"Mmm... Good job," Ash replied contentedly, "I guess what they say about ponytails being a hot ride are true after all."
The pokewomon in question blushed and merely kneeled there, unsure if he wished her to speak or not. Seeing that she wasn't going to respond, he chuckled and spoke, "So, what shall I call you? Hmmm..."
"M-my name w-was R-ranma Master," she responded softly, her face still flushed as she waited there, still greatly aroused at her condition.
"Hmmm...?" he responded curiously, "Oh, I should've known you weren't ferally raised so you would have a name..."
"I-if you don't like it Master, you can change it..." she responded quickly.
"Heh, well, it doesn't really fit you anymore does it?" he responded with a chuckle, "Definately not a 'wild horse' anymore..."
She kept her head down, mentally agreeing with his words, she was most definately not Ranma anymore, in fact her former life felt more like a dream than anything else, a nightmare in a way. Looking back on it now, she realized that she had never really been happy back then, her life just one hardship after another, but now, now she was finally enjoying her life.
"Hmm... Well, for now, we'll call you..." he responded then thought for a time, "Firedancer... Until I think of a better name."
"Yes Master," she responded with a soft smile, now feeling like she was finally free of the past.
"Now, be a good fire pokewomon and get over here and help your master keep warm," he smirked as he leaned back.
Giggling softly, she quickly quickly slipped over to him and nuzzled against his chest, her pig tail falling against his skin as she laid her body agaisnt his. His hand wrapped around her waist possessively, holding her close as she let off a contented sigh.
Sun Feb 3 19:31:50 2002