rPC: NtLP: Step 2: Full-Body Orgasm

Unending BE - episode 385460

Ryoga had never understood why animals risked everything for a mate. If he had, he would have found the courage to court Akane ages ago.

Ryoga prayed for a release. –Until he remembered he was a martial artist! He didn’t have to take this painfully intense pleasure like a schmuck!

No sooner had he thought it, than his body betrayed his good intension. His load burst out of his cock in a Krakatoa eruption that quaked his entire body, setting fire to every nerve ending. His cock proved only to be a vent hole, though; the main column was pushed out from the magma chambers of his balls. It was forced through his internal tunnels. Knowing its power, he gave in and opened his mouth, letting the heated, viscous, white liquid gush.

Kasumi yelled as the sperm spattering against onna-Soun’s palette, cheeks, and tongue, and her own clothes, rose towards her sex.

“Time for our next stop!” Pixie Genma said, taking her hand. “Mystique magique away we go!”

Still discharging his virility through every outlet, Ryoga watched helplessly his spending rose towards his face. He was going to drown in his own cum!! What a way to go, he thought with both of the double meanings.

  1. Ryoga drowns. But has he died and gone to Addventure heaven?
  2. He drowns. But is this a sick variation on Jusenkyo’s springs of drowned x?
  3. He beats up the inside of Soun’s mouth.
  4. He manages to break free of her lips, and manages to get out when she refuses to swallow.
  5. *He manages to break free of her lips, but is swallowed along with his cum.
  6. Something else.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.


Mon Nov 08 21:31:05 2004