Tentacle Ranma- Well he always did say he was the best

Unending BE - episode 244952


The Incubus grumbled "Finally! its back up....WHAT? What do you mean Master PC out of power... grrr... this is all Alf's fault!"

The demon in question rembered how his neighbor's version of the PC had been used for good, which ended in ablizzard and a temporary crashing of HIS timeline's Master PC.

"Hmm lets see.... ah here we go. Let see..looks liek osme of the heaven accursed snow got in my PC....Mmmhmm a Ranma Timeline... oh dear, the pc had a doujinshi of Ranma in it. Seem's like the files collided and corrutped. Lets see... Turned Akane into a average Shiikima, nothing special there... probably get dusted by a devil hunter of some sort wihtin a week. As for Ranma... Hmm got transformed into a Shiikima to.. well the natural chaos buildup at the tendo house shoudl shield him from detection by the same forces for a while. Lets see class of Shiikima.... Computer reroute statement of Ranma in doujinshi about 'being the best'. Ah here we go. A cross refrence to types of Shiikima. Request for power in transformation. Ah here we go.. The PC burned itself out useing its power to transform him into a....into...a....Oh dear.. a Master Enslaver.... this....is bad.."

THe incubus paled. This could get him in trouble. THe last tiem Master Enslavers had free will. thier leader had tried to enslave hell itself. THey had even managed to make it all the way to HIld. However she had somehow managed to resist the fucking power of the master enslaver, and after a night of passion had done things to it that would have made Lorena Bobbit turn green. Hild had then lobotmized the remaining Master Enslavers as punishment for their attemtped takeover.

Typing furisouly the Incubus pulled up more data on Shiikima Ranma. "Hmm lets see... Alignment Anarchist with Unprincipled leanings... Phew... Not really likely to try a takeover of hell. Probably should be safe sincehe had no part in the takeover 1000 years ago. lets see. Catagory 4 Catdemon loyal slave due to neko-ken, alignment Abberent." The Incubus smiled. He could make acase for the two, and thus avoid being punished by Hild. A pity Ranma was a shiikima now though, it made him practically immune to any other MAster PC's. With a shrug the Incubus closed his computer and went ot make his report.


Tendo Dojo

"..basically your the last sentient one of your species. THe most powerful of all Shiikima" Meowko said as she continued to stroke the tentacles of Ranma

"Umm...really? well I mean why am I so powerful?" Ranma inquired between groans of pleasure.

"Well.mmm...yummy...besides your tentacles, your Shiikima slime is super powerful. Even Gods and Demons can fall under its influence. You have full access to all the sex spells. Not to mention your hypnotic gaze. once you've fucked a person into bliss, you can use your gaze to literally reprogram them into whatever you want. Very few can resist it. Of course there are your stingers here, which as you already know can increase breast size and induce lactation. Of course you can also alter the milk lactated to haev all sorts of fun effects on people who drink it. You'd be immune of course.Finally their are your pheromones. A normal Shiikima just exudes Pheromones that arouse ppl beyond their better judgement. As a master enslaver you can choose the effects of your pheromones. You can reduce intelligence, make a subject incredibly docile and submissive, arouse, and even reduce sexual morals turning your victim intoa compelte slut. Of course this is temporary, unless you use your gaze ont hem to make it permenant." Meowko explained as she slid a tentcle into her waitng cunt and began to bounce up and down.

"Woah... hey how come you can tell methis calmly? When I fucked Nabiki and Kasumi, they both lost control very quickly." Inquired Ranma as his hands began to fondle meowko's large breasts.

"purrr... thats nice... oh its simple... Technically this body was you just as a girl. That combined with my...mmm....yes right there....demonic nature.. makes me resistant to your slime and probably your pheromones as well.. still I'm not immune..." WIth that Meowko grabebd the enarest Tentcle and proceeded to deep throat it. Needing no more encouragement, Ranma proceeded to fuck the willing catgirl throughly.


  1. *Meowko decided to cast a detection spell over Nerima. Better make sure she and her master were safe from various devil hunters and magical girl groups.
  2. Akane shows up at home, determined to enslave Ranma like she did Ukyo. Little does she realize that on a Shiikima level Ranma outclasses her now even more than he does martial arts wise
  3. Kasumi let in a Uske yuramashi, the local spirit detective was assigned to explain to Shiikima Ranma the RUles for staying in the earth Realm
  4. Ranma decided to try out his pheromones... and look Nabiki and Kasumi are still in the house. perfect test subjecs
  5. Souna dn Genma return earlier form their month long training trip under the Master *WHy else do you think they haven't interupted yet?*
  6. Something else
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Sat Aug 17 10:28:09 2002