Hiroshis innuendo was pretty much wasted on Ranma. The only thing on her mind was getting rid of the gunk trickling down the middle of her back. She couldnt even bring herself to think of it as sperm. She snatched a hand towel from a rail on the wall and taking hold of a corner in each hand scrubbed it across her back in a frantic effort to remove all trace of contamination.
Youre wasting your time, Ranma, Daisuke said with a smirk, his dripping cock at half mast. Theres plenty more where that came from.
Ranmas head rotated. Not quite in Linda Blair territory, but scary none the less. She stared at Daisuke with an expression that promised pain and suffering. You! Ranma said in a flat tone. You! She repeated. Im going to kill you!!! She screamed and lunged at Daisuke. Once again the collar shortcircuited her attack moves, and left her easy prey for Daisuke, but this time, when he stepped aside and hooked an arm around her, she twisted like a weasel and latched onto the small love handle on his waist with her teeth.
Ahhhh, get her off, get her off! Daisuke screamed, trying to pry Ranmas teeth out of his flesh. She hung on like a bull dog, though the growls she was making sounded more feline than canine. Hiroshi was laughing so hard he fell on his ass, but he kept laughing. Daisuke finally stopped jumping around and dug his thumbs into the joints of Ranmas jaw, prying her teeth loose from him with some effort. Once free, he jumped back away from Ranma before she could grab hold of him again. I guess, he panted, that rules out a blowjob anytime soon.
Hiroshi broke down again, and was a sitting target for Ranma. She whirled away from Daisuke and launched herself at Hiroshi, her teeth bared. She managed to get very close, her teeth clicked short of Hiroshis bicep by a fraction of an inch.
Warned by Daisukes experience, Hiroshi had been more prepared, and had managed to get his other arm up and across Ranmas throat before she could finish her attack. He rolled over and pressed her to the ground, his arm still across her neck. Naughty, naughty. Mustnt bite. he chided her. But there was an undertone of command in his voice.
Fuck you! Ranma said, snapping at him.
Hiroshis eyes narrowed. Daisuke, get me a ring gag!
It took some time, and both boys were bleeding from several small scratches, but eventually they managed to force the hard rubber device into Ranmas mouth. Not actually a ring, it was too semi-circles that locked around the teeth in either side of Ranmas mouth, top and bottom, and forced it wide open. More than wide open. It would be impossible for Ranma to open her mouth wide enough to free herself without some assistance from her hands. That was denied her because her arms were crossed behind her back, each wrist tied to the opposite arms forearm. The position pulled her shoulders back and thrust her large breasts outward.
Damn, now I really need that soak, Hiroshi said, wiping sweat from his forehead. He bent down and took hold of Ranmas crossed arms to lift her off her knees and onto her feet. She tried to resist but he half shoved, half carried her to the furo. Lifting her, he tried to lower her into it, but she twisted and got her feet hooked over the edge of the tub. Hiroshi tried again, with the same result. Oh, well, he said with a shrug and let go of Ranma. With no support, she fell face forward into the furo, splashing water everywhere.
The furo was more a hot top, very deep with benches built into the sides. Hiroshi slid in while a sputtering Ranma was still trying to get to her feet, hampered by the water being nearly four feet deep where she was, and having her hands behind her back. Hiroshi settled himself on one of the benches as Daisuke slid into the tup and sat down opposite Hiroshi, Ranma in between them. Hiroshi let Ranma flounder for a bit, and then took hold of her and pulled her back and up onto his lap.
For a few seconds Ranma was too busy spitting water to notice her predicament. That changed very quickly when she felt something strange and looked down to see the end of Hiroshis cock sticking out from between her legs. She was sitting on the shaft. Ahhh, get away from me! She cried out. Her words were garbled by the ring gag, but just barely understandable, at least if you had an idea of what she was saying.
Before Ranma could wriggle off his lap, Hiroshi slipped a hand around her narrow waist and pulled her back tight against him, her firm ass pressing into his upper thighs and lower belly. His free hand slid up her stomach to cup one of her breasts. It was firm and heavy in his hand, the nipple hard and hot. He gave it a painful pinch.
Ouch! You bastard! Ranma cried out. She stopped struggling as she became all to aware of the strange feeling rubbing against Hiroshis dick was causing. She had an empty feeling in her belly, and it wasnt hunger. It was almost painful. Her breath came in small pants as she tried to get herself under control. She lost it again when the hand pressed against her belly slid down between her legs.Get away! She cried out, hunching away from Hiroshis hand, which only served to press her harder against him. It was a dead end, and she let out a moan as his fingers found the space between her legs.
Hiroshi rubbed Ranmas clit with his thumb as his fingers toyed with the entrance to her sex. His cock felt like it was ready to explode, but he knew he had to get Ranma at least a little ready. It was going to be hard enough to manage this as it was without her being dry. He soon realized that getting Ranma ready was not going to be as hard as he had thought. His fingers were encountering thick oily liquid oozing out of her twat. My, my, Ranma, just begging for it, he murmured into her ear, and then had to snap his head back as she tried to head but him. His expression turned nasty.
