Akane, the newly pink-haired Belldandy and their new pet Skuld arrived at the Tendo Dojo some time later. Belldandy immediately went to the phone, while Akane was stopped by Nabiki.
"What's going on?" Asked Nabiki, her tail twitching nervously. "Why did Bell get her hair died, and what is that" She pointed at Skuld, who was crawling around the living room.
Skuld noticed the attention and barked in a friendly way that nevertheless made Nabiki flinch.
"Or should I say 'who'?" asked Nabiki, noting Skuld's near-human build and features. "Is this another victim of the computer?" She vividly remembered the time she herself spent crawling and meowing.
"Err, sort of," said Akane. She sat down and rested her huge tits on the table. "She used to be Belldandy's sister, but when Bell became mortal, a demoness called Mara kidnapped her and transformed Skuld into her pet bitch. So it's indirectly a result of that computer."
"Aww, you poor girl," said Nabiki. Her empathy as a fellow victim overcame her instinctive wariness of the dog girl, and she knelt down beside Skuld to give her a comforting hug.
Skuld was always happy to let random strangers touch or fondle her. She licked Nabiki's face with her long, slobbery tongue. Then, thinking Nabiki wanted her for the same reason as Mara, she squirmed out of Nabiki's grip and started licking down her body.
Nabiki's body was covered in soft, silky fur, which was quite warm in its own right, so the cat girl had given up on wearing clothes, unless absolutely necessary. They only made her overheat, which gave her the instinctive urge to lick herself, since cats do not sweat. The only other way to cool down would be a cold shower, which is no fun for a cat.
Therefore Nabiki's six rounded breasts and rosy nipples were freely available for Skuld to lick. Nabiki gasped and involuntarily arched her back, when the bitch ran her tongue down her front and not coincidentally all over her nipples. When Skuld tried to bury her face in Nabiki's crotch, Nabiki just barely managed to grab the doggie by the head, before the long tongue invaded her pussy.
Nabiki had to hold her forcibly back for a few moments. The doggie (ex-)goddess was confused. Wasn't she supposed to lick another girl's cunnie to show she was friendly? It was always so difficult and confusing, trying to figure out what people wanted of her. Most of the world was simply too complicated for her little doggie brain. She whined and looked up at Nabiki pleadingly. What was she supposed to do?
Nabiki petted Skuld's head soothingly, until the dog girl quited down. Then Nabiki made her sit and hugged her once again, this time making sure Skuld wouldn't try to assault her sexually. "Poor, poor girl. You really had a number don on you, haven't you? I know what it's like to be a sex toy... Well, at least you seem to like it, rather than being tortured by it, so that's a plus."
Skuld panted happily. She understood now. The furry girl wanted to cuddle with Skuld first. Soon she would let Skuld lick her pussy properly.
Meanwhile Belldandy dialled a long number into the phone and waited for a connection. After a few seconds there was a click, then a melodious voice answered.
"Yggdrasil help line. How can we be of assistance?"
Belldandy sighed in relief. "There has been an incident with one of the 'MasterPC' programs," she reported. "One operative was caught in a reality tangle and disconnected from the system, another fell victim to an opportunity attack by a demoness. Several life lines have diverged from the correct path."
"I see," said the voice at the other end seriously. "I'll connect you to- Ack!"
Suddenly there was a loud buzzing noise on the line, which shocked Belldandy. The lines to heaven were always clear. What was going on?
A few seconds later the voice at the other end came back - but it was different somehow. More breathy, perhaps a little higher pitched, and with a giggle in it. "Sorree. What can I do for you to make you happy again? Do you want big titties? I got big titties, and they're so nice! You'll like them, too."
A shaft of light suddenly appeared around Belldandy, despite the fact that she was indoors. She felt the powers of heaven take hold of her body, then felt a sudden pressure in her chest. Before her eyes, her breasts started growing. Slowly they swelled, while she was unable to do anything but watch, as they approached Akane's gigantic proportions. When it stopped and she was released by the light, she was only a little smaller than her mortal sister - although on Akane's smaller frame, those melons looked even more enormous.
"No, listen," Belldandy said frantically into the receiver. "That's not what I-"
"Oooh, I know! You're not happy - but I can make you all happy all of the time, just like me, tee hee!"
Belldandy quickly slammed down the receiver and fled, before she could be hit by whatever else the goddess on the other end of the line sent down. Something had gone very, very wrong. But what?
Meanwhile, a terrible contagion swept through heaven. One by one, every goddess connected to Yggdrasil was turned into a big-titted, giggly bimbo, obsessed with making other women into bimbos as well. A few escaped that fate by disconnecting from Yggdrasil voluntarily, but many of those now powerless goddesses soon fell victim to their infected sisters, before they could flee.
Sat Feb 23 00:56:30 2002