Gosunkugi couldn’t help giggling nervously.
Here was the object of all his desires... the girl he’d spent many sleepless night masturbating about... the ultimate prize of Fūrinkan... the beautiful Akane Tendō, entirely at his mercy. Now wonder he was a bit awed by the prospect.
“First...” he murmured, his trembling hands inching toward Akane’s face. Carfully, he unfastened the ball-gag. Although he was past the “She talked to me!” dazed routine every time Akane addressed him, he still was longing to hear her voice.
Okay... maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Akane had one healthy set of lungs.
“Ouch...” winced Gosunkugi, rubbing his ears. Shaking head, he warned his captive:
“It’s no use screaming, this place is completely deserted. Nobody will hear you.”
Akane glared venomously at the scrawny boy wearing his stupid Shinto mage outfit, with the usual candle on his head. She struggled against her bonds, but the shibari work was conceived to negate her strength and leverage.
“Why are you doing that, Hikaru?” she asked vehemently. “I thought you were a nice boy!”
Gosunkugi stared back at the bound girl, a strange mix of emotions in his baggy eyes. Then, sighing, he simply said: “Because I love you...”
“What?” barked Akane, her eyes bulging out.
“I love you... but I was always denied hopes to ever win you. Whether it was that crazy Kunō, that jerk Saotome or even that stupid Hibiki, there was always some obstacle between you and me. I’m not a martial artist, I don’t have a chance of ever winning a fight against any of them... that was so unfair!”
“But... But...” stammered Akane.
Hikaru kneeled next to the bound Tendō, his usually lifeless face animating a bit. “Now that they believe you’re dead, though, none of those dumb brutes are any longer standing in the way! I can do everything I ever wanted to do to you! My fondest wish is granted...”
“But that’s crazy!” protested the irate girl. “How could I have guessed you had a crush if you NEVER TOLD ME? And why the hell are you going along with that crazy Principal’s scheme?”
“I had no choice...” mumbled the not-entirely-sane boy, as he started fondling the breasts of his helpless victim. “I could never have convincingly set up your death all by myself... the Principal, he could use his influence over officials so that the investigations were cut short. Those Kunōs are powerful, you know. But he needed someone else to prepare the explosives, drug you and drag you away while he was seen at the school, perfecting his alibi!”
Akane whimpered, not wanting to show that Gosunkugi’s hands pawing her breasts were affecting her. It was mainly disgust, but to her distress the nipples were also getting erect against her will.
“STOP THAT! Ranma will find you and he’ll kill you!”
“Don’t count too much on it...” retorted Hikaru, leaning down to give small kisses, licks and nibbles to Akane’s delicate bosom. “Ranma thinks you are dead; he won’t do anything. And he’ll be busy enough with what the principal has in store for him.”
“Kunō Kōchō was planning all that from a long time already... he’d always wanted to put down those students that stood against him. You’re just the first on the list, Saotome and Kuonji are next!”
“That’s... That’s... aaaah!”
Akane tried to voice her indignation, but the way Hikaru was grasping and twisting her boobs was too distracting. She squirmed against the bondage once again, but a wicked length of rope was going all the way to her crotch, sliding between the puffy lips of her sex and inside the cleft of her buttocks. So, any move was making the coarse strap rub against those very sensitive spots, and incidentally exciting her, to her great loathing.
“Note that I don’t know just what the ‘Big Kahuna’ has in store for your precious Ranma,” added Hikaru. Then he smirked, “Maybe he’ll gave the pig-tailed girl to his son to play with, who know?”
Akane’s growl had no effect whatsoever on the perverted boy. He continued to stroke and squeeze her shapely body. Touching parts that no one but her and her future husband should ever be allowed access to.
“Don’t worry, Akane-chan. I’ll train you to be the most perfect fuck-toy for the Principal. He won’t be doing you all the time, if I do a good job he’ll sure give you back to my care very often. You’ll be the happiest sex slave alive!”
“SEX SLAVE?” exploded Akane in utter disgust. No doubt about it, the Gosunkugi boy had completely lost what few scraps of sanity he ever had.
Gosunkugi stopped molesting her for a short while. He fumbled a bit with his pants, to make his raging erection more comfortable. He also reached for something Akane couldn’t see, hidden by her right leg that was bent at the knee by the ropes.
In a small basin full of some lubricant liquid, Hikaru picked an elongated item. It was made of two parts: a gray, metallic-looking handle with some buttons and a bulbous, flesh-colored plastic shaft with a small protuberance of the same material jutting out. Akane was left speechless when she realized what kind of sex toy her kidnapper was brandishing.
“Now, the real training begins...” commented Gosunkugi.
Sitting behind Akane, he rested her back on his lap and her head against his shoulder. His legs spread on the floor, extended to meet the girl’s feet and keep her own legs apart. Hikaru reached with one hand between the girl's thighs, untying a knot and letting the bondage that was rubbing against her private parts to go slack. He pulled this rope away, but Akane’s relief was short-lived. The boy immediately pushed two fingers in the poor virgin’s snatch, testing her wetness.
“Mmmh... you’re dripping Akane-chan. You’re just so ready...”
“NO! PLEASE! DON’T TOUCH ME HERE!!” begged Akane in despair. Her voice was shaking with sobs, but this didn’t seem to move the obsessed rapist.
“You’re so wet, it’ll slid in without any effort...”
Pulling away his sticky fingers, Gosunkugi licked them... then he took the vibrator. Switching it on, the thing started to hum and twitch under Akane’s appalled gaze. It was moving like a living organ, squirming in a somewhat circular motion that totally horrified her.
But Gosunkugi wasn’t listening. Slowly but determinedly, he brought the tip of the buzzing sex toy at the entrance of Akane’s honey pot. The head went between the lips of her outer labia, spreading the well-lubricated folds and slipping deeper inside, while never stopping vibrating.
Akane’s scream soon became strangled and throaty, as breath was denied to her by the incredible sensation of penetration. Tears mixed with the sweat of her face as she whimpered in panicked terror and involuntary pleasure.
The violation continued as Hikaru pushed more of the vibrator’s length in her fleshy sheath, where it squirmed like a snake and stimulated every little nerve center of the poor girl, bringing her unwanted feeling of bliss and shame.
Clears droplets of womanly juices escaped from the invaded pussy, dripping from the exposed plastic of the dildo or flowing over Akane’s bare buttocks to pool on the waterproof canvas she was sprawled on.
Now that almost the full bulbous section of the shaft was inserted in Akane’s twat, she discovered what the jutting part of the sex toy was used for. With the way Gosunkugi had turned the vibrator, it was just the right length and position to meet the little nub of her clitoris. The vibrations had it exposed, and the extension was now mercilessly rubbing it with its soft, rounded head.
The added stimulation was too much for Akane. Once again, she let out a hear-piercing cry, but this one was quite different in pitch and frequency. With a mighty shudder and a splashing release of fluids, Akane Tendō came like mad.
Uh oh... Gosunkugi had underestimated Akane’s strength when boosted by adrenaline. She snaps free of the ropes, and now it’s a very pissed off martial artist he has to deal with.
As above, but Akane has one last card to play.... Could she convinces Hikaru that the Principal doesn’t deserve her, that he could keep her for himself, maybe even untie her so they can truly make love?
What are the Principal’s wicked schemes to obtan revenge on Ranma and Ukyō? Will he soon try to entangle them too in his web?
How are Akane’s grieving friends and family doing?
Something else that you don’t expect.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.
Sun Nov 09 15:20:14 2003