"There you are!" exclaimed Ranma.
In the office at the back of _Mara's Pleasure Arcade_ he had finally hit paydirt. Two of the Tendo sisters were here, namely Kasumi and...
"Melon Tits, what'cha doing here? Uh... damn." Ranma cursed his mouth and the foot in it. He knew very well that Akane hated to be called that name, and the last thing he needed now was to make her uncooperative. After all, she was probably the only one who knew where Belldandy was.
Two stories above his head, said fiancée was writhing in a three-person... err, three-participant daisy-chain. She happily sucked the dog sperm out of Nabiki's pussy, while Nabiki burrowed her muzzle in Skuld's dog cunt and Skuld did the same for Bell. They were just passing time until the dogs' amazing stamina allowed them to recover and start round two. Or was it round three?
"I'm sorry, Akane!" Ranma hastily said (strangely he had much less qualms about apologizing to a girl he wasn't in love with). "That just slipped out. I didn't mean to call you-"
"Melon Tits?" Akane asked. "But I want you to call me that! My tits are as big and round and firm as melons, perhaps even more - everyone who sees me should think 'Boy, those are real melon tits'. I also have a big, swollen twat, but my tits are the most important thing about me, and my name should reflect that. If people call me Melon Tits, it sounds like I'm not a person, but just a big pair of boobs on legs. That thought makes me so wet! Please, Ranma... never call me anything but 'Melon Tits' ever again."
Ranma blinked. Normally he'd have presumed that Akane was being sarcastic - but she sounded completely earnest, and the way she was made up and dressed also fit the strange new attitude.
That was when he finally noticed the way Akane and especially Kasumi looked. Both were looking like cheap whores and didn't seem the least self-conscious about their state of dress - or state of undress. He did a double take at the older of the Tendo sisters. Kasumi - the best fighter he'd ever met, who wasn't over a hundred years old - was in a completely open and unguarded stance, as if she had forgotten everything about the martial arts she ever learned. And when had she bleached her hair this absolutely slutty shade of blonde?
"Kasumi," he said, "what's up with you?"
"Tee hee, 'up'!" giggled the bimbo. "Like, I like it when things are up. Can I help you, like, get it up for me?" She rubbed and squeezed her breasts enticingly.
Ranma was not the most experienced boy under the sun, but he had heard enough locker-room talk to know what that meant. "Ohh-kay... This is officially weird. Are you two trying to play a trick on me?"
The girls shook their heads. "No," said Akane, while Kasumi kept shaking her head, apparently liking the dizzy feeling it gave her. "We're not playing tricks. Turning tricks, yeah. We're good whores for Mistress Mara now. If you got a few yen on you, we'll show you what we're good for. I'll let you squeeze my titties as a freebie."
"What?!" exclaimed Ranma, taking a few seconds to tear his eyes from the mountainous boobs that Akane jiggled at him. "That tears it! I know something's crooked here. Where are Belldandy and Nabiki? And where's this 'Mistress Mara'? I'll get to the bottom of this, right now!"
"Yes, I believe you will," said a silky voice from behind him. "The very bottom. But you don't want to disturb my pets, right now - they're having so much fun, playing with their new friends."
Ranma whirled and saw this evil-looking chick standing in the doorway behind him, holding a weird, Flash-Gordon-looking ray gun pointed at him. He was still calculating the best way to evade, when the chick said, "I think you'd enjoy playing some games, too."
There was a rainbow-coloured flash. Then nothing.
"What did you do to him, Mistress?" asked Kasumi, catching up to current events. "Wasn't he going to fuck us, or something? I wanted to fuck him."
"No, dear," said Mara, "He was going to stop you from fucking."
"Oh poo!" said Kasumi. "I don't want that! Fucking's all I'm good for."
"How true," Mara said with a smirk.
"So, what did you do to him?" asked Akane.
"I digitized him. He has been transferred to a different plane of reality that I call the GameWorld. He is now trapped inside the landscape of one of the games in my arcade. Almost all the figures you see on the screens are digitized people, forced to go through the games, as the players direct."
"Wow!" said Akane. "That's so cool! Imagine going through all ten levels of Street Fucker IV for real." She paused. "Kind of a pity about Ranma, though. He's a total stud as a boy, and with some cold water he turns into a gorgeous babe."
Mara raised a brow. "A Jusenkyou curse? I have just the game for that..." With a quick manipulation of Game Space Ranma's digitized body was transferred to stage one of _WaterSports_. He would have to navigate an unending labyrinth of tricks and traps of a sexual nature, many of which included hot or cold water. Constantly having to avoid rape and having to win sexual challenges, his way though the labyrinth would be guided by the player's choices, and only by completing all levels of the game he would be able to escape back to reality. Nobody had ever managed this feat before.
Fri Feb 22 16:09:26 2002