Slowly, Ranma walked into the hangar slowly... Not wanting to alert his fiancée of his presence.
Yet, anyway.
The pigtailed troublemaker grinned as he walked into the place with a bit more ease. She was probably still sleeping. So, Ranma made his way to the back, seeing if his fiancée was still in bed. Yesterday had been awesome, and he wanted a repeated performance. After all, he wanted to reward his wife-to be. It had been a long day before for Alex. After cleaning up after their sweet loving, she tried her hand at cook to thank him for the wonderful time...
...And found her efforts failing...
She tried so hard...
Ranma peeked his head into her room. He smiled as he saw her sleeping on her bed. He walked over to her, brushing her face with the back of his hand. “Alex...” He said softly.
The Siberian Weretigress mumbled a little in her sleep but refused to wake up. She instead assumed a fetal position and covered her head with the sheets in an effort to remain asleep.
Ranma grinned. “Aleee~eex...” The pigtailed man said in a musically-inclined tone. He moved his hand to scratch behind her ear.
Even if she was inclined to remain sleeping, the voice of her fiancé was slowly but surely waking her up. Alex scrunched up her face cutely before opening one eyelid a tiny bit. “”
“It’s Ranma...” The pigtailed martial artist grinned. “Meet me in the hangar. I have a surprise for you...” And with that said, off he went, running out of her room.
Alex wanted to return to sleep. She really did. But what they said was true. Too true...
“Curiosity killed the cat...” The feline Lycanthrope mumbled slowly as she sat up and stretched. It was a still yawning and bleary-eyed Siberian Weretigress that entered the hangar. Ranma wasn’t in plain view though. Where the hell did he-
“Psst!” Came a male voice. “Over here.”
Alex blinked her eyes. “Ranma?” What was he up to? Slowly, she followed his voice.
“Allllleeeeee~eeex...” She could hear a voice from the darkest corner.
“What is this about?” A more awake and alert Alex asked, truly curious.
Ranma grinned to himself from his hidden spot. “Oh Alex....”
The werecat reached the dark corner, but found one of the support beams in the way.
Then suddenly, something clasped around her wrist! And then her other one! Her eyes widened. “What the...!?”
Ranma grinned as he was in view, having run out from the corner to do that. “Got ya’...”
Alex blinked in confusion. “Ranma...? What’s up with the handcuffs?”
To that, the pigtailed man just grinned at his fiancée. With soft steps, Ranma walked behind her, looking her over. “You really look beautiful in that lingerie.”
The still somewhat sleepy werecat looked blankly at him. “Well... I DID buy it to give you some eye-candy... But what are you...” Her eyes widened as she caught sight of his grin. “Oh!”
Ranma grinned. He was glad the piece didn’t have shoulder straps. It allowed him to grab the top and pull the form-fitting piece down her body, and those long, luscious striped legs.
Alex pouted as she tried to free herself. “Ranmaaaa...” She whined, wanting to be at least an active player in this.
Ranma grinned as he got the piece down to her ankles, leaving his fiancée completely nude. “Yes, Alex-chan?” He asked teasingly as he kissed her between her shoulder-blades.
The Siberian Weretigress shivered in delight at the kiss. “... Is there any way you can let go of me?” She asked while wondering how come Ranma, a boy that panicked at the sheer view of some cleavage, could be so bold now.
Ranma grinned. “I’ll let you go...” He kissed her between her shoulders again and then said. “After I dominate you, my yum-yum cumkitten fuck-toy,” He said in a voice that spoke highly of affection rather than teasing.
“Fuck-toy, am I?” Alex asked in mock indignation. She knew Ranma didn’t think of her that way, and she rather enjoyed their intimate time together.
Ranma blushed a little. “Well...” He managed to smile. “Maybe not a fuck-toy... More like a life-long mate I’ll go to any lengths to pleasure beyond belief...” He said with a bright smile as he started undressing.
Smiling at the answer, Alex watched attentively... Not that she could do much anyway.
When he was naked, Ranma walked up to behind Alex, rubbing his hands along her butt-cheeks as he placed his member between said striped furry orbs.
