PW: Mahogany Nabiki

Unending BE - episode 215586

The room was twice the size of a normal training room. Not surprising since it was two rooms. You could still see the marks from where the wall between them had been.

Strewn about the whole room were pokewomen in various states of dress. You could see that they normally were dressed from the fact that their uniforms were lying beside them. The uniforms were blue and stripy and had rather short skirts. Similar to what Nabiki was wearing right now.

Nabiki felt the yearning to join in the orgy fill her bosom and nether regions but fought it down to a dull roar. Now, where is Kasumi? She thought to herself.

"Hello there." Nabiki turned to the voice. "You're a new face."

A blond woman in the same uniform as everyone else stood beside her, holding a dildo in her hands and looking expectantly at her.

Nabiki saw how flushed the woman was and gulped quietly. I hope she doesn't expect me to do anything with her. At that thought, the roar in her bosom rose to a crescendo and got a lot harder to fight.

"Yes, I just walked through the door. Tell me, what's going on here?" As if I don't know.

"My name is Kanomi." The dildo disappeared into empty air and the other girl snuggled up to her, practically melding their bodies together in spite of the clothes they both wore.

Nabiki smiled worriedly at her. "Well, all I know is that I stepped through these doors." She pointed behind her. "Into this." Waving her arms at the writhing bodies on the floor.

Kanomi's face twisted into glum frown. "You really are new huh?" Nabiki nodded. That's as accurate as anything, I suppose.

"Okay. We all belong to Gary Oak over there." She pointed out a moderately good-looking guy taming a pokewoman a bit away from everyone else. "You probably saw him when he threw a pokeball at you." Kanomi looked at Nabiki's blank look and her eyes grew in understanding. "Oh, you poor thing! You weren't caught like the rest of us were you?"

"That's right." Nabiki nodded, scanning the crowd. I don't see Kasumi anywhere.

"You must have been human before you were caught. Oh!" Kanomi giggled happily. "You're just like me! See, Master Gary was dating our captain. We were a cheerleading team you see. So on the day when he got his pokeballs from his grandfather, she took him to one of our rehearsals to show off." Nabiki got a sick feeling in her stomach. I definitely don't want Kasumi around this guy.

"It really was an accident we know that. He'd misplaced the pokeballs and was trying to find them. When he did. They fell out of his hands, and rolled towards us. He yelled for us to watch out, which broke our concentration when we were doing a pyramid and we fell down on his pokeballs."

"Where's Kas-" Nabiki tried to interrupt.

"Then he let us out and asked us to go free. He just looked so studly and cute. How could we let him go? And the taming... ooooh." Kanomi blushed and got lost in her dreams.

Nabiki sighed and shook her gently. "Kanomi, where is Kasumi?"

"Oh, okay. That is one of them, her last name was ookami before." Kanomi pointed out a tall megami completely out of her clothes. "And over there is the other Kasumi. Some tamer abandoned her in the forest near here." A spinnertit still fully clothed was being ministered to by a half undressed merrowl.

"I think I've got the wrong room." Nabiki backed away from the whole mess. This is getting a bit much. I need a very long and very cold shower.

Nabiki was half pokewoman but she wasn't an Eva like her half-sister. No, much worse. Her mother had been a Jigglyslut. Something Nabiki had fought since puberty. Everytime she saw a man she wanted to rip his clothes off and have wild sex with him. Taming, if you preferred that term.

Until she would catch herself and fight the urge. there had been many close calls. Though she had never even touched a man, or even brushed against one by accident. The last one who got close she'd blackmailed into starvation. Nabiki had wowed that she was going to stay human until she found a suitable husband. Then she could let lose. Though preferably, not even then.

I need to get out of here! Nabiki backed further from the blankly grinning Kanomi until she bumped into the door. Then she quickly went for the handle, but it wouldn't budge.

She desperately shook the knob. But nothing happened. Fear started mixing in with the grinding lust that was churning in her stomach. I don't want to lose. Not now. I've still got to save Kasumi. I can't- She felt two soft arms envelop her. AAAAH! SOMEONE'S HUGGING ME! Panic started overtaking the fear with lightspeed.

