Gaping Ranma took in the beautiful woman. He couldn't help but appreciate what Taro had become, in fact, the girl before him looked demure, nice, sexy and beautifull all at the same time and he found it difficutl to connect the image before him to Taro in any way. Still dumbfounded at Taro's change, he didn't think it alaraming when the new Bishoujo Bride got up and aproached him, suddenly glomping him in an affectionate hug.
On some intellectual level, Ranma decided that Taro must have lost it or maybe the Bishoujo Bride water had an effect on the mind as well. Whatever the reason, Taro-chan was hugging him close, pressing her soft breast against him and nestling her face into his torso. Somehow Ranma couldn't bring himself to push the girl away, even worse, he lost his grip on the bucket he was still holding high above him, splashing them both with the remaining water.
Taro-chan, didn't seem to notice or mind that she was suddenly smugling into two very soft breast instead of a man's torso, still horny from being "pleasured" by her own tentacles earlier, she began to kiss the insides of Ranmas breasts. Bishoujo-Bride-Ranma-chan on the other hand was in a state of confusion. Getting rid of her, no HIS, enemies, Fighting alonside the senshi,Ryoga, the hunk?!, in her bathroom, Haruka in her (or was it his ?) parents room, ... She was thinking about these things which had been occupying her mind earlier, only to discover that they suddendly didn't hold much meaning for her anymore. Lowering her gaze she glazed at Taro-chan slowly kissing his way across her breasts, thereby locating the source of the pleasurable emotings she was experiencing. Why hadn't she ever before noticed how nice her own breasts were, how perfect for breastfeeding her future children. She shuddered, where had that though come from ? She wanted to be afraid, but in her shock had to discover that she shuddered in happy anticipation. Being a good wife to her Taro-chan suddenly seemed a very fullfilling goal in life. Almost instinctivly she pulled Taro-chan closer to her breasts, reveling in the senstions as said girl begann to caress her back and sides with her hands.
She wasn't sure what had happened to her, but she also didn't feel the need to ponder it further, right now she was concerned with the way Taro-chan was pleasing her and she felt bad for not yet having retunred the favour. She knew, that this was very much unlike her and therefore having little experience in these matterers she was unsure of herself, angstly even. But nonesense, she wasn't afraid of anything and it would be very impolite of her to refsue herself to her huswife. Taking heart she pulled herself and Taro to a kneeling position. Still embracing the other girl, she kissed her nose and then her lips. To her delight, Taro-chan responded by kissing her on the mouth, slipping her tongue into her mouth. The playful contact of their tongues sent shivers of joy throughout Ranma-chans body. They continued to french-kiss while snuggling their bodies against each other, slowly "loosing" their clothing on the way. piece by piece. By the time they were naked, they were already very wet, either from their own bodily fluids or from covering each other in salvia.
Flushed with desire, they broke their latest kiss and looked into each others eyes. On some subconcious level they still recogniced each other as Ranma and Taro but the didn't care. In front of them was the girl they loved, the girl they wanted to be the perfect wife for. (the didn't care for or realize the contradiction either). "I'm all yours", they suddenly proclaimed in unision, and then had to giggle at themselves. Sharing one more deep kiss, they moved on to statisfy their deeper needs, shifting into a 69 position in order to do so. Carefully Ranma-chan took an experimental lick of Taro-chan wett cunt. Taro-chan already crazy with lust couldn't help but shudder and moan at the contact which was all the encouragement Ranma-chan needed to further pleasure her Taro-chan. She, in turn, eager to please Ranma, begann to happily lap at Ranma's dripping twat. Ranma was in heaven, never before had she experienced the kind of feelings she was getting now, overcome with lust, she begann to moan uncontrolably, pushing her slit closer to Taro-chans head and renewing her own attentions on her bride. Taro-chan really must love her so much, to give her so much pleasure, she was so happy. This was how life should be, she couldn't understand how she could have ever thought differently and vowed to forever devote herself to her huswife's wellbeing, just before she lost all control as all her muscles contracted and she was hit with a powerful orgasm. In all this however, as any good bride, she hadn't forgotten to give as much as she recieved, so Taro-chan, feeling Ranma-chan violently rock above her, soon followed.
Calming her heavy panting, Ranma affectionately kissed one of Taro-chans inner tights before turning to face the other girl. "I....", Taro-chan begann, she was emberrased, and her huswife looking at her so intesily didn't help much but she really wanted to say this from the bottom of her heart. "I really love you, so much". Ranma-chan looked at her and was shocked to find a tear run down her cheak. Never before had she felt the love and affection she was feeling now. Hugging the other girl close, she was quick to respond, "I love you too, I love you soo much"
Thu Aug 21 09:46:06 2003