It was something that she had fantasized about over the years. All her life she had wanted someone strong in her life who could control her. Her father and brother couldn't control themselves, and so couldn't do anything about her. What she had discovered as she had grown into her intrest of the opposite gender was that she wanted a strong man. She wanted someone who was phyisically and mentally strong with a will to do what they wanted.
That man would be someone who could sweep her off her feet and make her his. He could take control of the situation and her and give her the pleasure that she had dreamed about. She needed that man to make her stop her nasty behavior and force her to do all the naughty things he wanted. And in true Kuno fashion, she had gone all the way to imagining something like what she was seeing being done to her.
Finding that as she watched, her hand had moved her leotard so that she could rub her clit, she firmed her decision. She did not know who this 'Kujaku' person was, but there were ways that one could find out, and many of them were easily available to a member of the Kuno family.
Then all that would be left would be to give him her proposal.
Kujaku stared at the leotard clad girl standing before him and his mad scientist. "You want us to what?"
"I do believe that I have been most clear on my wishes," Kodachi stated.
"You were, but I'm just having a bit of trouble believing what I heard. You want us to turn you into a living sex robot, like we did for the girls we sold to Saotome?"
"Yes, that is what I wish."
"And you are going to not only pay us to transform you, but to give you to Saotome afterwards?"
"That is precisely what I wish."
Kujaku gave the scientist a questioning look.
Doctor Etchi shrugged. "If ve haff a villing subject, then vould be easier to complete."
"Then we have a deal?" the Kuno girl asked.
"I suppose so," allowed Kujaku.
"Then when do we begin?"
"Right avay," Etchi told her, and indicated the device that had so recently changed the others, "All you haff to do is get into this machine in da nude, and then... you vill be ready."
Kodachi looked at both men and then shrugged as if coming to a decision. She kicked off her foot wear, and then pulled her leotard off her shoulders, down her torso and off her body. As the two men admired her lithe form, she went over to the chair, slid dildoes into her ass and slit, before settling herself into the seat. Then she took the hood from the doctor's hands and put it over her head, making certain to put the tube in her mouth.
All that left for the doctor to do really do was to turn the thing on.
"Be interesting to see vhat comes out," Etchi commented idly.
"True my dear scientist, too true," agreed Kujaku while:
Fri Aug 1 16:22:30 2003