Ranma woke with a smile on her lips, and a pain in between her legs. The smile lasted for all of five seconds, which was the length of time it took for Ranma to remember why her pussy hurt so much.
"No! I couldn't have, no way in hell!" she said in dread. Almost afraid to look, Ranma twisted her head, and took in the sight of a small tent that was sharing the clearing with her. The occupant had left a lantern going, turned down dim. No doubt to facilitate night time needs. It served very nicely to silhouette the sleeping form inside the tent against the canvas walls. Ranma shuddered as she took in the large object projecting upward from the middle of the sleeping figure.
"No way," she said faintly, her voice slurred by the fingers she was currently sucking on. Ranma paused, and pulled her digits free of her mouth. She stared at them in horror, and at the mixture of sperm and other juices that still coated the sections she had not yet cleaned.
She blinked. She blinked again.
"Arrrrgggggggg!" she screamed in rage. "I'm going to kill the bastard!" Ranma started to stomp toward the small tent, which caused her large breasts to bounce and jar. The motion caused painful sensations as her bruised flesh complained at the treatment. Ranma brought her small hands up and cradled the aching tits gently. "Bastard," she swore. "He didn't have to squeeze so hard."
As Ranma handled her breasts, the aching eased and was replaced by a pleasurable sensation. Her large nipples swelled, and grew hard. Ranma's mouth went moist, and her eyes returned to the silhouetted figure inside the tent. A driblet of drool rolled out from between her parted lips as she stared at Ryouga's not so little soldier.
Ranma gave her head a vigorous shake. "No! Not again. Maybe I gave in once, but I'm back in control. I'm a guy, I'm not going to let some asshole tame me again. Especially not that asshole Ryouga."
With an effort, Ranma jerked her head away from the tent, and she stomped off into the bush. Of course, Tigresses can't really stomp. So her departure was more of a sensual stalk. If Ryouga had been awake, the sight of her retreating backside as it shimmed and swayed would have been enough to put him back out.
Ryouga awoke with a yawn, and a mighty stretching of his arms as he roused to greet a new day. A slight soreness between his legs caused him to look down, and a smile appeared on his face as he took in the sight of his red and swollen cock. Once the sight, which had greeted him every morning of his adult life would have filled him with despair, but not now. He had managed to tame a pokegirl And if he did say so himself, he'd done a hell of a job of it. Which reminded him.
Ryouga stuck his head outside his tent, and looked over at where he had left Ranma sleeping the morning before. His expression fell as he took in her absence. He rushed from the tent, and look around wildly. A slight sense of relief filled him as he saw his backpack. At least he was in the same clearing he'd gone to sleep in. So it hadn't been him that had wondered away. Maybe Ranma had just wondered off to see to the necessaries.
"Looking for me you bastard," an angry voice growled from behind Ryouga. He twisted his head, and gaped as he took in Ranma standing there dressed in a red shirt and black pants. The clothing fit her like socks on a rooster, except for around the chest. There the fabric was strained against its buttons, and Ranma's impressive cleavage could be seen between the fasteners. Ryouga felt a pulsing in his groin, and had to clamp down hard to keep from embarrassing himself.
Damn it, he thought to himself. You tamed her yesterday, why are you getting so worked up about a glimpse of her tits?
"Prepare to die, Hibiki," Ranma screamed, driving all thoughts of taming out his head as she leaped through the air at him.
"What?" Ryouga exclaimed in shock stumbling out of the path of Ranma's attack. "What are you doing? I tamed you yesterday. You can't attack me!"
"The hell I can't you bastard. I'll make you pay for taking advantage of me."
"Me!? You're the one who threatened to tear it off if I didn't use it."
"That wasn't me. That was my pokegirl side going feral. I had no control over my actions. And you knew it you creep. Well, I'll make sure you never take advantage of another poor innocent little girl."
As Ryouga gaped incredulously at Ranma, the red Tigress cupped the fingers in her hands together, and crossed her arms over her substantial chest. "Saotome final attack, Razor Claws," she screamed, whipping her arms out and toward Ryouga.
Instinct alone saved Ryouga as he dove for the ground. A few of the hairs from his head fluttered to the ground along side his head as Ranma's attacked raced by just above him, mute testimony to how close he'd come to his maker. He glared angrily at Ranma . . . who was smirking at him? What was she so happy about?
A creaking noise behind him drew his attention, and he whipped his head about to see a massive oak tree slowly tipping over, directly at him!!!!!
Fri Feb 15 16:25:11 2002