The 'Cat' part of Ranma was pretty much instinct on its most basic form. It judge things according to a simple process and as such was able to act on them quickly. Something was either food, a playmate, a threat, a warm lap provider or a mate.
So it was understandable that Ranma perked up from where he was crouched over the dazed and very satisfied form of Venus as it sensed someone coming towards him. A quick look made it obvious that it a female, and by the way that she was moving, it was obvious that she was ready for being with a male. Since it seemed that she was approaching him with the wish to join, he wasn't about to deny her, especially with the pollen working within his system.
So, her seductive approach had quickly turned to being taken hold of, and being licked and nibbled into a frenzy of need before being taken hold of for a coupling.
Not that she had minded, as she had grown bored with what she was doing, and had made her way along, past all the things that Ranma and his group had been forced to face. But then she had come up to the pollen filled room, and had breathed in enough to set her nerves afire before she realised what was happening. With a simple glance at the pigtailed boy, she was hooked, and was already moving without thinking.
Which was why she was currently beneath him, and thrusting back as he pumped into her with such a wonderful need.
Though Ranma might be mildly surprised to note that he was currently bedding:
Go back - Go to the parent episode.
Fri Jan 02 16:08:52 2004