NtLD - Of Mice and Women
Unending BE - episode 349261
It was an almost poetic solution. Two former strong Shadoloo agents transformed into meek and obedient mousegirls. And with a teenage kid as a master to boot. It was perfect.
"Make them mousegirls!" Ishikawa sneered. "And don't forget the pictures."
Von Ecchi was quick in resuming the process.
Kujaku was pleased with himself. This would certainly benefit his organization in the future. He was certain to check they had digital cameras with tons of free memory. He proceeded to see if they could fill a CD.
Ranma hadn't heard about his pets in a while and was curious about them. Not that he feared that anything was wrong but he certainly wanted to know if they were getting along. After confirming everything was OK with his lovedolls he climbed the stairs and headed for Akane's room.
Just before entering, Ranma put his ear on the door to see if he could hear anything. Without a sound coming from the room, Ranma carefuly opened the door and peeked inside. He certainly wasn't expecting what he saw.
He could see Sayuri's nude front completely since she was facing the door. All three girls were sleeping peacefully making the most of Akane's single bed. Both doggirls had Chun-Li sandwiched between them; the catgirl had her arms around Sayuri´s waist, while Yuka had her in a similar grip from behind. Ranma could notice several wet spots along the girls' bodies, letting him know how playful they had been with each other before falling asleep.
Chun-Li's ear perked up and her head raised a little while she opened a weary eye. At the view of her master, Chun Li showed a tìred but happy smile.
Ranma just signaled quietly for her to settle down and continue sleeping.
Chun Li nodded and closed her eyes, lowering her head against the pillow once more while snuggling a little closer to the doggirl in her arms. Both doggirls seemed quite happy too. Ranma noticed Chun Li's tail poking from between Yuka's legs and wrapping itself affectionately around the left one. The motion made Yuka snuggle closer to Chun Li herself while her own tail wiggled a little in her sleep.
The view elicited a lot of warm feelings in Ranma (some of them warmer than others), and he realized one part of him wanted to join them in bed. At the end, the most sensible part decided to just let them rest in Akane's bed for the night. But he remembered he had a free day tomorrow (the first since all this had started), so decided that in the morning he would be sure to take good care of his pets. Taking good care of his lovedolls in the afternoon didn't sound bad either.
He was just closing the door to Akane´s room, careful from making any noise when:
- *one of his lovedolls announced him that another Yakuza delivery was waiting for him at the front door.
- one of his lovedolls announced him that someone else was at the front door.
- one of his lovedolls approached him to ask him something.
- he went to prepare bedding arrangements for the night.
- something else happened.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.
Sat May 01 21:43:35 2004