Nabiki was still lost in thought, padding along the street towards the Tendo dojo. It didn't occur to her that she hadn't been up on two legs like a human, ever since she had crawled to the braindead Shampoo-bimbo to taste her magnificent lavender bush. For all her brain power, she was unable to make the connection between her humiliating status as a mere animal and her newfound habit to crawl everywhere on all fours, having to look up at everybody who wasn't also on all fours, such as her degraded sister Kasumi.
Her nose twitched and her tail went up, as her subconscious registered the smell of two males nearby. Her cunt had already begun to drool before she became consciously aware of the fact that Principal Kuno and his son Tatewaki were coming down the street towards her.
"Mriaow, Hello, Principal Kuno, sir. Hello Kuno-sempai," she found herself saying. Again with the 'Sempai', she thought, while looking up at Tatewaki adoringly. We used to be in the same class - now we're not even the same species.
Principal Kuno laughed benevolently. "Ah, it's de little Tendo wahine! You'se de good pussy, eh?" He reached out and scratched the fluffy mane on her head, just behind her ears.
Nabiki couldn't help herself. She involuntarily closed her eyes and purred blissfully. However, she was also quite curious. The two male Kunos did not appear to be changed (yet). If Akane was the culprit, Nabiki would have thought that a major irritation like Kuno would have been an early target. Instead, Akane had changed first her immediate family, then her former rivals. When she regained the power of speech, she had to ask them something.
"Kuno-sempai, nya? I just met your sister Kodachi. She was selling hers- her wares. Mrryow! But you're so rich, Sempai - mwhy does she do that?" Nabiki didn't notice that during her question she had circled around both Kunos, rubbing herself needfully against their legs and leaving behind the scent of a female in heat.
Principal Kuno sighed at the mention of his daughter and Tatewaki scowled. "The worthless cum-bucket that calls herself my sister has no access to the Kuno fortunes. Talentless and plain, as she is, she must sustain herself with the only work that a slut like her can possibly learn."
"Myes, but why, Mrow?" asked Nabiki. The look on the men's faces told her they were quite puzzled by the question. As far as they were concerned, Kodachi had been born a worthless whore, case closed. It reminded her of the way that people were incapable of seeing her as anything but a sex pet.
That was when she finally became aware that she had been rubbing her face against Tatewaki's crotch for the last minute or so, producing a sizeable erection - and as soon as she noticed that, it was too late to stop. The lips of her muzzle frantically traced the outline of Kuno's tool, as if trying to suck it straight through his hakama, and she meowed needfully.
"Omff mmff," came a muffled voice from behind her.
Nabiki turned in time to see Kasumi bend her long neck to set down the basket in her mouth.
"I see Nabiki couldn't wait until she got home, the poor dear. But that's okay. Talking with Kodachi-san about the things her customers do to her has made me horny, too." Kasumi turned to Principal Kuno and asked him earnestly, "Sir, would it be very inconvenient for you, if you and your son helped two needy sluts like us? We both need to be fucked thoroughly, like the animals in heat that we are."
Principal Kuno laughed again. "Sure, me little whine. Yo' go right ahead wit' dat pretty li'l mouth of yours."
Kasumi squealed happily and her neck shot forwards, allowing her to start undoing the principal's trousers with her lips. Nabiki almost did the same for Kuno, before she remembered that she still had hands. Both girls didn't need to spend any time getting the Kunos hard; they only slobbered over thos magnificent, sweet-scented cocks for lubrication. Kasumi deep-throated the Principal at once - with her current body she could easily deep-throat a horse.
Soon both Tendo girls were turned around, facing each other, while the men entered them from behind - their natural position from now on. Nabiki meowed happily when Tatewaki thrust into her aching snatch, and she heard Kasumi's whistling intake of breath signalling the same happening on her end.
"Heeee. Oh Principal Kuno, sir! You are so big, and you fill me so good! Heeee! Oh, fuck me. Please, please, please use me hard like I deserve. Heee!"
Through her own mewls and squeals of pleasure, as she was fucked by the boy who had once been forced to pay for her services, Nabiki saw a change happening to Kasumi. the long, floppy ears that had reminded her of dog ears were slowly straightening up. The more excited Kasumi became, the higher they rose, until they stood straight up, swaying backwards and forwards with the thrusts that Kasumi received.
"Heee. Fuck me! Fuck Kasumi! Heee! Kasumi horny slut! Need fucky-fucky! Heee! Kasumi good girl. Use Kasumi! Good girl! Heee... Haaaww! Heee haaaaww! Heee haaaaaaaw!"
Nabiki would have been horrified at Kasumi's reduction to a simpleminded, braying donkey girl - if she hadn't had her hand full with being reduced to a simple-minded mewling cat girl. Her yowls mixed with Kasumi's brays, as the Kuno men came into their clutching pussies, triggering their climax.
Of course, after having used the two sluts, the men simply let them lie there and left. They were of no further interest, after all. Instinctively the two girls crawled to each other and went into a sixty-nine, cleaning the swollen, leaking cunts under each other's tail.
On the way home, Nabiki didn't say a word, and Kasumi - her ears floppy once more - had her mouth full with her basket again. (Don't ask me how she managed to keep chattering, two episodes earlier. Perhaps Nabiki carried the basket for a while.) Nabiki was deep in though once more, because there was one thing she had realized while watching the intelligence recede in Kasumi's eyes and hearing her sweet voice dissolve into mindless braying.
All these changes were completely out of proportion with what Akane might conceivably have done, even considering her angry nature and tendency to overreact. Nabiki prided herself on being a good judge of character, and she would never in a million years have bet a single yen on Akane ever hurting Kasumi, let alone degrading her like that. That seemed to punch a hole in her theory - but Nabiki had another, more frightening suspicion.
Akane had been one of the first two people to be changed by the computer that Cologne had postulated - quite possibly the very first one. What if those huge tits had not been the only change, but merely the only visible one. She had seen and experienced that changes to behavior and personality were possible. Was this a case of absolute power corrupting absolutely, or was Akane driven to hurt and humiliate those around her, just like Nabiki was driven to hump anything that showed an interest?
The latter thought scared Nabiki. Going up against Akane, who was in a position of power, was tricky, but possible. Akane had been physically more powerful than Nabiki for years, and Nabiki knew her well enough to find ways around that. However, going up against an Akane who had considerable power and whose state of mind she could not gauge nor predict her reactions was an entirely different kettle of fish.
Presently the two Tendo sisters arrived home, where
Tue Apr 16 02:21:51 2002