Makoto Kino walked toward her apartment building, dressed in a tank top and green jogging shorts. Pulling a towel from the small bag draped diagonally across her body, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, then neck. "Not a bad run." She commented quietly.
Indeed she had ran further and longer than normal because she had more on her mind than normal. The previous day Usagi had discovered Mamoru cheating on her and vanished. She and Haruka had eventually run down and spent a good while systamaticly pummeling him, but during that time, Usagi had vanished, and remained hidden from the other Senshi's best efforts at finding her. Until she suddenly called them, telling them that she was alright.
The others had been worried about her cheerful tone of voice, but with her assurances that she would meet them all in person later that night, they were willing to relax a little.
Makoto blinked and turned toward the source of the call, Usagi running toward her, dressed in a Blouse-Shorts combination. "Usagi?"
"I'm glad to see you Mako-Chan! When I realized how close we were to your apartment I just had to drop by to say hi!"
"We?" Makoto asked, looking past Usagi, then freezing as her eyes came to rest on a tall black haired man walking up behind them. His hair was tied back in a pigtail, dressed in a sleveless red chinese shirt with black pants. Makoto could feel her face go red as she looked at him. 'Even my Sempai wasn't this dreamy!' Then she blinked as the adonnis man placed his hand on Usagi's shoulder.
"This is Ranma!" Usagi declared, stepping back and sliding a hand around his waist.
Feeling her rising fantasy's disintigrate, Makoto forced herself to smile, saying "Oh, pleased to meet you." She felt a chill, glanced at her sweat soaked clothes, then blinked. "Um, I've been jogging and I have to take a shower, perhaps later. . ."
Usagi pouted a moment, then grinned. "At least let us walk you to your appartment." She responded.
"Um, Sure." Makoto responded as she lead them into the building. Walking over to the elevators she pressed the call button. "So, Ranma, what do you do?"
"I'm a martial artist." Ranma replied with a confident smirk.
Makoto looked at him again, noting his casual but very ready stance, then she quickly looked away as she realized that her attention had shifted to his chest and groin. She tried to think of a proper reply, but was saved by the elevator doors opening.
"Ah, right." Makoto said as she walked in, pressing her floor's button. Ranma and Usagi stepped in after her and the doors closed.
Elevator two
In the basement Bunny heard her father's telepathic message, and looked at the buildings circutry. With a grin she reached to the elevator's circuit, and when the command Now came, she tripped the breaker.
Halfway between floors, the elevator suddenly came to a halt.
"What?" Makoto looked around the elevator in surprise.
Ranma kept his grin hidden as he let his arousal pheramones fill the chamber.
Makoto tried to look somewhere else, but somehow she couldn't take her eyes from the site in front of her. For a little while the she and Usagi had talked smalltalk, but then she and Ranma had whispered a few things to each other, and then, Usagi had draped her arms around his shoulder and pulled herself up to kiss him. No matter how she tried, Makoto could not look away, could not keep her nipples from hardening and her pussy dampening, couldn’t keep herself from wishing that she were in Usagi's place.
"Mmm." Usagi hummed as she suddenly broke the kiss. With a big grin on her face, she suddenly knelt down, sliding his pants and boxers down in a quick motion.
Makoto blinked in confusion, trying to decide how she should react, then froze in shock as she stared at the massive organ jutting forward from between Ranma's legs. It took a few moments for her to realise that Usagi was stroking it with her hands as she kissed and sucked on the head. Unsure what to do, Makoto suddenly realzed she had knelt to get a closer look at Ranma's shaft.
Usagi glanced at her, then as her eyes touched Makoto's, she took her lips off Ranma's cock and grinned. Reaching down with one hand she took Makoto's hand and gently raised it up to wrap it around Ranma's shaft. "As long as it's not behind my back I don't mind." She half whispered in a warm tone.
Thu Oct 02 22:01:04 2003