AkanePC no more - NabikiPC?

Unending BE - episode 237734

Kasumi had only just recovered from her mindless fucktoy state, when she heard her mistress calling for her. She quickly made her way to the porch, past the blissfully moaning Nodoka, who suckled on her husband's panda cock. Carefully she descended the steps into the garden with her four feet in their usual high-heeled shoes. Those shoes made walking a little difficult sometimes, with their very high heels and the thick soles that were molded into the shape of hooves, but Mistress Akane had told her to wear them, so she never ever took them off. Not even to sleep, or when she was cleaned (of course she wasn't allowed in the furo like a human being. Mistress sprayed her down with the garden hose once a day, and that was good enough for an animal like her).

She entered the Dojo and saw some new faces. Mistress Akane was sitting together with a very handsome man, sipping tea. Mistress was so skilled in the tea ceremony! Kasumi was so stupid and clumsy that she would never be able to do anything that complicated, even if she had hands, like a human.

A little bit further in the dojo there were three figures, writhing in sexual play. Kasumi recognized Ranma-chan in her natural form - without the huge penis that Kasumi knew so well. The other two were unknown. One of them was a tiny girl that bore a striking resemblance to Mistress Akane, except very underdeveloped. The other one was a beautiful woman, surrounded by a soft, golden glow, with two wings on her back. The Mini-Mistress had her entire forearm buried inside the woman's snatch and was nibbling on her clit, while Ranma-chan was suckling her breasts. The woman reacted to their ministrations with a stream of moans, gasps and bird-like chirps that had a very musical, song-like quality.

"Oh, Mistress, we have guests?", Kasumi happily exclaimed. "May I offer my services?"

"Why do you think I called you here, you stupid animal?" asked Akane.

Kasumi blushed. She was always so silly and vacuous - it was really no use, trying to think. The only things she was good for were as a beast of burden, fucktoy, cleaner and milk cow. She twitched her feather duster tipped tail aside, to present her swollen, dribbling cunt, then shook her massive udders. "Yes, Mistress. Kasumi is a brainless beast, Mistress. How do you wish to use Kasumi?"

Without a word, Akane pulled a pail from seemingly nowhere and put it under Kasumi's swaying, beachball-sized breasts. She grabbed both of Kasumi's long, thick nipples and started milking her - both for the milk and to provide some amusement to her guest.

Kasumi gasped with pleasure from the physical sensation just as much as from the happiness of being used. "Heee! Thank you Mmistress! Kasumi hopes her m-mmoo!-milk pleases Mistress and her guest. Heeee! Kasum-mmooo!-mi very happy. Heeee! Kasumi good m-mmooo!-milker! Heeee! Kasu- Mooooo! Heee Haaaw! Moooo!!"

Akane chuckled in delight, as her sister's floppy ears stood up and her language skill degraded. The silly animal was wavering between braying like a donkey from her lust and mooing like a cow from the pleasure of being milked. She could never get enough of seeing her reduced to this - and from what she could see, her guest appreciated the show as well.

She continued milking her degraded sister to the music provided by Happosai's pet songbird.

Nabiki could hear the mindless braying and mooing of her beloved older sister, and a tear came to her eye. She stealthily closed the door of her room and opened the laptop she stole.

"Nyot much longerr, Oneechan," she vowed under her breath, as the computer booted up. "I'll put things rright."

When the computer had finished booting and the magic program opened, Nabiki went into action, quickly and efficiently executing her plan.

First to neutralize the greatest dangers.
[Subject: Akane Tendo
  Subject will forget about the magic laptop and will have no desire to use it, even if she finds it again.
Subject: Happosai
  Subject is not curious about the magical changes in this area and will not want to use the magic laptop, even if he finds it.

Next step: self-protection and provisions for recovery.
[Subject: Nabiki Tendo
Subject has the ability to turn invisible and intangible.
Subject has the ability to summon this laptop to her hands, if she gets separated from it.

Nabiki heaved a deep, mewling sigh. Now she was reasonably secure, and even if she was surprised by someone else, she now had the ability to escape and continue when she was out of danger again. Now it was time to fix what the Akane impostor had done to Nabiki's family and all of Nerima.

That was where she ran into difficulties.

The program was not very helpful when it came to undoing changes. There was no "undo" function to restore changed profiles to normal. Indeed, there was no way to find changed profiles, unless you knew exactly that they had been changed. And even if you found one, the text command window only displayed the last four lines, which in Nabiki's case only covered her own changes just now and the tail end of Akane's command to make her long for her former human existence. Changes made by adjusting sliders and values in the information window left no way to figure out the original values. And if the picture had been morphed, you needed to have a "before" photo to morph it back.

Nabiki realized that she had her work cut out for her.

  1. She tries hard to fix everything, but doesn't quite succeed. Many people remain changed, because Nabiki doesn't know about them, and even those she tried to fix suffer from aftereffects that she didn't anticipate - as she finds out, when she goes into heat, a few days later.
  2. She tries hard to fix everything, but the longer she works with the program, the more she gets tempted to use it for her own benefit. Surely she could improve things around here, and do a better job than the false Akane. (Your choice, whether this is a dark influence or simply Nabiki's nature.)
  3. She gets smart and gives herself the magic ability to find and understand the changes wrought by this machine. That way she can track down and reverse them all.
  4. Unfortunately, Nabiki screws up while trying to fix herself and accidentally renders herself helpless or incapable of using the computer.
  5. Unfortunately, Akane has protected herself against changes, so Nabiki's commands had no effect on her. It's only a matter of time, before she notices what's going on and comes for Nabiki. Are Nabiki's own protections enough?
  6. *But first she had something else to do.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.

Rat Bastard

Sun Jul 21 04:41:39 2002