Alex purred in anticipation and tried to thrust back to take Ranma in. She pouted when she couldn’t, her cuffed hands not allowing her to.
Ranma grinned. “Sorry, Cumkitten. I’m in control this time...” He said huskily as he brought his hand back and then back down on her ass with a loud...
“Ranma!” Alex protested the treatment. It didn’t hurt, not really, but being so helpless and having him tease her like this...
“Yes, Cumkitten?” Ranma asked as he held up her tail with his left hand, getting a good view of her furry striped posterior.
Alex blushed at Ranma’s close observation. “Can you stop teasing me... Please?”
“Okay... I won’t look so closely anymore...” Ranma answered... He then smirked and brought his right hand down again.
Leaning forward, Ranma whispered, “I’ll just dominate...” He kissed her between the shoulders again.
Alex shuddered as a wave of desire flooded her. She so wanted to get her hand on her fiancé and do so many things to him.
Ranma grinned as he saw her slit begin to glisten. He gave her ass another firm slap.
Alex moaned audibly and struggled to get free, much to no avail. The helplessness, coupled with Ranma’s ministrations, was driving her crazy.
“Do you like this, Alex?” Ranma asked as he nuzzled his face into her back, both his hands on her butt once more, caressing.
“Mmmmm... Yesss...” She whispered as she pushed her but back against his hands.
Grinning, Ranma got on his knees behind Alex and his hands spread her cheeks. He put his mouth to her Siberian Weretigress pussy and began licking up a storm.
“Aaahhhhh! Ranma!” Alex cried as she buckled, not having expected him to dive in so quickly.
Without waiting for her to adjut, Ranma’s mouth cupped over the slick slit of his fiancée. His tongue started squirming about inside her folds as he squeezed and massaged her ass.
Alex for her part couldn’t decide on whether to purr or moan and settled on a combination of both, her hands trying to get free as her knees felt weak.
Ranma grinned as is tongue continued to lick and lick and caress her inner-folds, loving her sweet, sweet taste. His fingers dug into her fleshy posterior as he wanted to get more of her sweet fluids.
The werecat could feel a familiar buildup and welcomed it, needing the release Ranma’s ministrations was driving her to. “Oooh... Ranma...”
Ranma grinned into Alex’s privates as he felt her folds quiver. He brought one hand around to pinch her clit in an effort to get her cumming!
That hit the spot! No sooner had Ranma done that when Alex cried out in pleasure as her love juices drenched his face.
Ranma would’ve grinned, if he weren’t too busy drinking deeply of his fiancée and all her sweet essence that she gave up.
Alex continued to cum for a few moments more before she felt herself relax, her knees nearly giving up under her.
Taking his face from her pussy, Ranma licked his lips. Standing up again, the pigtailed lover smiled at Alex’s back. “You taste great, cumkitten.”
Alex blushed brightly, which enhanced even more the afterglow of her orgasm. “Ranma... Can you let me go now?”
Smirking, Ranma energetically answered, "Nope!”
“Ranma!” Alex whined cutely.
Ranma grinned. “What, Alex?” *WHAP*!
“Aren’t you enjoying this?” *WHAP*!!
Ranma smirked. “Because I think you are...” *WHAP*!!!
Each slap only made Alex’s rear wiggle more enticingly, at least in Ranma’s eyes, causing him to grin widely. “You like that much, huh?”
The woman was by now breathing heavily. “...Yes...”
Ranma grinned. “I got something for you...” The pigtailed lover then walked past Alex, finally getting into her range of view as he went into the dark corner...
...And then came back into view holding a little plastic bag filled with a certain green.
Alex’s eyes were instantly on the bag. “You didn’t...”
Ranma nodded his head at Alex as he poured some Catnip from the bag into his other hand.
The werecat shuffled nervously. She wanted that catnip, it was calling to her...
Ranma smirked. He made a show of bringing his hand down to his hard-on and began stroking himself, rubbing the catnip into his erection.
