanmmmmaaa” the Tigress whined.

Ash reached over and slapped her. “Wrong. Ranma was my brother. You are my pokegirl Ranko. Now I want you to tell me you’re name pokegirl and what you are!”

Ranma by this time, Ranko. Was to far in feral shock she would have agreed with anything. “Myy name is Rannkooo. I am Master’s pokegirl.”

Ash smirked as he patted Ranko on the head. “Get on all fours Ranko."

The Tigress happily complied, and her Master nodded. He crouched down behind her and began to slowly finger her slit. She hissed in pleasure as his fingers stroked her most intimate place. The feelings were long, drawn out and definately not enough to satisfy her need, so she tried to move towards those wonderful fingers.

Ash swatted her still sore rear for that. "Stay still! You will only get pleasure when I let you!" Ranko whimpered, but stayed still. She wanted so much to get Tamed, but knew that she was an owned Pokewoman. Her Master controlled her, and she was to serve him.

Of course, this took time to sink in. He would bring her only to heights that nearly reached the pinnacle she sought, but he always stopped just before, looking sad the entire time. It took time, but he got her to follow him without question.

"I want to hear your apology," Ash told her, "I want to know exactly how sorry you are for disobeying me. How bad you feel for making me do something like this to you,"

"Ranko so sorry! Ranko bad kitty! Ash Master!" she declared, half whimpering, half sobbing, "Ranko need fuck. Ranko need fuck BAD! But Ranko SO BAD!"

"Yes, you have been but I think you've paid enough." Ash said as he positioned his hard dick at Ranko's moist opening. As he entered her, she let out a moan of pleasure that said that she wanted this as bad as he did. He had NO idea how he had lasted as long as he had, but he was glad that he had been able to concentrate. This time, a fully submitive Ranko was letting him use her anyway he wanted. Sure she mewled and moaned her head off, but he was the one in charge. He held it, pumping into her first gently, then like a man possessed.

He owned her. She was going to be his; mind, body and soul. But he was going to giver a whole DAMN lot of pleasure in return. He pisstioned into he until her orgasmed, sending him over the edge. His seed spewed into her clutching cunt, and the exhaustion made them both collapse onto the ground once again.

Ranko fell asleep and curled into his body with a small smile on her face. Ash held her, softly stroking her hair.


The first realization Ash had that he had fallen asleep was the feeling of his Tigress nuzzling his face, with the ocassional affectionate lick. "Oh man, how long have I been sleeping?" he muttered.

"I don't know, Master. I only just woke up myself," Ranko replied.

"That's okay... Did you just call me Master?"

The Tigress cocked her head to the side with an expression of confusion. "Yeah, I did. Ain't that how a Pokegirl's supposed to call her Tamer?"

"I'm your Tamer?"

"Yes... Are you okay Master?"

It had taken a bit, but it finally sunk in that he, Ash Sextome, had actually TAMED a Pokegirl. And not only a Pokegirl, but his sister and a Tigress to boot! A Pokegirl that was supposed to be hard to control!

“YEAH! I DID IT!" Ash declared, posing. Then he grabbed his Tigress in a tight embrace and spun around joyfully several times.

Ranko was happy because her Master was happy. Both because she had pleased him, and because she WANTED him to be happy. If that meant becoming his Pokegirl, and thereby his property, then so be it. So much the better for her.

Ash stopped his little dance, then looked down and gazed into his Pokegirl's eyes. Bright blue eyes that seemed to be rejoicing in his happiness. For a few seconds, he forgot that he was holding a sexy Tigress in his arms, but just KNEW that this was someone who actually cared for him. Someone who wouldn't laugh at him because he was a runt. Someone who wanted to be with the boy who couldn't walk down the street without getting in trouble. Someone who didn't care that he wasn't the brightest guy around. Someone who...

...Who's nipples were beginning to turn into hard nubs from close contact with a man she was VERY attracted to. His face turned a bright shade of red.

"Are you okay Master?"

"Ummm... Yeah, just fine."

"What d'ya wanna do now?" 'Tame me again, I hope.'

"Hmm... Well, after breakfast, I suppose we should get going. I got a Pokegirl, I guess I should try getting some more and then some Gym Badges." 'And maybe find Ryouga if he’s still in this league.

Ranko was slightly disapointed, but she knew he was actually right, for once. "I'll go see if I can get breakfast from the caffitere!"

And after breakfast, (and after Ash bought Ranko a new outfit), Ash decided:

  1. Ash decides to look for Ryouga.
  2. Ranko tells Ash that Genma had been planning on going to some place called the Tendo Dojo/Ranch.
  3. An Amazonchan preserve.
  4. Ash is still hungry so him and Ranko stop to eat at a yatai and meet someone from Ranko’s past.
  5. Genma in the form of a Snorlass shows up.
  6. *Something Else.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.


Wed Dec 08 21:29:55 2004