Ranma woke up purring. She stretched and ran her hands all over her curvy body, before opening her eyes. "Mmmmm... Master fuck Ranma so good..."
Ranma's eyes shot open fully, and her hands flew to her mouth. "What- what happen to Ranma speaking? Why she say 'Master' to R- R- M- Master?" She gasped at her inability to form proper grammar or call Ryoga by his name. She knew that the sentences she tried to form came out wrong, but she couldn't even think of the right words in her own head. Her language skills had been reduced to broken, bimbo-like speech. Long words, declination, conjugation and most gallingly the first person singular escaped her.
Ranma stood up and put her fist on her hips angrily. "Master!" she said to Ryoga, accusingly. "Master make Ranma like this! Master bad tamer! Master no know is cruelty, pinning down Pokewoman but no fuck her? Ranma get so horny, she almost lose mind. Ranma... so... horny..." One of her hands had unconsciously strayed to her swollen, naked sex, fingering and penetrating it. She finally noticed the show she was putting on for her master, while she tried to bawl him out, and angrily stopped herself. "Why Master do this to Ranma? Ranma no like talk like this. She sound like stupid bimbo, and-"
"Oh, shut up!" Ryoga finally shouted.
He was almost as astonished as Ranma, when she immediately stopped talking. She looked as if she wanted to continue ranting - but somehow she didn't. A grin slowly spread over Ryoga's face.
"Heheheh... Looks like your speech is not the only thing that changed, little Tigress. Heel!"
Ranma immediately bounded over to Ryoga and crouched cat-like at his feet. The look of astonishment and fear on her face, as she looked up at him, would have given Ryoga a hard-on, if he didn't already have one.
"You may speak," he said.
"Ra-Ranma obey Master," said Ranma. "She no can help herself. Master c-command and Ranma obey."
The way that Ranma said the word "obey" with a mixture of fear and arousal thrilled Ryoga. There was no doubt that this was his old rival Ranma - but trapped within the restrictions of a bonded, tamed Pokewoman. She would helplessly obey her owner, no matter how much her mind told he not to - and her obedience and subservience was directly linked to her arousal.
Ryoga patted Ranma's head in a condescending manner. "Yes. I'm your owner, and like every good little Pokewoman you obey your master, isn't that right? Tell me what you are."
Ranma stared up at the boy of whom she had made fun, just a few hours ago, and who now had complete control of her. She could feel her arousal rise at the thought of being so completely subjugated by this big, strong man, whom she had once thought her inferior. Crouched submissively at his feet, she felt herself get wet.
"Ranma tigress," she began. "She Master's Pokewoman. Master's p-pet! Grr, grr. Tigrress horny. Rranma obedient Tigress. Tigrresss! She Master's obedient horny pet, grr, and- and Ranma g- Ranma good kitty!! Miaow! Nya, Tigress! Tiiiigrreeeeesss!"
Ryoga smirked as his once so proud rival mewled and squirmed with arousal at her self-humiliation before him. "Yes, Ranma, you're a good kitty." he said. "And a good kitty gets a reward."
Ranma involuntarily squealed with delight, when she saw him loosen the drawstring of his pants. Immediately she assumed her mating position on all fours, with her butt in the air and her tail held high. Her legs were treading the ground subconsciously, thus making her posterior sway and her pussy lips wink.
Ryoga buried himself in her with one stroke, making the tigress meow with pleasure and pain. It was getting easier and easier to hold out - surely he would be able to last as long as a normal man in no time, if he kept training with Ranma!
Unfortunately, "in no time" also described the current extent of his staying power. Ranma's reduction to his current state had simply aroused Ryoga too much.
Of course, Ranma didn't mind. Getting fucked by her master and receiving his seed was the highest pleasure for a bonded, tamed and owned Pokewoman - and like it or not, that's what Ranma now was. Her mind shouted that this wasn't what she had planned; that she had chosen Ryoga because, with a shy, gullible boy like him, she could have been a Pokewoman on her terms. That chance was now forever gone, as the powerful orgasms racing through her body proved. For the rest of her life she would be a Pokewoman purely on her master's terms - whoever it would be.
Ryoga pulled out of Ranma and was amused by the spectacle of the boy-become-tigress bending down and licking herself clean. The expression of futile horror on Ranma's face, as she realized what her body was making her do, was priceless.
When Ranma was finally able to lift her sperm-smeared face from her engorged lips, Ryoga explained his plans to her.
Mon Feb 11 22:37:05 2002