Alex’s eyes widened. “Again!?” She remembered he did that once before, and she gave him quite the blowjob.
Ranma grinned at her. He then brought his hand back up and started to put more catnip in his hand. He then walked towards Alex, moving behind her. “You want this?”
The Siberian Weretigress licked her lips. “I... Yes...”
Ranma grinned. He then cupped her soaked sex, rubbing the catnip into her pussy.
Alex’s eyes widened. “You just didn’t...” She couldn’t believe it. How was she supposed to get it from there!?!?
Smiling as he continued to rub the catnip into her back, Ranma began emptying some of the contents onto her back, covering her white fur in speckles of green.
Alex blinked in confusion, that right now was overriding her desire. What was he doing?
Ranma grinned. He lifted his hand up from her pussy and brought it to Alex’s face, it was covered in her fluids and little flakes of catnip.
She was a little reluctant at first, but upon getting a good whiff of the stuff she couldn’t help herself. Alex started licking Ranma’s fingers clean.
Smiling at her, Ranma leaned forward, kissing Alex on the back of the neck. Of course in doing so, he pressed his body into her back, rubbing the catnip into his fiancée’s backside.
Alex was too busy purring as she licked Ranma’s hand to notice. She did wonder, though, why Ranma covered her body in catnip. It would be better to lick it off him.
Ranma smiled as his fiancée cleaned his hand so thoroughly. “Good cumkitten,” He praised before plunging his catnip-covered member into her folds, grinding as he was in to the hilt.
Her eyes widening, Alex gasped for breath as she felt the intrusion. “OOoooh...” She wasn’t expecting to penetrate her so suddenly.
“You like this?” Ranma asked as he pulled back before thrusting back on in, his hands squeezing her breasts roughly.
“Ahh! Yes!” Alex panted and struggled to free herself once more.
Pinching her nipples, Ranma began to thrust back and forth harder and faster in Alex’s folds, grinding the catnip more thoroughly into her pussy.
“Hader! Faster!! Please!!!” Alex cried out as she tried her best to thrust back. The smell of the catnip all over her body, mixed with the smell of their sex, was turning her on more than she believed possible.
Pulling on her nipples roughly, Ranma pounded away at Alex’s cunt, plundering her Siberian Weretigress pussy for all its worth.
Alex cried out in pleasure as Ranma pounded into her. She turned her head over her shoulder, her mouth seeking out his for a kiss as he fucked her from behind.
Ranma smiled and leaned forward, kissing Alex on the lips as his hands squeezed her breasts and tugged; his hips still plunging back and forth in her folds.
Alex returned the kiss feverishly, her entire being wanting for him. She could feel her orgasm approaching fast, but she wanted to wait for him to cum with her.
Grinning into the kiss, Ranma could feel Alex’s whole body tensing. Wanting to keep up with her, Ranma kept thrusting harder and harder, trying to get himself off.
The weretigress held herself off, waiting for him. She had to struggle so much it hurt, but it was worth it to have the pleasure of cumming with him.
Ranma thrust a few more times before burying his cock in to the hilt. Moaning loudly, Ranma came and HARD, filling Alex’s womb with his hot, sticky seed.
“RANMA!!!” Alex bellowed as she felt herself explode from the inside, her orgasm rocking her body as she felt his seed burning her.
Ranma groaned as Alex’s pussy felt exquisite around his cock. His hands continued to massage her breasts as he ground his hips into hers. “Oh Alex...”
Alex’s legs gave out from under her, so that Ranma was the only one keeping her standing, and she panted heavily. “That... Was... Intense...” She managed to say between gasps for breath.
Ranma grinned. “Did you like?” He smiled as his hands rubbed her large mammaries.
Alex gave out a tired smile. “I loved it.”
Ranma smiled and went to hugging her from behind. "I'm glad. Love you so much.”
“And I love you,” Alex returned and smiled teasingly. “Can you open the handcuffs now? I need to use the restroom.”
Reaching for the cuffs, Ranma grinned. “Sure.”
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(Posted Wed, 03 May 2006 22:15)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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