Best Buddies: The preparations continue

Unending BE - episode 356594

It took Hiroshi a good bit of time to gather the various supplies he wanted, a look of comtemplation hovering across his eyes as he gazed from one object to the next, debating which to use now and which for later. For a moment, he considered the electrode pads neatly packed on one shelf next to the e-stim machine. For a moment, it was tempting, but, the bathroom was hardly a safe place for the electronic equipment.

Instead, he turned his attentions to a small box of little black bands of shining rubber. He chose only three, lightly palming them in his hand as he turned his head towards a collection of various lotions, oils, greases and lubes layered one shelf after the next across an entire wall. For the moment however, he merely choose a jar of icy hot to join in his twisted little idea before taking a good measure of rope and slipping back towards the door's entrance.

As he made his way once more towards the furo, he felt a sudden inistant pressure brushing against his legs. His eyes flashing down, he found his mother, still bound as a human floor polisher, a stocking clad leg rubbing against his own. That image, that sluttish need impressed its way upon his mind, and again he felt the frustration pour through him. Even as she was now, a little toy for his gratification, used humiliated, she still loved it, an agony to no end.

For a moment, he considered kicking her away, shoving her down and making her again whimper and cry out like the fuck pet she was, but that would be just as she wanted. Everything was something she liked or thrilled in, every perversion and every debasement. She simply delighted in her defeat.

Not like Ranma.

No, Ranma was a fighter, victory was everything to him/her, winning, triumphing. Ranma could satisfy him. Ranma could quench that thirst.

For a moment, he allowed himself to savor that little fantasy, indulging it with the depths of his hunger as he felt the heat again rise between his legs. A moment however would be all that it would last, the part of him that still cared about his friend rising up, reminding him of why they were doing what they were. This wasn't about beating Ranma, this was about saving his friend's Mother and Akane.

A part of him still whispered about how good it would feel to make Ranma into his little pet. A part of him that he shut out as best he could. For now.

When he finally returned to the bathroom, he was greeted to the sight of Daisuke just finishing his fucking of Ranma into unconsciousness. As his friend slowly withdrew himself from her slick gash, he was greated by the vision of her tight, pink channel glistening with cum, both his and her own. Shaking his head a bit, he couldn't help but chuckle as he commented, "Having fun with out me huh?"

Daisuke jumped up in response as he attempting to whirl around in startled surprise. Unfortunately for him, the bath's moisture still clung to his feet, and well, sudden movements with wet feet isn't necessarily the best way to go. With a sudden cry, he wobbled back, landing firmly on his ass with a wet smack as the back of his head fell back onto Ranma's stomach, jarring her eyes to flutter open with a grunt of discomfort.

"Well at least you woke her up again. Now, gonna get off your ass and gimme a hand?" Hiroshi grinned down at his friend before turning his attention pointedly upon Ranma, "We still have to finish getting her ready."

"Don't DO that!" Daisuke grumbled as he leaveraged himself up with his hands upon Ranma's thighs before rubbing his ass directly in Ranma's face.

"Ugh stop shoving your ass in my face dammit!" the little red-head growled, her eyes flashing a moment as she craned her neck back and away from the naked white flesh.

"Heh, Dai, get a spreader bar would ya?" Hiroshi grinned as he set down everything save for the long lengths of rope he held coiled in his hands.

"Whadda ya think you're doing?!" Ranma cried out once more, her eyes following the pair suspiciously as she fought to fully regain her frazzle consciousness.

While his friend quickly, but carefully dashed off to grab the suggested item, Hiroshi ignored Ranma began to weave one coil of rope about her body, letting the twined threads dig into her flesh as they were wrapped about her chest, stomach and hips. Practically drooling as he continued, he went to work, tugging, tweaking; eliciting gasp and bitten back moans at the sensations. Grinning fiercly down at his captive, Hiroshi gave one of those nipples a sudden twist, causing Ranma's lips to clamp shut as her eyes grew wide, a scream muffled deep within her throat, "Don't worry Ranma, we're just making you more presentable!"

"You bastard! When I get out of this, I'm going to-to- bust your balls so fucking hard..." she screamed in rage back at him as she again began to struggle against her bonds.

"Temper temper Ranma... You really shouldn't threaten me like that... not when you're in such a precarious position...." He grinned back at her before heading over and pulling out a shaving kit, "And when Dai gets back, it looks like we're going to have to finish getting you all cleaned up."

  1. *Daisuke returns, on with the shave!
  2. How are things with Akane?
  3. Or Shampoo?
  4. Something Else
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Eternal Heart

Sun Jun 13 15:30:00 2004