Red Secret - A Mountain More

Unending BE - episode 314734

Walking home from school was something that Ranma usually did with relief, but after the past few days he hadn't had much of that. He'd been hit with surprise after surprise, and his mind was filled with conflicting thoughts and feelings. Part of him said to yell and hit them all, while another said to get away before they got the chance to hurt him any more. There were so many half plans and remembered images that he couldn't help but be staggered by them all.


But not enough to miss the familiar sound of a bicycle bell. He knew that one by heart, and jumped to a nearby rooftop to get out of the riders way. Then, standing there, he wondered how he had managed that, and not get run over as he always had before. It was a strange thing, and he peered down to get a glimpse of what was going on.

When he spotted the purple maned head still going along, he assumed that she hadn't seen him. It was possible that she had simply tried to get a pedestrian out of the way so that she could get to where she had to make her delivery, and he had simply caught it before she could spot him. Which would be normally lucky for him.

However, he saw her duck down an alley, which was strange, since no one lived down there. In fact, it was a dead end, with nothing but a small space at the end of it. That set his mind racing, and he followed her, carefully so that he could keep her from spotting him.

What his feared was shown to be right as he saw her getting off of her bike with Ryouga standing nearby. It made his jaw clench, but he only stopped to watch the pair from his secret vantage point. He knew that any false movement could alert the skilled pair to his presence, and that he had no facts that said that what he believed would happen really would.

Experience did, and he knew that he would be proven right, no matter how much he might not want to.

He was, as she simply stood there while the Lost Boy smirked at her.

"And how is my slave warrior today?" Ryouga asked.

"Shampoo good, Master," the Amazon replied.

"I see. And your even wearing one of your short dresses."

"Shampoo get call, so put on dress to please Master."

He nodded. "It does please me a lot. Shows off your legs quite nicely."

"Shampoo thank."

"You're welcome. You brought my food?"

"Is so. And Shampoo pay so Master no have to."

"Good slave," he said caressing one of her firm breasts through her dress.

"You want use Shampoo?"

"Uhh... Maybe later. You have to ride home, and that might be a bit hard."

"Shampoo understand..."

"But you can do one thing for me."

'Here it comes,' Ranma thought to himself.

"What you want Shampoo do?"

"It's quite simple. Give me your panties."

Shrugging, she slipped the lacy garment from her bottom, down her legs and off her body. Then she held them out to him dutifully. "Here go Master."

"Thank you," he told her and took them, before blinking slightly. "These are wet."

"You call for Shampoo, so Shampoo think all sort of naughty thing. But no touch self!"

"Good girl! And as a reward..." he said and gripped her mound. She stood stock still as he fondled her most intimate parts, and finger fucked her. Moans and groans filled the air, but she didn't try to move from that spot. He wanted to feel up those parts of her, so she wasn't about to stop him.

And when she came, it was with a scream that echoed off of the walls. Raising his glistening fingers, he put them to her mouth and had her lick her juices off of each one until his hand was clean of it. Then he ran his hand on her ass, wiping her saliva there, and feeling up the pert buttocks at the same time. She didn't try and protest the move, but rather moved her hips slightly to give him a better feel.

Blowing out a breath, he chuckled a bit, and shrugged. "That was real good. Maybe later I'll have you give me a tit fuck."

"If that what Master want Shampoo do, they is yours to do with."

"Just as I want them. Now, I'm sure that Granny of yours will want you back to help out."

"Is so," she agreed reluctantly.

"Then give me my food and go."

The Amazon, hearing the order, gave him his delivery, and got on her bike to ride away, but not without giving him a nice view of her body in the mean time. Then Ryouga went to find someplace to eat his meal.

Which left Ranma up above the alley with new information, and more of the same questions. He wasn't going to find the answers there, so he left and headed to where he was staying, to try to figure it out.

That left the alley way empty, while:

  1. Ranma went in search of someplace to think.
  2. Ryouga thought about his slaves.
  3. *Shampoo thought about being Ryouga's slave.
  4. one of the other slaves thought about her Master.
  5. Ranma came across Ryouga with yet another girl.
  6. something else was happening.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.


Sun Sep 14 11:06:46 2003