Invincible Overlord - Dark: Positions And Processes (LIME) [Episode 165503]

by Kender

Ukyo Kuonji's life had been something of a different experience than what her peers might have had. Other girls her age were expected to simply go to school, gain educations, and get jobs. If they wanted to settle down with someone and have a family, there was nothing that was going to stop them. As much as the Overlord's rule had changed the way that the lands under his domain were run, there was not an attempt to rip apart anything other than what had to be. So, even if there were secret police watching people's every move, what people could do was open to what they wanted, so long as the normal sorts of laws were not broken.

That wasn't what Ukyo wound up going through.

In her case, her life had changed when an individual by the name of Genma Saotome had come into it. When her father had met that particular man, he had been very interested in getting an association with that person. Of course, he hadn't known exactly who Genma was, but he had known that he could secure his daughter's future to that of the son of this man. Had this been just a little different from the course of the universe, the promise between the two men would have been a betrothal of the two children.

This was a world where Ranma Saotome was the Heir to the Overlord, and no one was simply going to simply marry him off on a whim to the daughter of a chef who sold okonomiyaki off of a cart. However, Genma had promised that there would be a connection, and, for once, he was adamant on that. So, since they couldn't promise the Heir's hand in marriage, another option had to be chosen, and one was found rather quickly.

That was why she was sent to the military academy, as those who had been in charge had found something appealing about the girl. She was strong willed, loyal, intelligent, friendly, and able to do what was needed to accomplish her goals, as well as having the promise of growing into a lovely young woman. Because of all that, she was taken in to the academy, so that she could be trained to her fullest potential. It did not matter if she was going to be a general, a squad commander, or merely a military aide. Whatever role that she could fill would be a good use of resources, and she would be a perfectly indoctrinated soldier.

And if, by some chance, she were to become an excellent candidate to work directly for the Heir as something like his personal aide, or something more... intimate, that would be very pleasing and acceptable to them as well.

What she knew as she listened to the lectures with her perfectly tailored uniform sitting snugly on her shapely body was that the Overlord's people had been supporting her as much as possible, so she had to return the favor. After all, they'd been so nice to her, and she had found that she really like the heir when they'd been allowed to play together as children. He might, or might not, remember her, but she would remember him, and her responsibilities to him.

Having left her son with his new servants, Nodoka was rather buoyed by the successes that were happening. In addition to the two beauties that she'd just delivered to him, he had his personal pet, which was proving to be working just as well as she'd hoped. Things were progressing nicely, and she wanted it to continue on without interruption or interference. She knew that her son was certainly 'manly', but he needed to gain confidence and experience in applying it.

If she could do nothing else for him during this time, she was going to give him that chance.

Since she still had to wait for the delivery of her package from China, she had some time to kill, and went to check up on the other members of the Senshi team. There were plenty of people who knew how to deal with them well, and who were more than competent enough to do the jobs without being watched over, but sometimes she just liked to be there where the 'action' was. That was especially true when they got 'special' guests who could prove to be... interesting subjects to help.

These 'Sailor Senshi' were one such group of individuals, as they each had something rather special about them. Once they were properly processed, they could be put in to new positions that would give them a purpose and direction beyond what they might have ever imagined before. Of course, there were those who would fight it, but they were usually dealt with humanely before something kept them from being able to fight at all. As with others, the Senshi had been stripped of their defences, including weapons, powers, clothing, and even the ability to be alone with their thoughts. It was certainly better than killing them, and it made their futures easier for them.

As she looked in on them, she could already see the two blondes strapped into the machines. Both were pretty girls, with the one called 'Moon' looking rather delicate, and the one called 'Venus' having a nicely curved form. And the two of them were now on their way to happier lives, where they would gain support and cheers from those they would work with.

Seeing that Rei Hino had apparently been gotten to was a pleasant discovery, as she was clearly much more relaxed. It couldn't have been enjoyable to be raging at a perceived loss of hope, but now she would have the soothing experience of being eased into a much calmer and friendlier life. Just what that life would be wasn't something Nodoka didn't know, but she did have to admit that the long legged brunette did look like an appealing choice for her son.

Oddly enough, Saturn hadn't been that easy to 'convince'. When the fragile looking girl had been battered with a sense of isolation, both physical and emotional, she had kept drawing inward until she had simply gone into her own little world. The strange thing was that once they started trying to give her encouragement, acceptance, and caring, she'd been pulled towards them, and she was reacting well to the treatment. No one was certain if she'd had no sense of self worth, but it was clear that the poor little dear needed to be taken and cared for.

Yet, the one that Nodoka stopped to look at was the still form of Setsuna Meiou, the one that was called 'Pluto'. This young woman was quite attractive, and was supposed to be rather intelligent. Whatever she was though, she was certainly proving to be the biggest challenge, what with her ability to withdraw her consciousness, or whatever it was that she was doing. But her trick wasn't going to stop what was happening, as she was slowly, and inexorably being ground down. It was only a matter of time before this beauty was going to be a more productive member of society.

And the daughter of the Overlord was certain that each one of the Senshi would be having good lives and be useful wherever they went, even if they didn't go to her son, as she might like.

Though, she did have to wonder what her son was doing at the moment.

