Tentacle Ranma: Senshi's Plans for the Future

Unending BE - episode 275089

Sailor Pluto leaned forward, reaching out to brace herself against the wall, her legs spread enough to grant Ranma easy access to her cunt. As she felt him rub the head of his cock against her pussy lips, she gave a quiet "Mmm" of pleasure as she prepared herself.

"Wow, you've really. . . grown, Chibi-Usa." Usagi commented, trying not to stare at her future daughters breasts.

"Call me Bunny." The Former Chibi-Usa responded with a laugh. "And technically I'm not the same girl who kept bugging you. Well more accurately I am and I'm not at the same time. . Puu could never put it in words that well either." Bunny glanced over at the time Senshi.

Ranma was slowly pulling backward, drawing more and more of his cock out of Setsuna's snatch. Pluto was making a soft moan of protest, then she screamed "OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!" as Ranma drove his cock back in much faster that he had pulled it out.

"Wait, is this some sort of Paradox that could have horrific consequences?" Rei asked worriedly.

Bunny giggled again. "Paradox's are nothing to worry about. This is simply a causality ripple manifesting."

"Oh," Usagi responded in a confused voice. "Well, it's still good to see you again, Chi. . . Bunny."

"I'm happy to see you too, Mom." Bunny replied warmly. She paused to glance at Setsuna and Ranma, then nodded to herself as she observed that Sailor Pluto's sudden quietness was actually caused by Ranma giving her a cock/tentacle to suck on.

"Still, the future's very uncertain at the moment." Bunny said, turning to look at Usagi and Rei, "You will need to make a choice soon."

"What choice?" Usagi asked simply.

"About you and Ranma." Bunny responded, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I know you aren't going to give him up for anything and anyone, but if you just say he's your new boyfriend the Other Senshi aren't going to react that well. Papa isn't very good at keeping things hidden, and they'll figure out some of what he is before long. Which will make most of your friends believe that he's an enemy to defeat."

Usagi opened her mouth with a protesting expression on her face, then closed her mouth. A moment later she asked, "How do we stop them?"

"Basicly you can either leave, or you can give them a reason not to disapprove. One proper taste of Papa would take away most of their reservations." Bunny commented, glancing at Ranma who was pounding into Setsuna like a jackhammer.

Usagi looked uncertainly at Ranma for a moment, then nodded.

  1. Usagi and Rei get cleaned up and contact the other Senshi, Reassuring them that they were all right.
  2. Forward to the next day when Pluto helps Ranma seduce Haruka and Michiru (Start with the hardest and most dangerous)
  3. *Forward to the next day when Usagi and Rei help Ranma snag Makoto (Start with the easiest-plus she lives alone)
  4. Forward to the next day when Usagi and Rei help Ranma snag Ami (Start with the smartest)
  5. Actually they don't plan on waiting, and just gather all the other senshi somewhere to make it easy for Ranma to use his pheromones to snag them all at once.
  6. Something Else
Go back - Go to the parent episode.

Tue Sep 30 00:19:05 2003