With Ranmas hands and arms bound behind her back the boys had little problem manhandling her out of the tub and half-dragging, half-carrying her out of the bathing area and around the corner to a smaller tiled enclosure that contained a trough type toilet and several hoses and shower heads. There were metal rings set in the floor, walls, and ceiling. The boys tied Ranmas ankles to rings on either side of the trough toilet, spreading her feet about three and a half feet apart. Next, they ran a rope from an overhead ring to the her crossed forearms. When they were done Ranma was leaning forward, away from the slit toilet, supported by her arms which were bent painfully upward. Her head was waist high to the boys when she lifted it to glare at them.
All three of them were sweaty from the activity, but the boys wore pleased grins while Ranmas expression was anything but. She tried to pull herself upward, but her arms would not bend, forcing her to continue looking at the boys from a position far to close to their dicks for her happiness. The struggle had left the boys well stimulated, and she had a very close view of both of their pricks. Hiroshis with it weird twist and scars was scary looking, but not as scary as Daisukes thirteen inch monster which looked like it would hang to his knees, if it were not standing out at a forty-five degree angle. Staring at it, Ranma couldnt believe shed actually taken its massive head, and so much of its shaft, into her mouth. You aint going to stick that thing in my mouth again? she half vowed, and half pleaded.
Maybe later, was Dais far from reassuring answer.
Yea, we dont want you to get bored. So well provide you with a variety of pricks to suck, Hiroshis said stepping forward. Now, open wide, he said, taking hold of his shaft and pushing the bulbous head toward Ranmas mouth, which she clamped shut fiercely.
Doesnt look like she wants to, Hiro, Daisuke said. Maybe she thinks it will taste as bad as it looks, he joked. Stepping around Hiroshi and Ranma in the narrow area. He slid a hand over Ranmas bottom, causing it to flinch, but with her legs parted the way they were there was nothing she could do to keep him from running his fingers down the crack of her ass.
Ranmas eyes suddenly bugged out when one of Daisukes fingers started playing with the little ring of muscles between her bottom cheeks. She half way started to open her mouth to shout at him, but stopped when she saw Hiroshi move his prick toward her mouth. So, she clamped her lips shut and endured as Daisuke wiggled his finger at the entrance to her ass.
Boy, Ranma. Never thought youd be a tight ass, Daisuke joked, earning a growl from the bound girl. Well have to do something about that. Ranma growl changed to a grunted exclamation of protest as she tried to twist her head around to see what he was doing.
Hey, now. Dont forget about me, Hiroshi protested. He took a good grip on Ranmas head, weaving his fingers into her hair and pulling her face back around to face his erect prick. He rubbed the tip over Ranmas closed lips, smearing them with pre-cum. Ranma rolled her eyes, torn between which threat was the worst, the one in front, or the one in back. Daisuke answered her with a butt plug, attached to a hose, and a good coating of lubrication.
Ranmas eyes bulged as something large and greasy forced open her bottom hole. Unable to resist, she let out a yell, HEYMuthfg, which was cut off when Hiroshi seized his chance and slid his swollen prick into her mouth, cutting off her protest.
Thought that would work, Daisuke said with smirk as he continued to work the large plug, three times the size of the one Hiroshi had used on Ranma before, into her bottom. Even with the lubrication it was a tight fit, and Ranma let out more than a few grunts and moans, much to Hiroshis delight, before the broad base was seated between her ass cheeks. A rubber hose ran from the middle of the plug to a large rubber bag hanging on the wall just above Daisukes head. It bulged alarmingly with a mixture of water and mild soap.
Hiroshi worked his prick back and forth in Ranmas stretched mouth, enjoying the feeling of her tongue battling with it. As he looked down at her with his dick in her mouth, Hiroshi didnt give a damn about plans, plots, or saving Akane. The only thing he was interested in was spilling his load down Ranmas slim throat.
Fill her up, Miss? No problem, right away, Daisuke joked. Reaching upward to the base of he Enema bag, he released the small metal clamp that pinched the hose closed.
Oh, yea, Hiroshi hissed in pleasure as Ranmas mouth worked around his imbedded manhood. The redhead was straining to escape the sudden flood of liquid filling her bowels, and was not in the least concerned about the flood of liquid her muffled vocal protests might earn from Hiroshis balls.
Daisuke reached between Ranmas spread legs, feeling under the butt plug, He found her cunt, and wiggled a finger into her. Shifting his feet, he moved himself so he could also slip a hand under her belly. He could feel it gurgling and swelling as the large enema bag emptied its contents. Hows that feel, Ranma? he asked, moving his finger back and forth inside her. Youll soon be nice and clean, inside and out.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.
Fri Dec 19 14:43:38 2003