As all this was going on, the cause of all this trouble was watching the situation on the PC, and currently not liking what she was seeing.
“Damn that money-hungry bitch,” spat Akane, “she’s spoiling my fun, but I think I can turn this into my advantage.”
Opening up Nabiki profile, the Tendou girl looked for the fetish section and typed in:
>Nabiki will for now on have a fetish for Shampoo’s breasts. She will not be able to stop herself from touching them, pitching them, sucking them or squeezing them.
Saving the new additions, she was about to update Nabiki’s file when another idea came up.
“Heh, that should make things more interesting.” Akane thought out loud as she closed Nabiki’s file but before uploading it she opened up Shampoo’s once more and added:
>Shampoo’s breasts will now produce milk when Nabiki Tenduo pinches or sucks the nipples.
Nodding in satisfaction, she saved Shampoo’s file and uploaded the new changes.
“Well, lets see soon action, girls,” crackled Akane, as she again watched the pair on the PC, “I’m horny and I need to see some lesbian action.”
* * *
As Akane turned her attention back to where Shampoo had her Breasts ‘remodeled’, both girl suddenly felt a shiver run through them for a few seconds before both blinked and Nabiki’s urge to play with Shampoo’s bosom incrased ten-fold.
“Aiyaah, Nabiki want to play with big boo-bbos again?” moaned out the Amazon girl.
Nabiki blinked in surprise as she found herself grasping again the huge mountains of flesh, but what shocked her was the feeling of desire to just not touch, but to POSSESS them, to have her lips sucking the flesh, to squeeze them as long as she could. The feelings where so overwhelming that she didn’t realize that she was now capturing one of the nipples in her mouth, sucking it with much haste, Shampoo probably thought the girl was trying to remove the nipple.
“Aaaaayiaaah, Shampoo in heaven…” Shampoo’s hands had once more found themselves between her legs, masturbating with great speed as she tried to reach yet more orgasmic heights.
Nabiki was right that moment, feeling great pleasure and shoch as she continued her attack on the twin peaks. The shock part was due to the taste of milk that was freely coming from the nipple, not to mention it flowing from the other breast as she currently pinching the large nipple.
Soon enough, Nabiki was able to help bring Shampoo to her second orgasm, and boy did she want some of that pleasure herself as Shampoo shuddered in delight.
“Wow, Shampoo no think Nabiki have such talent in pleasing.” Commented the Amazon as she recovered her breath and now watched as Nabiki, with great effect, removed her mouth from the nipple though it was soon captured in her other hand.
“I..I don’t know what came over me,” she murmured, “its like one moment I’m standing here, thinking what to do next, then poof, I’m giving your breasts another good work over.” She noticed then that her hands were still playing with Shampoo’s breasts and saw what they were doing to Shampoo as she again started to moan in delight.
With great force, Nabiki ripped her hands away from the too tempting mountain of bosom and turned around with great effort.
“Damn, what’s come over me, why can’t I keep my hands off of Shampoo’s breasts…?”
“Hmmm, maybe Nabiki also being affected, yes?” Commented Shampoo, as she finally decided to sit up, though it took some moments to get use to the extra weight she was now carrying.
“What? You mean…?”
Fri Sep 05 06:10:02 2003