Drow Takeover: The Black Rose

Unending BE - episode 359899

Ranma arrived at the Kuno mansion and set her two police officer bodyguards to set out and multiply as the other drow were doing. The contagion effect only had enough time, after all, to convert a limited number of people. That was part of the sick game these evil deities were playing. Conquering the humans that remained.

"I hope nobody gets to Shampoo or Ukyou before I do, however," Ranma said, sighing as she took off the sunglasses that went with her power suit.

"That is already taken care of," Nabiki said. "They should be here by now."

Even as Nabiki said that, the unmistakable sound of arguing girls was heard.

"What are you two harlots doing in my house?!" Kodachi demanded.

"Nabiki Tendo said something was up over here," Ukyou said. "So I'm guessing you have Ranchan stashed somewhere."

"Where is Airen!" Shampoo demanded.

"What makes you think he'd submit to being your husband?" Kodachi demanded.

"She won't," Ranma said, stepping into the scene that was taking place just outside the doors of the Kuno mansion.

Ukyou and Shampoo, dressed in their normal manner turned around and gasped in shock at what they knew was Ranma. Than their eyes turned murderous as they noted the familiarity with which Nabiki held near the black-skinned girl.

Kodachi, dressed in her common kimono, looked equally non-pulsed as she glared at the sight of the pig-tailed harlot and the mercenary snake.

"Queen Ranma won't submit to be anybody's husband," Nabiki said. "But you will all be her ladies."

"Preposterous!" Kodachi said.

She reared back a ribbon holding hand ready to strike, when suddenly she felt herself go stiff. Moving her eyes, she became aware that Shampoo and Ukyou were likewise frozen.

"I think I'll go ahead and explain matters," Ranma said, slipping out of Nabiki's grasp and striding up to the fiancees he had frozen with his spell.

"Why, my love?" Nabiki asked. "They'll love you regardless."

"Because I think it is time to give some expository," Ranma said, caressing Shampoo's curves. "You see, I am not the same Ranma that woke up this morning. I was chosen to be the vessel of an evil goddess in her bid to conquer this world, and perhaps use us to conquer other worlds. Thanks to Jusenkyo, I am no longer at the command of that demon-goddess, but I am still...different. I'm not smarter, but I do have more knowledge, I am not stronger in the martial arts, but I am now skilled in the wizardly arts, as you can already tell, and, if I find a goddess I consider worthy of me, I have the knowledge to be a powerful priestess as well."

Ranma moved over to Ukyou, opened her shirt and cut the bindings around her breasts as the talk continued.

"And I really, really, really enjoy sex now," Ranma said. "With whoever. Nabiki was my first lover. Then came Kasumi and Akane, and then Ryouga. Next is..."

She turned to face Kodachi and wrapped her arms affectionately around the paralyzed girl.

"Kodachi Kuno," Ranma said. "Who will become a Black Rose in truth. Now, you're probably wondering why I'm doing this. Well, first, as I said, I like the sex. But second, I desire an empire, and this is how I get it. And third, I need an empire, and this is how I get it."

Ranma leaned into Kodachi and kissed her lightly on the lips, starting the change as she let the hold spell drop from the samurai girl. Ranma swished around behind Kodachi and slowly opened the transforming girl's kimono as she continued to talk.

"You see," Ranma said, slipping a hand down toward Kodachi's clit and rubbing it firmly. Kodachi hissed in wide-eyed shock at the sensations and let herself lie softly in Ranma's controlling arms. "This place has been almost forgotten by most of the gods. And now six deities have decided to play a game here. One of them is already out of the running since I am now free of her, but the others remain. By the time...mmm, you taste good, Kodachi..." Ranma paused to lick the inside of Kodachi's throat again.

"Uhhh..." Kodachi whined. Curiously enough, her hair was not lightening in color at all, but remained a shiny, jet black.

"As I was saying," Ranma said, gripping Kodachi's breasts as they grew from a small B cup to a hefty pair of D's. "By the time any powers willing to help us keep our freedom know what is taking place, the world will be lost."

Ranma nuzzled Kodachi as she turned progressively darker and shuddered with each new change and sensation. One of Kodachi's hands idly reached up to grip at one of Ranma's earrings for a moment before it fell back down and weakly clutched at Ranma's sides.

"Kodachi, here, goes to a prep school," Ranma said. "Where the children of the elite attend. The elite of Japan, Korea, America, China and several other places. She'll pass on my gift to all her classmates and teachers, and they will pass on to their sisters and brothers and mothers and fathers. You see, I only have a little time to convert as many people as possible, then the remainder will be human and stay that way."

"But, I don't intend to stick with just Japan," Ranma said sweetly. "By the end of the week, all Eastern Asia and the West Coast of America will be the domain of the drow. When we make portals, we will be connected and strong against attacks from the yuan-ti or the githyanki on either coast. And we won't have to conquer the humans and make them our slaves, we'll work with them to fight the other invaders. To hold out until things are noticed and the tide starts to change."

Kodachi screamed several times in succssion before settling, unconscious in Ranma's arms, her kimono wide open, displaying her now voluptuous blue body with its small thatch of shiny black hair over her mound.

"She's a beauty," Nabiki said, licking her lips as Ranma gently set down Kodachi for the moment.

"Oh, one other thing," Ranma said as she approached Ukyou and Shampoo, still paralyzed. "Drow don't marry, we just take consorts. And the higher in rank you are, the more you can have."

The look on the two girls' faces was half-terrorstricken and half-waiting. As Ranma got close, he could see the erect nipples on Ukyou's breasts and she smiled.

"Now, I think it will be useful to have humans in my upper ministries," Ranma said. "So, I'll give you a choice. Will you serve me and stay human? Or do I have to transform you to insure loyalty?"

  1. Ukyou says she'll serve Ranma...but she wants to be a drow...
  2. Ukyou says she'll serve Ranma as a human and a consort...
  3. Shampoo says she'll serve Ranma as a drow...
  4. ...human consort/minister...
  5. *both say the same thing (don't want, want, want drow...whatever)
  6. something else...
Go back - Go to the parent episode.


Fri Jul 02 22:16:31 2004