Usagi frowned slightly in thought. "Can't we stay and do whatever it is that we have to here?"
"Only if you girls like bearing your bras to anyone who happens to come by."
"ERK?!" went the five teenaged girls.
"Why would we have to do that?!" Rei demanded.
The look that Kumori was simple and full of authority. "Simple. I have to examine each of you."
"You have to?"
"Yes. You see, it's very important that I get down the basics of what's going on with each of you as soon as possible, so that we have a base of information to work with. Simple standard operating procedure for any medical care."
"We could use my computer to scan for anomalies...." her daughter suggested.
"And didn't the woman at the restaurant say that she'd help us with the births?" Makoto commented.
"That may be fine help, but we need to have the examinations done," the doctor told them firmly. "This way, we know what sort of treatment that you'll need from modern medicine, as well as setting up the documentation so that no one will be surprised by this. At least, anyone who reads any reports after this. I sure as hell don't want this to be a gossip piece for the city."
"That's only natural."
"And helpful, since being thorough can help prevent problems in the future, since we can see warning signs in advance."
"Well then, I hope that will go well for ya guys," Ranma said to the teenaged Senshi with complete sincerity.
Doctor Mizuno crossed her arms and didn't look at him. "And where do you think you'll be?"
"Ya said that ya'll be examinin' 'em, so I figured that ya wouldn't want me in the room with 'em?"
"Other than the fact that you've already been rather... familiar with them, and apparently will do so again many times in the future, that is true. It would be bothersome to have too many people involved in one examination."
"But... I never left you out of it."
He could only blink at her. "Huh?"
"You're getting an examination too."
"You fathered the babies of Ami and her friends, which means that I need to be certain that I know what to expect from your part of the parentage, as well as making certain that this... drug didn't adversely affect you." The doctor moved to loom over him in a way that was more 'martial arts sensei' than 'dignified professional'. "There will be no 'letting things go', do you understand?"
A nod and a whimper was his only answer.
This was not how things were supposed to be, and Pluto knew it. Oh, she'd been pleased by the idea that five of the Senshi lines would be continued, as it secured the future even more. It had been fun to see how Haruka and Michiru had been taken out by a schoolgirl, and had been heartwarming to know that Hotaru had friends. Sure, even if things hadn't gone quite how they might have, this wasn't exactly a bad thing in her book.
Seeing the sudden appearance of Sailor Chibi-Pluto was a bit of a doozy, especially with the possibility that Xellos might be the father. Just the chance that number and origins of the Senshi children might be spiralling out of control was not exactly a pleasant thought. After all, if they suddenly got inundated by an endless amount of little Senshi, that would not be at all workable.
It might have been a more workable situation if the father of her daughter was someone who Ranma was familiar with, as there were some rather attractive options in that group, and that bunch was already involved in this situation. To have a Mazoku involved was not only dragging other forces into this complicated situation, it was going to have her sexually intimate with that annoyance, and she didn't want that.
The only thing that she could do was go back to the point where the Dust had first been tossed. She might wind up undoing all the fun that she'd had, but if she could prevent a member of the forces of chaos from fathering her heir, she was going to try it. Honestly, it was a simple thing to do, and she was aware of what activities she would have to go through with it.
No one saw her as she slipped onto the street where the Nekohanten was, and other than a few appreciative looks, she didn't get much more notice as she quickly walked to the restaurant. All she had to do was to get in there before Mousse tossed the 'Dust bomb', and she could easily succeed in this act. A simple trip would do well... like the one that she almost did as she nearly fell over a box as she hurried along.
She made it just in time to get a cloud of Lust Dust flying at her head.
Choking and gagging, she twirled about and tried to make for the door before the Dust took hold of her. If she could do that, then she'd be safe, and she could rework he plans. Unfortunately, the Dust left a haze that she couldn't see through, so she had to stumble along until she could see.
And when her vision cleared, she saw him. There was no chance of fighting the sudden flow of heat to her intimate spaces, as need rocketed through her system. Her desire just wouldn't be held, and she could see only the person who she desperately wanted when she looked into his eyes as the confusion left his expression. They came together in a rush of passion that had them grinding against each other right there where they stood. Their tongues were tangled around each other as they seemed to want to swallow each other in open mouthed kisses, with their arms holding each other hard against them.
It wasn't easy, but she wanted to take him away to have him all to herself, so she forced herself to use the Time Gate to transport them away. She had been aiming for an empty hotel room in the present day, but she wound up sending them into an empty house on a mountain in Hokkaido in the winter of 1693. Not that she cared about details like that, as the main thing for her was to have all that she could have of him, and give him all of herself.
He seemed to agree with that sentiment, as she plopped himself down, and dragged her onto his lap. His hands slid up her shapely thigh, and under her skirt to stroke her supple behind. When she guided one of them to her chest, he didn't argue, as that would mean that he would have to use his mouth for talking. Instead, he ignored any shyness, and promptly began to fondle her firm breasts as she began to rub herself against the hardness that she felt.
Then they fell down flat, and didn't have much reason to get up, as they were too busy getting rid of the clothing that was in the way of getting their hot and sweaty bodies together.
Ryoga Hibiki simply didn't have the time or the available thought processes to stop to have a nosebleed from the contact with the eager and very sexy woman who was currently trying to straddle him.
There was time for clear minds later. Right now, it was time for slaking their lusts, and they were clearly going to be going for a very long time, especially with a boy who had an extremely high endurance and a woman who had been suppressing her libido for a long while being involved. So, neither one of them was really thinking of the consequences.
Instead, they were just getting started with their sexual feast, while:
(Posted Fri, 23 Jun 2006 12:50)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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