Eternity Cube: First establish a place to assault from

Unending BE - episode 367400

Kumori Mizuno remembered some details, though vaguely. It wasn't as if her eyes or anything else had been working that well when she'd been an inanimate rubber doll.

Now that she was a catslave, her senses were far more acute. Especially in a few specific areas but that wasn't important at that particular moment.

Ranma broke open a lock on a place known as the Annex and prepared an area within. He'd be ready for an assault shortly.


Ukyo was aware that something was wrong as she ran across the shredded remains of clothing. The silk Chinese dress was obvious, as were the slippers. For a moment she considered that the Amazon had been splashed and turned into a cat, but that wouldn't have destroyed her clothing like this.

Ukyo held up a hand with three throwing spatulas in it. She looked around, trying to figure out what clues she had available. Someone or something had taken down Shampoo here, and all infighting between them to the side, Shampoo was not a pushover. The problem was the ripped clothing and no indication of blood. Some kind of fight or struggle? If so, where was the sort of damage she'd have expected from Shampoo's fighting style?

Ukyo stepped past an odd blue carpet in the hallway, noting that the hideously colored thing was only slightly bunched up at one corner. She reached out to straighten it and see if the fold concealed some further clue.

Puddles struck the moment her flesh made contact. He felt the throwing spatulas slice into his substance and the momentary pain, but then he was over the resisting girl. As with the others he quickly immobilized and stripped her, thrusting tentacles of his substance within her nether regions first.

As with others, such as the little girl Shinobu that had been in this inn on their arrival, his current victim drew breath and tried to scream out for help. Predictable, and it provided another opening to take advantages of.

Again and again pulsating tentacles raped her every orifice, beginning her conversion from living to dead, animate to inanimate. Her dreams, her hopes, her identity, her personality - all something to infiltrate and rend apart and digest along with the parts of her body. The violation, the rape, continued until there was nothing distinctly Ukyo remaining. Just another rubber sextoy with only minor differences from the others - this one in a off blue color.

Puddles excreted the remains, eager to finish off the last remaining one.

  1. * Puddles versus Nodoka!
  2. Sailor Moon arrives to save the day!
  3. Happosai tries sneaking himself onto Tina.
  4. something else
Go back - Go to the parent episode.

Dark Hentai Jester

Sat Aug 21 09:53:56 2004