Ranma jerked off in her room as she picked some clothes to wear. Once dressed in some baggy clothes, she skipped out of the house, enjoying the feeling of her endowments bouncing around inside her clothes, free of constraining underwear. She headed immediately for the Nekohanten, or Cat Café. She’d always thought Shampoo was sexy, and just the thought of the amazon bouncing up and down her pole got her hard again. She stopped along the way to rape a woman selling flowers.
Leaving the newly created Hermpire behind, Ranma finally arrived at the restaurant. It was still an hour before the dinner menu started, so the place was empty. She moved silently, spying Mousse cleaning tables, and the old lady, Cologne, cooking in back. Ranma got a few drops of cum on her fingers and quickly grabbed Mousse, forcing the nearly-blind man to taste her seed, enslaving him. She gave him a bit more cum and ordered him to try and enslave Cologne while she looked for Shampoo. Cologne was to powerful to try and tackle herself. Maybe the fool Mousse might be able to get close enough to the powerful woman.
Ranma head water running in the back. She grinned evilly. “The bath... Perfect.” Steam flooded her face as she crept into the bathroom, where she heard Shampoo singing to herself. “Shampoo...” Ranma called.
Shampoo blinked. “Airan?” She lept from the water, into Ranma’s arms. “Ranma! You come for Shampoo!” Ranma grins and nods. Fishing her cock from her pants, she brought Shampoo quickly down on it. Shampoo’s eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly calmed. “Ranma shows love for Shampoo.” She leaned against the Hermpire, then blinked. She leans back and poked Ranma’s chest. “Girl-type?” She bounced on Ranma’s rod. “Boy-type?” Ranma just continued grinning, then leaned Shampoo on a counter and began fucking away. Shampoo soon forgot her puzzlement as she finally got what she wanted all these years. Soon, the amazon was squirming in climax, followed by Ranma’s cries as she sprayed Shampoo’s womb with her evil seed.
Shampoo’s eyes widened again as her chest exploded and she grew a hard cock. She moaned in delight and started jerking herself off as she began bouncing on Ranma’s cock harder. She hugged into Ranma’s arms, and the two found themselves tumbling towards the shower, where they accidently turned on the cold water. Ranma remained the same, already having been in her cursed form, but Shampoo took on quite a different form. Fur grew over much of the amazon’s body. She now had cat ears on top of her head, instead of human ones. A tail flicked around behind her. Her toes and fingers grew into claws. She also now had eight tits, instead of the usual two, and between the bottom couple, her cock had turned into a red cats cock. She purred delightfully, quickly imprinting herself as Ranma’s horny pet.
Ranma got a wonderful idea. She disentangled herself from Shampoo, then hopped into the hot bath water. When she rose back from the water, she found that her uncursed form made her twice the herm she was before. Two cocks, and four balls dangled from her crotch, while four DD tits bounced on her chest. She giggled in excitement, running her hands over everything to make sure they worked. Then, looking over at her pet, “Let’s go, Shampoo. We have some work to do.”
Go back - Go to the parent episode.
Sat Jul 12 10:08:06 2003