As Ranma watched Kasumi stagger off, he realised he was hungry, but not for food. Shikima Beasts fed on sexual energy and, as Ranma was just discovering, it took more than one normal female to satisfy the urge to feed... well unless he was prepared to drain the girl so far it killed her... and Ranma was determined not to do that. Ranma smiled as he remembered a few sounds of clicking and hurried footsteps while he had brought Kasmui pleasure, perhaps Nabiki was still in the house. With that thought, Ranma headed out, looking for his second course.
At Furinkan High, Shikima Akane gathered up and swallowed a load of cum from her skin as she contemplated all the boys strewn around her, drained of their sexual energy. Standing up Akane focussed some of her, now plentiful, energy and shifted her form from the male-attracting fuck-beast to something... more tasteful? Her base body was almost back to her previous, human, self - only horns sprouting from her forehead, batwings from her back and a flickering catlike tail altered the basic shape. The glow in the back of her eyes and subtle fangs peeking out of her mouth were only minor worries as Akane directed her attention to a group of girls who had stood around to watch her fuck all the boys senseless. As she got closer the girls noticed that Akane now seemed to have a light layer of... fur? over her. It was a little matted and rough, since she was still covered in cum of all the boys she had fucked.
Pushing open the door to Nabiki's room, Ranma smiled as the middle Tendo froze in the
middle of stuffing some clothes into an already full bag. Before Nabiki
could say anything, Ranma stepped forward and sent his tentacles at Nabiki, who
made a belated dodge that failed utterly. Nabiki was hoisted into the air
in front of him, her arms and legs held out in an 'X' shape. As Ranma
paused to admire the view, Kasumi, carrying bath things, stopped at the door:
"Ah, Ranma-kun, Nabiki-chan, dinner will be a little late", smiling at the pair
of them Kasumi finished, "so you can play for a little longer, but do
remember that Nabiki will want a bath before eating."
Nabiki stared at Kasumi in disbelief as Ranma sent tentacles moving under the bound girls clothes, Nabiki drew in a breath in preparation for a scream, only to find that opening her mouth made a convenient entry for a tentacle. With a surge, Ranma has his tentacles rip off Nabiki's clothes, then he moved the tentacles over her body, leaving trails of slimy, arousing, stimulating shikima pre-cum over the madly struggling and totally naked Nabiki, elsewhere Nabiki found herself forced to start swallowing the fluids pumping slowly out of the tentacle in her mouth.
As the altered Akane walked up to them, most of the remaining girls drew back a
little, Sayuri, Yuka, Ukyou and Nabiki's offsider, Ryonami, found themselves
standing in front when the shikima demoness stopped in front of them and placed
her hands on her hips. Smiling, which revealed a mouthful of pointed
teeth, Akane asked:
"Any ideas on who did this to me? Was anyone running around with strange
artifacts or whatever just before I... changed?"
The girls all blinked and relaxed a little as they shook their heads. Akane
sighed in disappointment, then shrugged her shoulders. Somehow fixing this
didn't seem that important to her, eyeing the girls in front of her, Akane
somehow knew that she was affecting their judgment, arousing them without their
realising it, that her current form was affecting the girls too close to her the
way her fuck-beast form had driven the boys into mindless arousal, the naked
demoness smiled to herself and gestured towards the school building:
"I'm going to get cleaned up. Would you guys come along and help."
Akanes words were not really a question, and all 4 of the closest girls nodded and followed Akane as she headed for the nurses office.
Ranma removed the tentacle from Nabiki's mouth, she had swallowed more than enough shikima fluids to drive her into uncontrollable horniness. Ranma used some tentacles to squeeze her tits while he worked another into her ass, from her mouth a stream of moans, groans and gasps of pleasure issued, intermixed with the occasional plea to put his cock in her cunt. Ranma allowed his dripping cock-tip to brush her outer lips then drew back, Nabiki screeched in frustration and started begging in earnest for his cock to pushed into her, for the fire in her loins to be quenched. Ranma was hard, but he found that he was enjoying teasing Nabiki, so as she finished her latest round of begging, he lowered her to the ground and withdrew all his tentacles. Wondering what the now free, but shikima-slime covered girl would do.
Wed Aug 7 00:41:28 2002
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