RanPC: What a Shokushu change!

Unending BE - episode 185895

Ranma skidded to a hault (a remarkable feat considering he was running along the top of a construction site fence) at the sight before him.  Taro was now a beautiful young woman, as expected, but the curses had mixxed.  Well now, Taro had originally fallen into the Spring-of-the-drowned-yeti-riding-a-bull-while-holding-a-crane-and-an-eel then had latter bathed in the (almost as unlikely) spring-of-the-drowned-octopus to gain his tentacles, so perhaps Ranma should have expected the curses to mix again.  However, it seemed that the original curse had been washed away so that only the octopus tentacles remained attached to the beauty that was Taro.

However, it wasn't the mixture of the curses that so surprised Ranma as he arrived at the seem and cause him to nearly fall off the fence.  It was the fact that the tentacles seemed to have a mind of their own!  Oh, Ranma had exploited their tendancy to seek moist, dark places to hide in the past, but their action now was like nothing before (for which Ranma would be eternally grateful when he thought about the posibilities latter).

The tentacles had torn away poor Taro's silk clothes and leather armor and were ravishing the struggling beauty.  She was frantically trying to escape the clutches of her own tentacles as they groped her torso, spread apart her flailing legs and plundered her moist cavern while she screamed and moaned in panic.

Ranma blanched.  While this was happening to that jerk, Taro, it embodied one of Ranma's worst nightmares.  Besides, even if it really was Taro, Ranma's training and inclination were urging him to go to the girl's rescue.  He looked around and decided ....

  1. *that hot water would provide a temporary solution.
  2. that a sharp object would cut up some seafood.
  3. that chains would put a knot in the problem.
  4. that ... nah ... it served Taro right and returned to the computer to fix some else.
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Mon Nov 19 00:53:13 2001