Getting Ami into the bathroom had been hard, but not in actual physical terms. She had gone willingly enough, and had been rather happy do it. But it had been murder on his nerves, as he had to fight against the instinct that told him that it was trouble to bring a girl into such a room.

Now Ranma had to go further on it, and it took him a few moments, along with quite a bit of mental effort to get started. He knew what the next step was, and the only one that could do it was himself, as even she couldn't really take care of it. So, he swallowed hard, and pulled the shirt that he'd put on her off again.

That confused her for a moment, and he'd had to soothe her as he went. She didn't know what was happening, so she held herself rigid, which both helped and hindered him. He did manage it for the most part, except for one hitch when he had to tug hard as it got stuck on her. When he saw that it had been caught on her breasts, and that his pulling it off had made her chest bounce, he knew that he was in for a rough time.

Following up the removal of the shirt by stroking her might not have been the best idea though.

Ami had been fascinated by the cold hard stones that made up the floor of this room, and had been surprised by the loss of the top cover. However, when she realized that it was not due to dislike of any kind, and that he was actually removing it for a reason, she'd wondered what that was. And when his hands had smoothed along her skin, she came to a simple conclusion.

As a result, Ranma had to keep his amorous pet girl from jumping on him in her enthusiasm to mate. "No! No, no, no.... You've got to settle down.

Upon realizing that her boy was being firm on keeping her there, she crouched back down, and blinked at him.

Holding up his hands to tell her to 'wait', Ranma went over and filled up a bucket with water. He made certain that she would recognize what it was and when she tried to play with it, he pulled it back before holding it over her head. Gently, and slowly, he poured it over her, making sure to cover her entire body with the contents.

When he put the bucket back down, he nearly choked as he saw the cool liquid running down, and following each one of, her curves, which wasn't exactly simple to see.

For her part, she made a cooing sound as the icky sweat that had covered her was now rinsed away.

Groaning to himself, Ranma decided that he'd go with what was safe, and started by lathering his hands up with shampoo. Washing her hair was simple enough, and he quickly grabbed it to start cleaning the blue locks.

Of course, the sensation of someone yanking on her hair wasn't a pleasant one for Ami, and she yelped in pain as she instinctively jerked away from the pain.

That immediately told him that he was doing something wrong, and he realized that he was being too rough. "Sorry...."

The tone of voice was recognized more than the actual word, but neither mattered to her as her scalp started to get a wonderful massage from her boy's hands. It felt really good, and she gave off little sighs as she enjoyed the feeling of getting her hair washed.

Still, there was only so much cleaning one could do to the scalp at one time, so he knew that he had to move on. Gathering up some soap on a washcloth, he turned his attention to her body... and wondered if he was going to be sane when he finished. Still, staying with the 'safe stuff' had worked, and he wasn't about to abandon a winning plan so easily. Her back seemed to be a simple enough choice, and he managed to get through it without a terrible amount of trouble, even if it were more... stirring than he'd have thought. Her arms were quite simple, and he was happy to do that.

With his confidence growing, Ranma turned his attention to her face. It took some touching, and some mimicry to get her to understand to close her eyes, but when she did, he only had to get past how innocent and attractive she looked at that moment. But he'd swallowed his need to watch her relaxed features, and slowly cleaned her face off. Then came her legs, and that brought more trouble, as he started to stroke up the shapely limbs... discovering just how pleasant it was to feel up an attractive girl's legs at the same time. They were satin covering the sort of supple muscle that came from regular exercise, and had gentle curves that were rather nice to come across.

He was fairly running to clean up her flat belly after that.

But once he finished with the 'safer' areas, that left the areas that would not avoid being 'intimate'. Working his jaw, he recognized that this wasn't going to be easy for him, and so he reached out blindly with soapy hands. His hands met flesh quickly enough, and by her gasp, he'd been accurate enough. Opening his eyes, he could easily see that he'd grabbed the nicely sized mounds on her chest, and that they were rapidly becoming tipped with stiffened peaks. With every squeeze and brush that he gave her breasts, she gave off a little groan that had absolutely nothing to do with pain or annoyance. The biggest problem that he had with it was that it was entirely too pleasant to do, and he found himself hefting their weight much longer than he had to.

Turning his attention to her buttocks didn't help at all, but then he had basically did that in a panic. Ignoring her little murmur of disappointment, he went to rub soap onto her backside, and did so while still thinking of her breasts and how they felt in his hands. Of course, when he realized that he was now groping a pair of firm buttocks, he gave a little whimper. Right then, he froze up, and licked his dry lips until he realized that he couldn't stay there with his hands on her ass for the rest of his life. He had to move on, and that meant cleaning it all, including in between those cheeks.

To her pleasant surprise, Ami discovered that having some spots stroked elicited a wonderful little shiver in her. Then again, the whole experience was rather pleasing to her, as she was enjoying both aspects of what she was getting. Being bathed was a wonderful experience in, and of, itself, and to have her boy touching her as he was happened to be heaven for her.

Still, there was one more part to clean, and she could feel a need coming from there that she wanted her boy to... handle.

Ranma just stared at what he was to clean next, and knew that he was going to have to touch what he saw between her spread legs, while:

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(Posted Sat, 01 Jul 2006 14:49)

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