Best Buddies: Ebbing tides.

Unending BE - episode 356645

"I think she likes it," it was a rather simple statement, belaying the triumphant smirk lain upon Hiroshi's face, "Think she's ready for the next part Dai?"

"Um, sure?" There was a flash of uncertainty across his friend's features, mingled, and perhaps overpowered by a rapt look of lustful attention as he wondered just what it was that Hiroshi had planned.

"Good," it was a simple response, as Hiroshi's hands slipped down and wandered back to where the small, stretching bands lay carefully set aside.

Slowly a finger trailed its way up along the soft, yielding flesh of Ranma's inner thigh, teasing into its soft depths, and slowly caressing up between her legs. A gasp broke past Ranma's lips, her back seemingly about to snap it arched to hard, feeling a teasing sensation of fingers trailing against one fattened nether lip. At the rope, a moment's pause, forcing it from where it dug roughly into her clit, a gasp of relief panted past the red head's lips before a sharp intake of breath as the little nub itself tugged foricbly erect. When it came released, she felt but a moment's respite before an odd tightening sensation rolled down to the base of the sensitive little bundler of nerves and squeezed tight upon it.

The band held her clit bound, the blood swelling up within it, engorging it further as every slight touch seemed to grow more accentuated. A slight flick a moment later and a muffled, exhausted cry again broke free of those soft lips before each nipple suffered the same fate as clit. Following mere moments behind, he again drew out the jar of Icy Hot, allowing himself to coat a single finger in it before he lay a new layer upon each of those swelled nubs.

"Hey Dai, go grab the old shaving cream brush I keep in the bathroom then get ready to release the bag on my mark," Hiroshi grinned back at his friend before slightly blowing a stream of breath onto Ranma's little nub, eliciting another moan of delight as she started to rally her remaining strength against the next onslaught of the icy-hot sensations.

A grin suddenly blossumed across Daisuke's face as he eagerly dashed back into the bathroom and rummaged around before he found the old boar bristle shaving brush and quickly handed it over to Hiroshi, "Here ya go man!"

The young man grinned in return as he wormed the rope running its way down through her off to one side, letting it dig into one cheek and slightly agianst the bone of her pelvis. As he motioned his partner in crime towards the plug still jutting from the red-head's ass with his free hand, while his other slowly began to stroke the stiff bristles of the brush against her clit. It was a slight, burning friction against her little nub of pleasure, teasing against her flesh in slow meastured strokes.

A gasp broke free, followed by the next, then the next, the stiff bristles occassionaly digging into her flesh with slim penetration. Slowly bit by bit she felt her exhausted body once more relinquish itself to those lusty sensations, feeling herself so helpless, aroused, it lay heavy upon her mind. Only, when it at last seemed she was at that peak, he paused, and allowed the tide to ebb just enough to prevent her release.

She felt a shifting at her rear as Hiroshi again began to slowly stroke once more, drawing her back into that slow climb towards release. Beneath her, Daisuke held a firm grip upon the plug, ready to pull it and run the moment Hiroshi signalled him. The young man in question however seemed in no rush, leisurely stroking that clit again and again and again, always at that same steady pacing, and always stopping just before she could find release.

After numerous almosts, Daisuke finally glared at his friend as he listened again to Ranma's frustrated whimpers and cries, "How much longer you gonna do that man?!"

"Almost there... get ready," he smirked as he suddenly began to brush faster, his wrist flicking back and forth, eliciting a sudden shriek from the bound girl before him. Then, when that peak again rose, this time he practically shoved her over as he yelled to his friend just as it began, "NOW!"

It was a poweful combination, a sweeping blast of orgasm caught up in the sudden explosive release of her bowels, eliciting a churning scream of passion high into the small room. It seemed to last an eternity, for Ranma at least before exhaustion suddenly took its toll and she collapsed bonelessly in the makeshift rig. All that was left, were the two teens standing over her, and her sudden mess.

"Good thing we have my mom to do the cleaning around here, isn't it?" Hiroshi's voice was laced with the half vacant smile plastered upon his lips.


  1. *All right, time to find out what's been going on with Akane this whole time
  2. Or, maybe more of Shampoo?
  3. *Well, I guess ya can keep going with Ranma
  4. Something else.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.

Eternal Heart

Sun Jun 13 20:44:45 2004