The Principal was laying back in a low slung beach chair, set on a wide patch of white sand. His legs were sprawled outward and Shampoo knelt between them, bobbing her head up and down on his manhood. The Principal continued to scratch her behind the ears while sipping on a cool refreshing pineapple beverage.
Life was sweet. With Tendo Akane and Saotome Ranma otherwise occupied and the wall breaker his loving and obedient love slave, the school was peaceful and serene. Maybe a little too quiet, he thought.
Maybe it was time for him to give another go at having the student’s hair cut to the right length. A smirk crossed his face. Indeed, and maybe in the name of hygiene, all the little wahine, maybe they should be trimming things down below as well.
He had no camera set up at Hiroshi’s but he could listen in. He’d blasted a good big load of semen down Shampoo’s throat as he’d listened to Ranma being shaved.
The principal gave a huge yawn. “It been one long day, Wahine,” he said in a sleepy voice. His hand drooped and the hollowed out pineapple rolled out of his hand and fell the ground.
Shampoo pulled her mouth free of the principal’s cock and gave the head some long languid licks. Just the sort of thing to really get his motor going. “Master?” she asked when no reaction was present. She released her hold on his deflating cock and crawled up his body, rubbing her nude form over his as she did so. “Master?” she asked again, her breath blowing in his face.
“Are you awake Master?” she asked, patting his cheek. “Master!” she said in a louder voice, slapping him hard. “You in their, you fat fuck?” she asked, delivering several hard slaps that rocked his head from side to side, like a tennis ball in the paws of a playful cat. Still no reaction.
Shampoo gave a nod of satisfaction and padded nude across the sand to the principal’s desk. Picking up the phone she dialed a number and waited for it to be picked up. When it was she started speaking in an ancient Greek dialect that had been supposed extinct for over two thousand years.
“Grandmother, I’ve found Akane. She’s at the home of the boy with the dark eyes and camera. His name is Hikaru. He’s doing to her what the other boys are doing to Ranma.” Shampoo listened for a while. “I don’t know. He’s skin and bones. I don’t know how he’s lasted this long. I don’t know if he can last long enough. And I don’t like him,” she said with some venom. “I don’t like the idea that he might be my cousins master for the rest of her life.” Shampoo listened for several minutes, and then a smile spread over her face. “I like that. I hope she does kill the bastard when she is re-born.” Shampoo hesitated for a second and then said. “Can I kill the pig when this is over?” Her face fell. “But Grandmother . . .” A loud no came from the phone. “Shampoo scowled. It doesn’t seem fair, just washing away his memory. Even if it will make things easier in the end.”
Shampoo held the phone away from her ear as several loud orders were hurled out of it. She put it back to her ear and said. “Yes, Grandmother. I will do my duty by my cousins. You did get the copies I dropped out the window? Good, I’ll keep the pig too busy and drugged up to think of snatching any other girls.” Shampoo hung up the phone. Stretching, she strolled back across the sand and curled up in the principal’s lap, making sure her legs were pressed across several blood vessels so his limbs would be asleep when he woke. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ At the other end of the phone Cologne hung up. She had a frown on her face. She didn’t like the news about how frail the boy was. If he exhausted himself the Principal was likely to bring Akane to his home and install her in the special rooms he’d had built. It was imperative that Akane be constantly abused till the curse had run it’s course. Any other situation would be disastrous. It might be best to slip Shampoo some hypnotic mushrooms she could feed the principal. A suggestion that he send Akane to Hiroshi and Daisuke if Hikaru tired and could not continue might be a very good idea.
Of course if that happened she’d have to contact them personally and make sure they simply did not set Akane and Ranma free.
Cologne shook her head. Those two amazed her. She’d read their transcripts, including the private files, and she also scanned their chi without their knowing.
In many ways they seemed typical teens, with some traits exaggerated by their circumstances in life. Like all young males they were a seething brew of un-balanced hormones. They practically radiated belligerence and arrogance, in the privacy of their minds. They had an overwhelming urge to be top dog, alpha wolf. The head of the pack with dozens of females for the taking. All pretty much normal for the species.
But, under all that, like a diamond in a dung heap, was a solid core of basic decency. From what she’d learned when she’d ghosted into Hiroshi’s private play area what they were doing to Ranma was all a ploy to get Ranma to Akane, at which point Ranma would free her, and kick major tail.
A foolish and hasty plan, and profoundly dangerous to Ranma, for reasons no one but she, and now, Shampoo knew.
