His hands came up to brace her, cupping her bosom and caressing them as he held her. The weight of them settled into his palms as she leaned down close to his face, so that they lay gently there. Her soft lips met his in a play of nips and nibbles before becoming a melding of the two of them.
Then she straighten up, and his hands stroked down her form, caressing her form as she bounced upon him. His fingers came to rest upon her slim waist, as they came into a point where time was lost to them in the haze of pleasure.
What she had so sought had become something that she had wanted badly when she had watched the others attain it. One was bad enough, but the second had driven her over the line. But now there were no regrets, and no admonitions as she felt not only the sensations of coupling, but the acceptance and love from her partner, her Lord.
When that final thrust came, she came apart and was remade all at once as she felt herself filled with him. The pleasure running through her made her go limp, and she slowly collapsed onto him, her head nestled beneath his chin. Giving a happy little sigh, she lay there with closed eyes and a small smile upon her face.
As Haruka lay there, Ranma stroked her supple back, and shared the moment with her. Makoto and Minako settled into either side of the pair, and they took part in a group cuddle. Their lord was the center of it, but he did not mind, as each of the girls was happy, and well satisfied.
And so they lay there, enjoying their simple time, while:
Tue Oct 07 22:49:40 2003