The touch of her hand, the feel of her hard nipples digging into his back, the smell of her ready sex, and most of all the fear, oh yes, the sharp, ball-tightening fear of Ranma and her delicate little hand with the five sharp little claws digging into his precious member were too much for poor Ryoga. With a sharp bark of fear induced arousal, Ryoga's mighty oak bucked in Ranma's hand, wasting its precious load upon the ground before them. Eyes rolling into the back of his head, the eternally hard boy toppled backwards, passing out from the strength of his climax.
"Noooo!" Ranma half-moaned, half cried out as she watched her prize be wasted on the ground before her eyes. Scrambling around from her perch on Ryoga's back as he fell, she landed on his chest when he hit the ground, her eyes still fixed on Ryoga's spurting cock. She desperately tried to snatch some of his cum from the air before it hit the ground, but only succeeded in coating a few fingers in it. Eagerly she pulled her hand in toward her face, her little pink tongue already darting from her lips, ready to taste the precious morsels.
And stopped.
And stared at her hand, wondering what she was doing.
A part of her, her old self, questioned what she was doing, wondering how she had come to the point where she was sitting on a boy's chest, milking the boy's manhood for his sperm, all so she could *eat* it, of all things. She *never* desired this sort of thing when she was a boy. But now...
It was the smell that finally got her. Her pert little nose was several times as good as her old human one and she marvelled at the depth and richness of the arouma coming from the milky substance that now coated her one hand. It was a smell that went straight through her and between her legs, making her sex twitch in anticipation each time she inhaled. It was a smell that made her breathing speed up, her bountiful breasts swell with pleasure, and her blood heat up. She wanted this, oh, she wanted it bad. Tentatively, almost afraid that the spell over her would be broken, she brought her hand to her mouth once again, this time letting the tip of her tongue lightly dip into the mess dripping from her fingers, a cautious venture into a new realm of taste.
As Ranma delicately licked the sticky semen from her hand, she was hit by the powerful effects of the taste. It was wonderful! Nothing before had ever affected her to this degree. Her eyes closed in rapture and her thighs clenched together, spurting her cuntful of juices onto Ryoga's chest beneath her. A mini-orgasm ripped through her as Ryoga's pheremones, Sukebe's programmed response locked away in her Pokewoman genes, and her own incredibly aroused body combined to give her the greatest taste sensation of her lifetime!
Hungrily, Ranma lunged forward at Ryoga's still erect cock, licking and sucking the end of it as she sought more of the delicious substance it had yielded earlier. Her tail lashed back and forth in her excitement as she attempted to devour her prey. She stroked Ryoga's cock with both hands as her mouth closed over the end of it. Her enlarged canines scraped over the head of Ryoga's cock, and only Ryoga's rock-like endurance saved him from having nasty bite marks left behind.
Slowly, the suction on his mighty manhood brought Ryoga back to consiousness. At first writhing in pleasure as the horny tigress went down on him, Ryoga gradually became aware of what exactly was going on. Snapping his eyes open as his thoughts cleared and his dick signaled it was being tongue washed by an expert with small hands, a tight mouth, and a sandpaper like tongue, Ryoga was greeted by a sight that could make a dead man hard!
Crouched over Ryoga to get to his spewing dick, Ranma had straddled his chest. Now Ryoga found himself looking up into her gaping, gushing pussy from barely a foot away. Ranma's little tight butt wiggled back and forth as she moaned and groaned over Ryoga's tasty cock. Her pussy hung down beneath that tight butt, bare to the world, lacking the hair that covered most of the rest of her tigress body. Her hungry sex had blossomed open like a flower, leaving Ryoga a clear view deep inside her tight, wet passage. Even as he watched, paralysed with shock and arousal, a bit of Ranma's juices dripped off her pussy, landing on his bare chest beneath her.
The blatant, sexual arousal staring Ryoga in the face was too much for the eternally hard boy and his body bucked and his cock spewed its load into Ranma's eagerly waiting mouth! Ryoga passed out once again as Ranma sucked down on his still-hard manhood, greedily lapping up all of his delicious cum. Ranma felt like she couldn't get enough of the stuff, and a tiny part of her questioned herself about why it was so damn addictive.
Nevertheless, the time came when she had lapped up all that was left of Ryoga's latest load and she set back on Ryoga's chest, toying with his cock as she considered her next move. The cum had satisfied some unnamed need in her that she hadn't even relized was there until she had gotten her first taste, but she was still incredibly horny! She ground her sloppy cunt against Ryoga's hard chest while she tried to think.
What she wanted to do was mount Ryoga's still hard cock and tame herself good and hard. But out in the woods in the middle of nowhere wasn't neccessarily the best place to do that. Who knew when a feral pokewoman might stumble across them and interrupt them? Ranma had no plans to share Ryoga with some strange pokewoman until she had gotten tamed first. Ryoga's pack was on the other side of the clearing they were in, near the lake, while her pack was off in the woods in the underbrush surrounding the clearing. She had left it there when she jumped to ambush Ryoga. She could grab both their packs and the still unconsious Ryoga and carry them all to town to some Pokecenter or other, where they could have a nice long, uninterrupted taming session.
Then again, maybe she *should* capture a few other pokewoman first, before Ryoga regained consiousness. It'd do good to prove to Ryoga that she could be a good alpha, and it'd be easier to do it now, while he was unconsious and unlikely to wander off then later when he could get lost and seperated from her at any time.
With a feral grin, Ranma decided to...
Fri Jan 18 21:00:50 2002