Ranko's New Job: The Magic Wand

Unending BE - episode 385671

The female-Ranma felt her Dark, tattooed cock go from ready to cum to feeling as if it had fallen asleep. It tingled in the same way as when she’d laid on her arm or leg the wrong way for too long. But this didn’t seem to be blood that was returning to her already engorged member.

The tingling turned to sparks, as if those long strings of tiny firecrackers that people held on New Year’s Eve. They were moving up the length of his shaft, and concentrated in the path her cum was to be released.

And then it faded.

“Ranma! Shampoo feel you finally do something, then you stop!” Shampoo scolded. “Now, you do again! –Or Shampoo stop fuck!” she threatened, starting to lift her butt off of the smaller girl.

Suddenly the tiny firecrackers turned into a Roman Rocket! It shot up from the root to the tip in a sudden burst of power, shooting out and up into Shampoo’s encasing sex.

Shampoo yelped, and leaped off of the cock she had once thought so fascinating. She landed on her toes and fingers, her back arched, and snarling. A raised tail appeared, and her now cat-like ears were pricked high. She had no fur, but there was no mistake that she had become a pretty cat-girl.

  1. But it was only temporary, this time. She was back to normal in seconds.
  2. *It wasn’t temporary. She has to think herself back to human.
  3. ...and once she takes her mind off of being totally human, she becomes a cat-girl again.
  4. She sees something that triggers her into being even more cat-like.
  5. A change has also happened to Ranma.
  6. Something else.
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Thu Nov 11 18:51:15 2004

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