Best Buddies. In the nick of time

Unending BE - episode 356945

"Stop!" Hiroshi bellowed out at the top of his voice. His mother paused, the tip of the knife blade a fraction of an inch away from one of Ranma's perfect breasts.

"Yes dear," she asked.

"What are you doing, slut," Hiroshi demanded.

His mother gave a little shiver of pleasure at the familiar title. “I was protecting you master. This girl wishes to kill you.”

Hiroshi rolled his eyes. “Of course she does. That’s what normal girls in her position want to do.”

His mother fingered the knife, and for the first time in he didn’t know how long a hint of defiance showed in her eyes. “She wanted to take me away from you.”

Oh, so that was the real reason. “Listen, slut,” Hiroshi snapped out. He moved in on his mother and took the knife away from her. Reaching between her legs he cupped her sex with one hand, driving his forefinger into her. Straining, he lifted her right off her feet, her entire body weight supported by his hand on her cunt. She groaned and the usual look of bliss appeared on her features. “I”m the one who decides if we are together or not. Not some little fuck toy who has no say in what I do to her, little lone you, do you understand!” he roared.

His mother orgasmed and panted, “yes, master.”

“Get the fuck out of here. I’ll call you if I want you, slut!’ He said, tossing her away. She trembled with another orgasm, and crawled out of the room.

Hiroshi glared at Ranma. “Are you trying to commit suicide you stupid slut! What the hell were you thinking!”

Ranma had been freaked by the weird lady with the knife, and had actually been glad of Hiroshi’s rescue. She’d been sure she was going to die. None of that showed up in her reply to him. “You don’t get our of this that easy, bastard. I’m going to live, and I’m going to get free, and I ‘am’ going to kill your ass!”

“Yea, but not before me and Daisuke get to fuck it a few times,” Hiroshi said.

Daisuke put a hand on Hiroshi’s shoulders and said, “We got to talk, urging Hiroshi toward the exit.

Back in the kitchen Daisuke turned a stricken face toward Hiroshi. “Ranma wants to kill us!” He nearly shouted.

Hiroshi blinked, and then said, “What did you expect? We are raping her.”

“well, yea, but . . .” Daisuke trailed off, fluttering a hand in the air as if trying to indicate what he couldn’t put into words. “We’re her buddies,” he finally got out. And then added. “I’m only trying to save my mom, Ranma will understand that.”

Hiroshi face-faulted. Getting back up he considered. Should he tell Daisuke the truth about why they were really doing this, besides saving his mother. He decided against it. The same reason as before applied. And, truth be told, Ranma likely would understand why Daisuke had done it, thought Hiroshi planned to make sure Ranma thought Daisuke had known about saving Akane as well. So, he said, “I’m sure Ranma will forgive you Dai. When she knows the truth. But right now she thinks we betrayed her. You got to live with that. And you can’t let it stop you from doing what has to be done, or it will all be wasted. “Can you go on, or do you want to give up and leave it to me?”

  1. Daisuke can't take it, it's all up to Hiroshi now.
  2. Daisuke will stand by his buddy, and trust Ranma will understand
  3. *Back to an 'un-hung' Akane
  4. Something else
Go back - Go to the parent episode.


Wed Jun 16 00:38:16 2004