The Amazon’s had been blessed by their patron goddess with strength, speed, endurance, stamina and all round toughness to rival or better any man. A godly gift to be sure, but also one that drew the ire of the male gods who did not like the idea of a bunch of women kicking the asses’ of their male followers. So they’d tossed a curse at the Amazons, to even the field they claimed.
If any man could manage to defeat an Amazon, read rape, the gift of strength the goddess had blessed them with would flee, leaving them no stronger than any normal woman. If that were not bad enough, their sexual response to their attacker would increase four fold, and stay that way for as long as he made use of their body. But, the truly horrific consequences were what occurred if he did not make use of her body. After a few days of no sex, her desires for it would start to increase, growing each day.
If the man, or some other man took the use of their bodies at this time, the level of desire would remain where it was, but not decrease, until he stopped using them again, and then it would increase again, and again, until the woman was driven mad. As had happened to Hiroshi’s mother, who was related to the Tendos distantly, and so shared the Amazon blood that Akane possessed. The same blood that Ranma also possessed.
Two hundred and eight years previously Cologne had fallen to Happosai, and for six months she had been his toy. Only when she had defeated the curse and regained her strength had she managed to escape him. But not without taking something of his. Twin girls, who were born eight months later.
They had been the light and joy of Cologne’s life. The children of rape were not looked down upon in the Amazon culture. Rather they were seen as being of strong blood lines as only a true warrior could breed an Amazon against her will.
And then, the children had disappeared. Happosai had been the suspect, but they’d never found him, or any trace of the children, till Cologne had followed Shampoo to Japan and found Happosai, and the two families he associated with, The Saotome and the Tendo’s. Cologne had her suspicions from the beginnings. But eventually she had convinced herself beyond a shadow of a doubt that Akane and Ranma were descended from those lost twin girls, and were her great grandchildren, and Shampoo’s distant cousins.
that would have been a thing of great joy, if at that point Akane had not been abducted, and Ranma had not fallen in with this idiotic plan to save her.
Because the moment the two of them were raped, the curse of the Amazon’s kicked in. Right now they were helpless and suffering greatly, but it would be as nothing if the boys raping them grew bored and discarded them. Their lust and desire would grow and grow, and destroy their minds, just as it had Hiroshi’s mother.
There was only one cure to the curse that the Amazons had ever discovered. To surrender. The gods had tied the curse to the Amazon’s arrogance, as the gods called it. The Amazon’s referred to as believing they had the right to chose their life. In any case, as long as that was present, as long as Akane and Ranma fought against what was being done to them they would be helpless and victims of their own bodies’ responses. But, once they had given in, once they truly became slaves in mind as well as body, the curse would vanish from them. Their strength would be restored, and their sexual responses would ramp back down to more normal levels, though they would always be high.
From then it was up to the individual as to when she regained her freedom. Some never did, having honestly fallen in love with their captors. Other’s killed their rapist within minutes of being restored.
As the Amazon’s had discovered, anyone could be broken, anyone! Cologne had been broken by Happosai, and Shampoo had been broken by Kima and the men under her command. But, broken can be fixed. If you are broken on Monday, wake up whole on Tuesday. Cologne had recovered and gained her freedom, and so had Shampoo.
It had been necessary to brainwash Ranma and many of his friends. Convincing them that Shampoo had been brainwashed herself by some sort of magic egg. But Shampoo remembered how to be broken, and how to put herself back together. It was why she had volunteered to go under cover to discover what had happened to her cousin once they had narrowed the search down to the Principal.
It was why she could do what she could do. Because once you learned the curses weakness, you would never truly be it’s victim again. But, you could only learn it the hard way. The Amazon’s had tried to teach their young warriors, but if anything it made the situation worse. Sure they could beat the curse, many Amazon’s had fallen into degradation. These days young Amazons were not even told of the curse. Unless they experienced it.
The Amazons had considered hiring men to enslave young amazon’s in order to immunize them, but they could not bring themselves to trust any man to that extent.
It was a serious problem. No Amazon who had not been through the trial could become an elder. There were to many secrets an elder had to know. The risk of some woman who had not been tested being captured and revealing all was too great a risk to take. And as the world became more peaceful, fewer and fewer Amazon’s had been tested. Shampoo had been the first of her generation.
In a way, the situation with Ranma might prove an interesting test case. Could Hiroshi and Daisuke immunize Ranma? She would watch with interest. For, when you came down to it, for now that was all she could do, watch.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.
Mon Jun 14 14:49:51 2004