Nabiki looked at the front entrance of the Tendo Dojo, any doubts she had that Akane wasn't responsible were eliminated by the sign that hung there... or at least something major to do with it...
Hung over the entrance was a huge sign...
And another sign with smaller script beside the doors...
Nabiki kitty shook her head at the sheer arrogance of Akane... not even Ranma had been this... this arrogant before his or rather her ' change'...
Nabiki watched Kasumi enter the 'Akane Dojo' thru a 'pet' door...
This was getting rather insulting... but there was a pattern forming here...
Akane had always been noted for her lightning quick tempermental changes as well as her petty vindictiveness... as well as her arrogance (all this was before the Saotome's arrival)...
Traits that had apparantly been magnified by whatever computer she was using to cause all this changes...
Nabiki watched as Kasumi ran off into the kitchen, presumably to get all her burdens taken off...
Nabiki slowly prowled the Tendo Akane Household... making note of the differences and changes that had been done to her home...
That was when she smelled sex and heard sounds of it accompanied by Akane's voice who was apparantly urging someone!
The voice, sounds and smells were coming from within the dojo inself...
"That's it, Ranma-chan! Harder! Harder!"
Nabiki quietly and very 'cat-like' snuck her head around the the open dojo door to see...
Ryouga and Ranma going at it like... like animals in heat...
Althought, technically seeing as how Ryouga was the guy of the pairing and Ranma the 'girl', it should have been him on top...
However, this was Ranma in his or rather 'cursed' form... complete with 12 inch penis... And boy was she going at it... pumping into Ryouga's rear...
Nabiki snuck off before what little spark of anger and willpower she had proved not enough to save her from jumping into the mix...
Tue Apr 16 16:36:44 2002
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