LRH: Venus & Mars in conjunction

Unending BE - episode 331024

Ranma quickly came to the two and began his work, they weren't asleep but trying to regain control. When Ranma began his work by slicing apart the red fuku of Mars, that control was lost.

Ranma was in the neko-ken, and so he nuzzled and licked, using his mouth to manipulate items more than his hands currently would. Mars had no idea where Ranma could have developed some tongue strengthening technique, just that it was quite effective. Of course she wasn't capable of remarking on it at the moment.

Venus needed this on more than one front and was unable to wait. Not only had a previous dart begun her transformation, and the flowers' pollen set her on a path to mindless lust, on an emotional level she needed to find something she'd lost when the timeline reset. She quickly joined this coupling, rubbing herself against Ranma until Mars finally called out and collapsed.

Ranma moved aside as a dart fired from the ceiling, the additional pain barely noticed by Mars. The sound of cursing from a hidden vantage point gave way to another shot, which was likewise deflected without notice by Ranma.

Ranma's full attention was on Venus at this point.

The oni marksman quickly retreated lest the pollen overwhelm her as well.

"Toldja it wouldn't work," said a kitsune in the secret passage. "That boy can literally dodge attacks in his sleep. If you'd read the file..."

The oni marksman quietly and efficiently punched the kitsune in the mouth.

  1. The secret passage is left open, the pollen begins to waft through the complex.
  2. *Nodoka catches up, having cast an illusion of her defeat, to find that Ranma has indeed been manly.
  3. *wait a minute. Who's this other girl that Ranma's doing?
  4. something else

Go back - Go to the parent episode.


Fri Jan 02 04:24:49 2004