"Shhh. It's okay." Kanomi whispered. "Nothing bad will happen." She gently kissed Nabiki on the neck. "I'll help you."

Nabiki's urges doubled as Kanomi nibbled her earlobe. I'll be gone. I'll never see my sisters again. My personality will be erased. I- I'll die! Tears were running down her checks unheeded. She felt her feet move under her as she was led, somewhere.

"Master, I have someone for you." Kanomi almost whispered the words, but Nabiki still heard them. This is it. Goodbye Nabiki. Nice knowing you.

Gary blearily turned from the orgasming pokewoman under him and spoke.
"Oh dear God. Not another one!"

Nabiki's stomach filled with hope. As well as a feeling of...
disappointment? She quickly stomped on it. "See Kanomi. He doesn't want to tame me. It wouldn't be right to force him. I can wait." She laughed shrilly.

"Don't worry about that. He will tame you anyway. Right master?" She looked at Gary with big hopeful eyes.

"Uhm, I'm kind of busy right now. Minako here is..." He looked down at the sleeping mousewife. "I guess not. But," he looked inquiringly at Nabiki.

"Nabiki." She came in with helpfully.

"Nabiki." He nodded to her. "Is perfectly fine as she is. Right Nabiki?"

Nabiki nodded enthusiastically and was about to agree when she felt a slap on the back. She tumbled forward, straight into Gary who, she noticed, also was falling. "Master is so silly." Kanomi giggled. "Of course he'll tame his pokewoman."

Nabiki fought Kanomi's hand pressing her head towards Gary's. Until they suddenly met in a kiss.

Oooooooh! My GOD!

Gary seemed to blank out right then. But slowly, his tongue began working with hers. Oh yes! Nabiki felt her fears leave her as his kisses moved away from her lips and started traveling down her body.

Hands reached in from behind her and unzipped her skirt. She moved her legs a bit to make it easier to take it off.

Gary's hands moved in under her top and stroked her rapidly swelling bosom. I should get up. I don't want this. He slid his hand over her pantiless bottom eliciting a moan from her. I'll get up. As soon as my legs will let me.

She stretched her arms above her so that Kanomi could take her top and her sweater off. Immediately afterwards, she went back to moving her hands up and down the slope on his back.

They both rolled over so that she was on her back. He stopped for a moment and held his head over her to look into her eyes. His eyes, they're so vacant. Is he even aware of what he is doing? She had no more time for thoughts as he began sucking one of her breasts. Rubbing the other with his hand.

"Ooooh!" She hadn't noticed before, because his cock was still in Minako while she was talking to him. But that thing was BIG! "Aaaah!" He switched breasts.

She felt like she was going to die from pressure. He was stroking her clit with his free hand now and it was sending sparks up that fired in her eyes. The others in the room were a long forgotten thing now as she groped in the wild for his cock.

Through his ministrations she tugged at the pole like thing until it was close to her slit. Tears ran down the side of her cheeks. Finally, she had a master who would tame her. She had fought so long and at last. She would get tamed.

With a low growl she jabbed him into her. Frustration filled her, her hands had been in the way to let all of it in. Her master was still licking and fondling her ample breasts so she grabbed him by the back and rolled over so she could be on top

Tears of joy brimmed her eyes as she jumped up and down on his magnificent pole. She had never felt so complete, never so full. Not in her whole life. Then suddenly she shook and an orgasm blew through her like a tornado.

The last thought she had before the world went black was. Crap! I'll never be able to leave him.

  1. *The next day, Nabiki wakes up with her master's head on her bosom.
  2. Kasumi wonders where her sister is.
  3. Kanomi drags her off for some reason or other.
  4. The next day, Nabiki furiously thinks of escape.
  5. *Something else happens.
Go back - Go to the parent episode.

Dewin Duvae

Fri Apr 19 15:34:51 2002

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