Hiroshi pushed against the rough bottom of the hot tub, and lifted himself and Ranma upward. Lifting one leg, he hooked a heel into a step, and pushed again, levering himself up onto the edge of the tub, his legs dangling in the water. Before Ranma could react, he rolled to the left, and carried her with him. The move ended with Ranma dangling belly down over the edge of her tub, her legs waving in the water unable to reach bottom. Hiroshi feet on the other hand found a step just below Ranma that left him perfectly positioned.
Ranma wriggled on the edge of the tub, trying to slip off and onto the floor. She growled in frustration when Hiroshis hands pressed into her waist, forcing her against the edge and preventing her from moving. His lower legs shoved hers aside, and she twisted her head over her shoulder to glare at him. Her glare turned bug eyed however as Hiroshis hips pushed forward and she felt the blunt tip of his cock pressing between her legs and against her sex. Ranma had a sudden flashback to earlier when shed seen Hiroshis ten inch surgical marvel. No, you cant, she cried out. It wont . Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, Ranma cried out as Hiroshi proved her a liar by popping the head of his dick past the entrance to her twat.
Ahhhh, Hiroshis breath gusted out as he felt Ranmas tight walls wrap around the head of his dick. She was tight, very, very tight. Normally only a nice young asshole was this tight. It made him wonder what Ranmas ass would be like. He peered down at it, and at the sight of his shaft spearing between her cheeks to force aside her flesh. He was only two inches inside her, but her little cunt looked stretched to the limit already. Not that he was going to pay any attention t that. He gave a little shove, and earned a strangled grunt from Ranma. About a half and inch of his shaft slid into her.
Hiroshi pulled back, dragging Ranmas pink inner flesh out with his dick. When the lip of his glans came into view, he lunged forward hard, driving Ranma into the side of the tub, and another inch of his dick into her belly.
No, no, no, Ranma chanted through her wide open mouth, drool running down her chin and dripping onto the floor. A hand tangled in her hair and pulled her head up. Her bleary eyes focused on Daisuke kneeling in front of her, and she just had time to widen her eyes in shock when he slipped forward and pressed the head of his prick into her mouth. A thick salty musty flavor flooded her mouth as Daisukes cock stretched her jaw even further open than the ring gag had managed. She tried to pull back, but just then Hiroshi shoved forward again. She gave a muffled cry of distress as her poor busy stretched even further, and Daisukes cock shoved further into her mouth.
Daisuke took hold of Ranmas head between his hands and held it firmly in place as he swiveled his hips back and forth, sliding about four inches of his mammoth prick in and out of her mouth.
Behind Ranma, Hiroshi had his teeth clenched as he slowly worked his full ten inches into Ranmas stretched quim. He was frankly surprised. He would never have imagined such a little girl could have taken his whole length. His mom was taller than he was, and she had to strain at times to manage it. He wasnt about to look a gift horse in the mouth, or the ass, however. Taking a firm hold on Ranmas waist, he duplicated Daisukes moves and started slipping in and out of Ranma. Only, while Daisuke limited himself to a mere four inches, he was pumping a full nine in and out of Ranma.
The two boys battered Ranma back and forth between them for a good five minutes before Hiroshi felt a tell tale burning in his balls. He started picking up the pace, slamming into Ranma with all his might, his balls swinging forward to slap against her lower pussy. With a loud gasp, he thrust forward one final time, and emptied his balls into Ranmas belly.
As Ranma felt Hiroshis pulse inside her, she understood what was going on. Hed shot his sperm inside her. He was filling her up with his stuff. The stuff that made babies. No, it couldnt be. She was a guy, a guy, a . . . Ranma choked as Daisuke finally started trying to get more of his shaft into her mouth. She could feel every inch of the thick veiny shaft, it slipped back and forth over her tongue, pressing to the back of her throat. Her eyes bulged as it went a bit further, and she felt the entrance to her throat spread.
Ranma might not have fully mastered the art of martial arts eating, but the training had taught her how to swallow large objects. She unwillingly put that training to use now as Daisukes cock slipped down her throat, causing her slim throat to bulge from the mass. She felt Daisukes hands clench in her hair, and then just like Hiroshi, he began blasting sperm into her. Only this time down her throat.
Both boys maintained there positions for a minute or so, letting their softening cocks soak inside Ranma. They were both panting, and they looked at each other with wide grins. That, was . . .Really good, Daisuke at last said. Hiroshi spent a few more seconds getting his breath, and then said. You got that right, the sweetest fuck Ive ever had. He waited a second, and then asked. want to do it again?
Ranma let out a muffled moan.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.
Tue Dec 02 15:40:48 2003