PW R1/2: Leashed and belted

Unending BE - episode 201500

Ryouga couldn't help but laugh at the mindless animal Ranma had become. The tigress was mewling and purring in a pitiful, needy manner, her blue eyes shining with need as she rubbing her body hard against his. It wasn't until she started to nuzzle aggressively at his neck that he took action, shaking his head as he sternly reprimanded her, "Bad Tigress! Bad girl, get down now!"

Reacting more on his tone then the actual words, the pokewomon cringed back, slinking off of him and curling into a ball at his feet, her eyes wide and wild, filled with a worried uncertainty. Her tail lashed about as she carefully watched him from her position, her mind caught in a loop of primal urges unable to fully comprehend just what she had done to make her master act so. All she knew as that she needed him and needed him badly. With an almost absent though, one of her hands snaked down between her legs as she began to eagerly rub at her sex.

A frown creased his face as he caught sight of her hand's actions, his own, rough and calloused, wrapped about the smaller girl's wrist and yanked it away from her sex as he gave her rump a hard smack, "NO! Bad Tigress!"

"Reow!" was her only response, a pitiful cry as her other hand quickly moved to continue its fellow's work, ignoring the stinging pain from the spank.

"I said NO!" Hibiki growled as he gave her ass another swat then shoved her forward, forcing her body to spread out as she found her face pushed into the ground.

A pitiful mewl was his only response as the Tigress that had once been Ranma began to cry, the tears streaming down her face as she arched her ass up as much as she could, trying to present her glistening lips to her owner. A strong hand pressed down into the fur of her lower back, the calloused palm of Ryouga's hand positioned just above the vertebrae as her legs rubbed suggestively against his. Still, he ignored the aching entrance to the pokewomon's entrance, another idea locked in his mind and he didn't want to find himself dissauded from his revenge on the formerly cocky ass that had tormented him for so long.

The tigress suddenly felt something press agaisnt her sex, and for a moment, she let out a yowl of triumph at the sensation, only to have it degrade into a whimper as the sensation of the cool metal breached her mind. She struggled to turn her head, and manage it well enough to allow her wide blue eyes to behold Ryouga pressing a strange piece of metal agianst her sex and around her waist. Though she no longer recognize the item itself, a part of her mind warned her that it would be VERY bad if he managed to get it attached to her, and urged to her to struggle, to fight to escape its hold. Yet, there was another part of her mind that fought back against it, the primal instinct crafted by the Tigress' nature that balked against the thought of rebelling against her tamer, it simply wasn't done. The conflict of instinct was such that Ranma's body only managed a few week struggles as Ryouga locked the poke-chastity belt in place, sealing her sex away from the world.

"Mrr...?" the girl whimpered as she stared up at him eyes wide in what could pass for disbelief as she felt her arms finally released.

"Heh, there half done..." Ryouga grinned darkly, "And soon... I'll have my final revenge on you Ranma..."

"Nya...?" the Tigress responded warilly before rolling over onto ther back and rubbing her paw down at the metal plate now covering her crotch, a distressed look passing over her face as she realized that it prevented her from pleasuring herself, "Reow!"

"Now then lets see..." reaching into his pack, Ryouga pulled out a cold metal collar with a good length of chain running from it, "Glad I kept gramps training gear with me afterall..."

Too distracted by her attempts to pleasure herself without sucess, Ranma failed to feel noticed the collar being placed about her neck until she heard the definate metal click and the cool metal against her fur. As he looked down at her, he decided...

  1. To lead her to town and show her off
  2. *he needed to deal with the spies in the bush!
  3. *to sit back and watch his new little pet play
  4. Something else
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Eternal Heart

Thu Jul 25 21:36:42 2002